After Chang Yongan went downstairs to leave, Liu Zhong, who was hiding in the stairwell to observe, pulled Guo Mei and Liu Shan out, and said excitedly: "Even your factory director is polite to Huimin and them, it seems that Huimin they are really developed!" Hurry up, you guys hurry up and apologize!

After that, Liu Zhong didn't care whether Guo Mei and Liu Shan wanted to or not, and directly pushed them into Liu Huimin's house.

Ge Yueyun was about to close the door, but was startled by Liu Zhong's family who suddenly rushed in, and couldn't help but say, "You still dare to come!"

Liu Zhong hurriedly waved his hand and explained: "No, no, we are not here to ask for money today, we are here to apologize to my sister and my nephew!"

After that, he rubbed his hands embarrassedly, nodded at Liu Huimin and said with a smile: "Huimin, my brother was wrong before, I shouldn't listen to this woman provoking, so that the relationship between our brothers and sisters is bad, my brother apologizes to you, you forgive my brother!"

Liu Huimin had just experienced the stimulation of the factory leader personally coming to apologize, and now looking at Liu Zhong's 360-degree change, he didn't feel any surprise, and sneered: "Now I know it's wrong?" Dare to be affectionate because I was too polite to you before and didn't beat you up, so you think I'm a bully, right?

Liu Zhong repeatedly said no, seeing Guo Mei pretending to be dead with her head down, he pulled her hard, and said with a calm face: "Hurry up and apologize to me!"

Guo Mei's face was swollen into a pig's head, and she didn't see

Liu Huimin at all, and when she heard this, she could only cover her face and said: "I, I was also wrong..." Seeing that she was speechless after saying this, Liu Huimin snorted and pointed to the place where Qian Xing was standing just now: "Director Qian said more than you said, you must not be so embarrassed when you said bad things about me last night, right?" Hearing

these words, Liu Zhong's face darkened.

Before it was just a guess, now he is completely sure that Guo Mei, this woman, secretly went to have a tryst with Qian Xing last night!

He punched Guo Mei in the back and said angrily: "Speak!" Tell me all the 'good things' you've done! If my sister doesn't forgive you, we won't be able to do it!"

After that, he saw that Liu Shan looked like he was about to shake his fist at him again, his eyes widened, and he kicked Liu Shan directly behind his knee, saying, "You also apologize to me obediently!" Liu

Shan plopped down on the ground, his knees shattered.

He cried and looked at

Guo Mei with some fear: "Mom..." Guo Mei shook, knelt down, no longer had the previous arrogance, and said vigorously: "I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I shouldn't let the bank not lend to you, I shouldn't tell Director Qian to cancel your outstanding employee award, I shouldn't fake an IOU to ask you for money, you forgive me, I won't dare anymore..."

Liu Shan saw Guo Mei like this, Frightened, he hurriedly apologized: "Aunt, I was also wrong, you forgive us..." Liu

Zhong also said with an apologetic face: "Sister, in the future, my brother will no longer listen to them, and will definitely not let them bully you again, by the way, the 100,000 yuan said before that there is no interest, so I brought you the extra

20,000..." Saying that, Liu Zhong took out 20,000 yuan and carefully pushed it in front of Liu Huimin.

Liu Huimin looked at this scene, and her eyes were red.

She is not moved, she is angry!

These people obviously knew that what they were doing was bullying her and was wrong, but they never changed! Now that I see Chen Yao appearing, I know that I am afraid, and I apologize and repent, and I pay back the money, so put this acting on hold!

If she forgave them, she would be sorry for Chen Yao's hard work outside!

Liu Huimin sneered and said directly: "Where are so many wild dogs running!" Get out!

Chen Yao stood up and said condescendingly, "Did you hear my mother's words?" If you don't roll again, don't blame me for doing it!

Liu Zhong was scared by Chen Yao, and did not dare to play tricks at all, and when he heard this, he hurriedly pulled Guo Mei and them to leave, and when he went out, he did not forget to turn back and said: "Sister, my brother is really wrong, tomorrow my brother will bring them over to apologize until you forgive!"

Liu Huimin took a sip at the door, and said angrily: "It's really not ashamed!"

Seeing this, Chen Yao said: "Mom, I always wanted to tell you before, but it was not clear on the phone, so I plan to tell you this time, there is a big boss over there in the magic capital who takes a fancy to our hometown, knowing that I am familiar with that side, let me come forward as an investor, so your factory director will call me 'President Chen', now I am in need of manpower there, it is not interesting for you to continue to stay here, and you will be entangled by uncles and them, it is better to simply follow me to Daxian County!"

Liu Huimin was stunned, and couldn't help muttering: "It turns out that this is the case, too, there must be many rich big bosses over there in the magic capital, my son is so capable, it is normal to be favored..."

Just when Chen Yao thought that Liu Huimin would agree to come down, Liu Huimin shook his head again and said: "I won't go to Daxian, I'm doing a good job here, isn't running over to cause you trouble?" The big boss trusts you, you do things for the big boss, don't think about inserting people in your own family, if this is known, the impact is not good!

Chen Yao said helplessly, "Why is it not bad?" You are so capable, here are all excellent employees who won the annual outstanding employee award, who would gossip in the past? And I won't be able to find reliable manpower for a while, you should go over to help me, help me keep an eye on the point, I can rest assured, after all, I can't stay in Daxian all the time, or I want to return to the magic capital, no one I trust is watching in Daxian, in case the money earned is swept away I don't know!

When Liu Huimin heard him say this, she looked a little hesitant.

She definitely wanted to help her son, but the inherent concept still felt that if she went, her son would be gossiped, and she didn't want Chen Yao to be gossiped, so she still shook her head: "Your mother is an ordinary worker, she doesn't have so much ability to help you manage things, don't turn back and hurt you." "

Mother and son are both stubborn people, and the conversation has reached an impasse.

Seeing this, Ge Yueyun hurriedly said in a loud voice: "Auntie, my uncle and aunt are also working here, I heard that I came over, said that I want to have a meal together at noon, that, I, can I take Chen Yao with me?"

After that, she lowered her head a little shyly.

After all, she and Chen Yao have not yet officially confirmed their relationship, so it is a little too active to say.

But Liu Huimin couldn't help her take the initiative, and nodded hurriedly when she saw this: "Okay, good, you go together, it just so happens that I want to go to my old sisters at noon to discuss, and I will eat out with them at noon, you don't have to worry about me, eat and have fun!"

Chen Yao thought about it, let Liu Huimin find someone to discuss, maybe he was persuaded to go to Daxian with him.

Noon soon arrived, Chen Yao and Ge Yueyun arrived at the agreed restaurant, and as soon as they entered the box, they saw a petite silhouette rushing into Ge Yueyun's arms, and shouted happily: "Cousin!" Long time no see you! "

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