Ge Yueyun originally wanted Chen Yao to drink a glass of wine with him, so as to avoid the thoughts of others, but he didn't expect Chen Yao to come to a big one and directly stamp her.

But this is better, and it can make other people completely dead.

Thinking of this, Ge Yueyun responded to Chen Yao very enthusiastically, deliberately delaying time, and drank for a long time before drinking this "cup of wine", and his mouth became even more rosy after drinking.

After drinking, Ge Yueyun walked back to Tan Hongyan embarrassedly, Tan Hongyan's eyes were shining, and she quickly pulled her to gossip.

"Are you with Chen Yao? When did you get together? Where has it come? Did you hit home plate? What does it feel like? "

It's worthy of being a little sister, and the questions asked are more intense than the other, so that Ge Yueyun doesn't know how to answer.

Everyone else's eyes were straight, especially Chai Yingjun, and his eyes could spew fire.

He has had thoughts about Ge Yueyun since junior high school, but he was still young at that time, and even if he had thoughts, he could only hide it, and now he finally got ahead, and met Ge Yueyun again, it was supposed to be him to hold the beauty back, but it turned out to let Chen Yao take the lead!

Sun Shaotao on the side saw Chai Yingjun's ugly face, and persuaded loudly: "It's just a woman, as long as there is money, it's not easy to find a beautiful woman?" "

Beautiful women are easy to find, but beautiful women like Ge Yueyun are not easy to find at all!

Chai Yingjun sneered: "Women like to play and indulge that set, no matter how smart women are, just now she must be coaxed, embarrassed to find me, so I casually found a Chen Yao, thinking of fooling the past, but I didn't expect Chen Yao to be so cheeky and take advantage of the opportunity!"

Sun Shaotao thought for a while and nodded: "Indeed, Chen Yao used to look quite honest, but I didn't expect that he is so ignorant now, it seems that the development is not good, so no emotional intelligence, how can he be mixed up in society?" Hearing

Sun Shaotao say this, Chai Yingjun felt better in his heart, snorted coldly, and said, "After that, when Ge Yueyun regrets it, when she wants to give me a hug again, I have to let her brush her mouth ten times!"

Sun Shaotao nodded, and was about to pour wine for Chai Yingjun, when he suddenly found that the bottle was empty.

So he gave Chai Yingjun a look, then knocked on the table with his fingers, pointed to Xiang Xupeng, who was sitting in the corner, and said, "Xiang Xupeng!" You go to the front desk and order a drink! "

Who doesn't know that Xiang Xupeng and Chen Yao have a good relationship? As soon as Chen Yao entered the door, he sat next to Xiang Xupeng, and the two of them kept chatting with themselves and did not communicate with others, so now Sun Shaotao asked Xiang Xupeng to ask for wine, which is equivalent to finding a place for Chai Yingjun.

Xiang Xupeng doesn't matter, if you want wine, you want wine, it's just a matter of walking two steps, the problem is that the corner where he sits is far from the door, there are people on both sides, and it is not convenient to enter and come out.

He stood up and glanced at Chen Yao beside him, but Chen Yao didn't mean to let him go at all, holding the teacup in his hand, slowly spinning, looking calm.

Chen Yao noticed Xiang Xupeng's eyes and said directly: "Don't go!"

When Xiang Xupeng heard this, he naturally listened to Chen Yao, sat down obediently, glanced at Sun Shaotao, and said, "You change someone to ask for a bar."

Sun Shaotao put down the empty wine bottle with a "bang", and said with a calm face: "Let you go, you will go!" Seeing

this, the others were afraid that Sun Shaotao would be angry, and they also persuaded Xiang Xupeng.

"Xiang Xupeng! There you go! Isn't it just asking for a drink? You are not dumb again, what is this?

"Exactly! Don't read stupidly, let you ask for alcohol is to exercise you! In the future, you will always have to do these things when you enter society!

"The wine we wanted before, isn't it supposed to be for you to ask for wine now?" Hurry up, don't be discouraged! It's rare to have a class reunion! What does it look like to make an unpleasant noise?

Xiang Xupeng looked a little hesitant, but he glanced at Chen Yao and saw that Chen Yao still didn't mean to let go, so he insisted on not saying anything and sat steadily.

At this moment, Chai Yingjun suddenly spoke: "Since Xiang Xupeng is not willing to go, then Chen Yao goes, see that your hands and feet are quite fast, and it is just right to do these errands."

Chen Yao raised his eyebrows, and it was directly two words: "Don't go."

Chai Yingjun felt as if these two words had been slapped hard in his face, and the new hatred was connected to the old hatred that Ge Yueyun had just been robbed, making him angry and slammed the table directly: "Do you think you are quite awesome?" If you want to be really awesome, you tell everyone what you are doing now, so that everyone will follow suit!

Chen Yao smiled and said calmly, "You let me say what I said?" Which green onion do you think you count? "

Chai Yingjun exploded, when did he participate in the class reunion and was not the central role touted? As a result, Chen Yao actually said that he "counted which green onion"?

Xiang Xupeng saw that Chai Yingjun and Sun Shaotao had an expression that they were about to fight with Chen Yao, and hurriedly said in a loud voice

: "I'll go, I'll go..." Chen Yao put the teacup in his hand the table, and said expressionlessly: "Let Chai Yingjun go by himself."

Chai Yingjun smiled and pointed to his nose: "You let me run errands and ask for wine?" In

addition to socializing outside, in the class reunion, he was always the only one who ran errands for him and asked for wine, and it was the first time he was named to ask for wine, if not for Chen Yao's clear look, he would have thought that Chen Yao was crazy or drunk.

Others were also confused by Chen Yao's series of words and deeds, and they lowered their voices and talked about them in private.

"What's going on? Chen Yao can't be a brain problem, right? Can't he see that Chai Yingjun is the best mixer among us? How dare you let Chai Yingjun ask for wine? "

I don't know, these two are on the bar, just now Ge Yueyun didn't go to Chai Yingjun to drink a glass of wine, but instead drank that kind of wine with Chen Yao, Chai Yingjun must be angry to death now, let's stay away, don't be mistaken by Chai Yingjun for a gang with Chen Yao!"

"Ouch, good class reunion, the atmosphere was all ruined by Chen Yao! I also want to toast Chai Yingjun and ask him to teach me how to be a supplier! This Chen Yao, really!

At this moment, a man in a white shirt pushed open the door of the box, and when he saw the person sitting inside, he subconsciously apologized: "Oh, sorry, I went wrong... Hey? Mr. Chen? Why are you here?

Chen Yao turned his head and glanced at the door, and saw that Tang Yezheng was waving at him with an excited face, and said calmly: "It's just to accompany Yueyun to come to the class reunion."

Tang Ye was about to further exchange pleasantries with Chen Yao, when he was suddenly interrupted by Chai Yingjun raising his voice: "Supervisor Tang!" What a coincidence, are you eating here tonight? I

saw Chai Yingjun stand up abruptly, take two quick steps, walk directly to Tangye, bow down, skillfully take out a cigarette from his pocket, hand it to Tangye, and then light the fire.

His actions seemed to be really good, and before Tang Ye could even react, he had more lit cigarettes in his hand.

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