
As soon as Chen Yao woke up, he smelled the aroma.

He went to the kitchen and saw Ge Yueyun making a small cake, wearing an apron and looking very virtuous.

After hearing Chen Yao's footsteps, Ge Yueyun turned her head and smiled sweetly: "Wake up, although I only need to drive for an hour and a half on the road, I still think I can get some cake to eat, so that I can eat it on the road, and I can also give my aunt a taste of my craft."

Chen Yao nodded and said, "I didn't expect you to do this, I heard that your doctors are very busy with work, right?"

Ge Yueyun said with a smile: "It's because I'm too busy with work, but I have to develop some personal hobbies, otherwise the pressure of work is too great, and I would have collapsed a long time ago."

Chen Yao smiled and said, "Stressful? Do you want me to talk to your dean?"

Ge Yueyun waved his hand and said, "No need, after you went last time, they are now very polite to me, don't be so ostentatious, your name of President Chen has spread in Daxian County."

After a while, she brought breakfast and ate warmly with Chen Yao.

After eating and drinking, Ge Yueyun drove her Camry and drove Chen Yao in the direction of Xuanxian.

Today's weather is not good, there is light rain falling on the road, and there are few pedestrians.

After getting on the highway, Ge Yueyun took the initiative to ask: "Chen Yao, what is Auntie doing in Xuanxian County?" I've never heard of you before.

Chen Yao said: "Working as a worker in a feed factory, I will retire in five years, but I don't plan to let her do it this time, the work of the breeding factory in Daxian is easy, I have to let her old man come to the town, you remember to help me persuade after you meet, and you are in the hospital, if something happens to her body, you can also help me take care of it." Hearing

this news, Ge Yueyun was still very happy in her heart.

Near the water building platform first get the moon.

If she can take her mother-in-law first, she will definitely be able to take the initiative.

She said happily, "No problem! I promise to take down the aunt, the development of Daxian here is also a little better than Xuanxian County, and you can rest assured if I take care of you."

Chen Yao nodded and said: "I see that the community opposite you is newly built, the location is not bad, I will buy two sets when I go back, it is good for you to live opposite my mother, but her work and rest are very good, if you are familiar, you can't sleep lazy ha, she will knock on the door in the morning and call you for breakfast."

Ge Yueyun smiled and said: "That's good, I don't even have to set the alarm clock, every time I hear the sound of the alarm clock ringing, my heart is trembling, it's really scary."

Chen Yao smiled, Ge Yueyun's personality is really the kind that his mother likes, I didn't expect to meet her when I came back this time.

However, in this way, the mother must have thought that he had brought his daughter-in-law back, and he could think of everything he could think about later, and his ears would definitely grow calluses.

After finishing these things in Daxian County, he was still ready to return to the magic capital, firstly, to continue the class, and secondly, to continue playing for the Zhao family.

Zhao Xiaoniao's steakhouses are all in prime locations and should not be missed.

After a while, seeing that he was about to enter the county seat area of Xuan County, Chen Yao took out his mobile phone and made a video call to his mother.

The phone beeped for a while but didn't connect.

Chen Yao was a little puzzled, today is a rest day, my mother should not go to work, even if I go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, this point should come back.

Why don't you answer the phone?

He thought that he would have to install a camera and automatic alarm device in the living room of his home, and of course, the best situation would be to hire a nanny for his mother.

It's just that the character of the mother, even if she hires a nanny, it is estimated that she will not want it.

She is the strongest person, Chen Yao is very clear.

After a while, the phone was connected, but the mother clicked to turn the voice to connect.

It's weird.

In the past, my mother wished she could see Chen Yao a few more times.

Why can't I even get through the video call today?

Chen Yao said into the phone, "Mom? Did something happen? Where are you? The

mother's voice came, "Son, mom is at home, what can happen, mom hasn't gotten up yet, hasn't turned on the light, what's wrong with you?" There was nothing to do, so my mother went to cook, and I was hungry.

Chen Yao asked, "There's nothing wrong with my side, you really have nothing to do?"

The old mother smiled and said: "You child, what can the mother do, okay, the mother has cooked, do you have enough money to spend?" Mom will give you some living expenses.

Chen Yao said, "Enough is enough, then you can make food first, and then talk after eating." The

phone hung up, and Ge Yueyun said with a smile: "Chen Yao, you are not at home, and your aunt is also in bed."

Chen Yao shook his head and said: "It's impossible, my mother can't still rely on the bed at this point, let alone haven't eaten breakfast, my mother's stomach is not good, usually don't eat a meal is heartburn, how can this be, there must be something at home, and this matter is still not good to tell me, it is estimated that my damn relatives came, stop in the front service area, change me to drive."

Ge Yueyun's face changed, and he pinched the steering wheel with full attention: "It's okay, I'll drive it, forty minutes, I will definitely be able to reach your house."

Chen Yao shook his head and said, "It's better to change it to me, you drive too slowly." Ge

Yueyun was a little puzzled, he obviously drove against the speed limit, where was it slow?

But she still listened to Chen Yao's words, and stopped to change positions with Chen Yao when she arrived at the front service area.

As soon as they walked together, she felt the feeling of pushing her back.

This is the feeling she never opened the Camry.

Chen Yao smiled while driving: "Now the speed test is a range speed measurement, you think you are driving at the speed limit, but the average speed is far from enough, look at me."

Ge Yueyun was a little unconvinced, took out his mobile phone and listened.

Twelve minutes later.

Ge Yueyun was convinced.

The phone's navigation software clearly shows that Chen Yao's average speed in this section of the highway is just five kilometers per hour faster than the speed limit.

Directly saved eight minutes out.

"Chen Yao, why are your car skills so good? The old driver ah.

Chen Yao said, "Is it an old driver, don't you still understand?" Sit tight, next is the path. At

this stage, Ge Yueyun found that Chen Yao's car skills were even better than she imagined.

Forty minutes away, twenty-two minutes to run.

That's fast.

The car stopped at the gate of the seventh living community, and Chen Yao stopped it.

This community is very shabby, the garbage cans inside are almost full, obviously not the kind of community that is collected every day, mixed with various randomly parked cars, the whole exudes a sense of ruin.

Before I could enter, in the distance, a quarrel came out of the third-floor window not far away:

"Sister Huimin, we can't help but pay back this money, we are both concubines and colleagues, you said that if this matter is spread, how ugly it is!"

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