Tang Ye heard that Chen Yao disliked Deputy Director Qian, and did not dare to have a trace of dissatisfaction, and hurriedly explained: "Director Chang went on a business trip recently, and now he should be on the way back, I will ask him later to see if he has arrived in Xuanxian?" But...... How can I introduce you to our factory manager later? "

Is this not to show your identity?

However, Chen Yao didn't want to hide it, he smiled and said, "The news of the establishment of a farm in Daxian next door, you who opened a feed factory, have you heard about it?"

Tang Ye was shocked, holding his mobile phone, and cautiously probed it: "Yes, yes, who doesn't know the newly opened farm in Daxian in the feed factories in the surrounding counties, are all curious which immortal hand built such a large-scale farm, you are..."

Chen Yao said unhurriedly: "Well, that's my factory, in addition, my surname is Chen." When

Tang Ye heard the news, he jumped up directly from the bed and quickly changed his clothes.

The newly opened farm in Daxian County, the director has let him stare for many days, the farm just look at the size of the site, you know that the scale is definitely not small, the amount of feed to be consumed every year is definitely an order that makes all feed mills laugh.

They are inland, and the farm will definitely not do this kind of thing from outside, because the cost is too high and not cost-effective, so sooner or later they have to start with the feed mills in the surrounding counties.

It's a pity that their hands are not long enough, and the power of Daxian itself is also complicated, so as of today, they know one news, that is: the owner of the farm is surnamed Chen.

This news they still took a lot of effort to inquire about, and by the way, the news that came out was also the original big force in Daxian County planted a big heel in the hands of this Boss Chen, so Tang Ye no longer had any doubts when he heard Chen Yao introduce himself as Chen.

People who know Chen Yao's name dare not impersonate him, and people who don't know his name can't impersonate him.

That's the case.

Tang Ye changed his clothes three times and five by two, and said respectfully to the other side of the phone: "President Chen, you wait a bit, I will immediately contact our director Chang and ask if he is back in Xuanxian now, and I will contact you later, what do you think?"

Chen Yao said "um", hung up the phone and found a tea house on the side of the road, and took Ge Yueyun into the private room to drink tea.

At the same time, Tangye knocked directly on Chang Yongan's door.

It was Chang Yongan's wife who opened the door, and when she saw that it was soup outside, she couldn't help but complain: "What else is there so late, Chang Chang just arrived home to rest, what can't be said tomorrow?" In

other words, usually, Tang Ye must have explained to Chang Yongan's wife in a good voice, but this time he didn't have time to explain, ran directly into Chang Yongan's bedroom, and said anxiously: "Factory director, factory director, the farm in Daxian has found the door!" One million tons of feed! They want to order a million tons of feed! Chang

Yongan was woken up as soon as he fell asleep, originally wanted to lose his temper, after hearing the content of Tang Ye's words, he woke up instantly, rolled off the bed with a bone, grabbed the suit next to him and put it on his body, and said while putting it on: "Is it really that farm in Daxian County?" Are you sure? Is it the one who let the pair of domineering brothers in Daxian lose their hands?

Tang Ye quickly nodded: "Yes, yes, the information is all right, it's him!" And listening to the tone, you can also hear that it is a young man, impatient, a little arrogant!

Chang Yongan smiled after hearing this, and said happily: "It's right to be arrogant, if I can make such a big career at a young age, I am also arrogant!" Now I am relieved, they really came to find our factory first, if I go to someone else's factory first, I really have nothing to do, now since I have arrived at our territory, I must take this order! Tang

Ye also echoed: "Yes, it's all here, the order must be ours, as soon as it opens its mouth, it is one million tons, this President Chen is really rich!" If we can trade with him for a long time, the efficiency of our factory will not have to worry! The

two discussed again, and Chang Yongan dictated, Tang Ye wrote, and designed a set of plans specifically for Chen Yao's farm, and then called Chen Yao.

Tang Ye laughed happily as soon as the phone was connected, and said, "Mr. Chen, I just contacted our Chang Factory Director, he just got off the car and returned to Xuanxian, and now he will rush over to see you immediately, is it convenient for you now?" Would you like me to book a restaurant near you?

Chen Yao directly reported the name of the tea house, and said slowly: "Come here."

When Tang Ye heard the name of the tea house, he was even more happy, and said busily: "Okay, good, this place is very close to us, we will arrive in ten minutes!" The

two went downstairs to drive, and finally arrived at the tea house where Chen Yao was in ten minutes.

When he went upstairs, Chang Yongan said in a happy mood: "It seems that we have a very big hope of winning this time!"

Tang Ye didn't know why Chang Yongan suddenly said this, and humbly asked: "Is it because we made a plan?"

Chang Yongan waved his hand and said with an inscrutable look: "Non and none, you see that the location picked by President Chen is near our factory, which means that he is coming to our factory, so as long as we treat well, this business will definitely not run!" Otherwise, people like him, who have enough to eat, specially run over to make fun of us? Not afraid that the base camp will be demolished by that pair of domineering brothers?

Tang Ye suddenly realized and nodded happily: "It's still the factory director wise!" The

two arrived at the door of the box, Chang Yongan walked in front, as soon as he entered the door, he took the initiative to stretch out his right hand to Chen Yao, and said with a smile: "President Chen, long admired the daimyo, I am Chang Yongan of Xuanxian Feed Factory, if you don't dislike it, just call me an old man!"

With such a dozen faces, Chang Yongan realized how young Chen Yao really was.

Not only young, but also very handsome!

Chang Yongan's mood instantly became a little complicated, there must be envy, and a little jealousy, of course, the most is emotion.

Being able to call the wind and rain in Daxian at such a young age, this Chen Yao's future achievements will be immeasurable!

Chang Yongan reacted, immediately lowered his posture, took the initiative to take out the plan he had just made, handed it to Chen Yao with both hands, and introduced: "President Chen, we have also heard about the farm you built in Daxian County, according to the general news, we have preliminarily designed a feed supply plan, please take a look."

Chen Yao took the plan, didn't look at it, and handed it directly to Ge Yueyun on the side, while he continued to drink tea.

Ge Yueyun flipped through the plan, smiled and said, "I have a relative who works in your feed factory, or is it your factory that she recommended to us." "

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