Chen Yao's words were obviously aimed at Xu Meiran, and Wan Fanyi listened to it and glanced at Xu Meiran.

This Xu Meiran is indeed good-looking, but after all, she is also old, no matter how good she is, she can only be called a half-old, plus she has no power in her family, and she usually likes to make trouble....

Wan Fanyi weighed it for a moment, and quickly replied: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, as long as the results come out, our hospital will definitely give Dr. Ge Yueyun a fair and just result, how to deal with some people who do not have medical ethics and benevolence."

Xu Meiran heard this, her heart was a little panicked, and she hurriedly raised her voice to cover her weakness: "What is the result, didn't the result be said before?" No one can prove that Ge Yueyun is innocent at all!

After that, she glanced at the little nurses under her again, warning them not to talk nonsense with fierce eyes.

The little nurses shivered, and under Xu Meiran's pressure, they closed their mouths one after another, not daring to say a word.

This hospital is already one of the best hospitals in Daxian County, the nurse industry is already fiercely competitive, the work is tired, the money is still less, they can work in this hospital to say it is a very face-saving thing, if you change a hospital, the treatment may not be so good, but also have to start from scratch, change no one is happy.

Therefore, even if they sympathize with Ge Yueyun in their hearts, they will not sacrifice their future for Ge Yueyun at this time.

Chen Yao looked around and sneered, "That's not necessarily!"

He beckoned Liu Haolin to come over.

Liu Haolin had already taken the money and put it in the bag and waited, at this time, when he saw Chen Yao waving his hand, he quickly stepped forward, put the bag on the ground, and directly unzipped it, revealing the cash neatly placed inside.

A thousand stacks, a hundred stacks.

When everyone present saw this picture, they couldn't help but gasp.

The cash impact of Baihuahua is too strong, and everyone wants to go up and get a pile.

Liu Haolin even heard the sound of someone next to him swallowing saliva frantically.

Think about it when he was also poor enough to have clean pockets, and he was worried that he might lose his job at any time, even if he was bullied, he could only endure it, since he worked under Chen Yao, he could receive two salaries at once, and his pockets suddenly bulged, so now he can see so much cash without changing his face.

However, he understands the feelings of other people, the salary in this small county is not high, and the bag of money he is holding is indeed a great temptation.

Chen Yao looked at everyone's expressions again, saw that everyone was about to move, smiled with satisfaction, and said: "These money, not for me to show off my wealth, but for me to reward you, as long as you say the news related to this matter, no matter what the news is, as long as it is authentic, you can take this money, of course, first come, first served."

After that, he threw a stack of money in front of him.

There was silence around, all staring at the stack of money, but no one spoke.

Chen Yao smiled and added another stack of money.

Xu Meiran couldn't hold on, and said inwardly: "What are you doing?" This is the hospital, not the place for you to mess around! Quickly get the money back, everyone else is dispersed, what to do!

Chen Yao sneered, grabbed three stacks of money and threw them in front of him, and said directly: "One news, five thousand yuan, there will be no more when it's late." Seeing

this scene, the little nurses who gathered together couldn't help but mutter.

"Five thousand, a lot, our monthly bonus is only eight hundred yuan, which is worth half a year's bonus..."

"I have no money to replace my phone recently when it is broken, if I take these five thousand, I can buy an apple."

"It's just a news, the hospital won't do anything to us, right? Didn't the dean just say that he would give Dr. Ge Yueyun a fair and just result, so let's just say it's okay, right?

Finally, a little nurse with a round face couldn't help it, and muttered: "My grandma has no money to pay for the hospitalization, I need money so much, even if I quit, I will get this money!"

After that, she rushed out and said loudly: "I saw the head nurse and that Yu Lan talking together on the first floor today, which is what happened before Yu Lan rushed up to make trouble!"

Chen Yao gave her five thousand yuan and raised his eyebrows, "Did you hear what they said?" The

little nurse held the five thousand yuan tightly, and her face turned red with excitement.

She thought that this money would be difficult to get, and she was mentally prepared to lie, but she didn't expect to get the money just by saying something she saw in the morning.

Exactly five thousand pieces!

The little nurse nodded happily and said, "I heard the head nurse say to Yu Lan, 'The nurse will leave it to me, I won't let them talk nonsense', and I didn't hear anything else." When

Xu Meiran heard this, her face changed sharply, and she wanted to open her mouth to stop it.

But the power of money is infinite, seeing that the little nurse who spoke first took a stack of money from Chen Yao, the other nurses couldn't bear it, rushed up, and opened their mouths to testify.

"The night Zhao Zhengfei sent it was me on duty, I saw with my own eyes that his heart had stopped beating, it was Yu Lan who knelt down and begged Dr. Ge Yueyun for help, and Dr. Ge agreed to do surgery to give it a try!"

"I was also there that night, Yu Lan was still the pen I handed over when she signed the risk agreement, when Yu Lan promised to do well, saying that something was not about Dr. Ge, let Dr. Ge feel at ease and boldly try, I didn't expect that after so long, she would suddenly come to make trouble today!"

"Actually, I also saw the head nurse talking to Yu Lan in the morning, and I also heard Yu Lan say to the head nurse, 'Please eat after getting Ge Yueyun'!"


were more and more little nurses talking, and after a while, the hundred thousand pieces were divided, but at the same time, Chen Yao got more and more news, and others also understood the general process from these messages.

What kind of medical trouble, it is simply a bureau set up by some people in Yulan United Hospital, the purpose is to frame Ge Yueyun!

Cao Jiming couldn't see it well, and if he continued to make trouble like this, maybe even the king behind him would be implicated, and he quickly cleared his throat vigorously, and said solemnly: "What kind of system is it to make a fuss in the hospital?" If you are seen, I am afraid that we will say that our hospital has treated you nurses badly, so that you can see the money so much! Take a walk, don't get in the way, or don't ask for this month's bonus!

Chen Yao smiled and motioned for Liu Haolin to open another briefcase.

Liu Haolin unzipped the zipper, and 100,000 cash was exposed to everyone again.

Everyone's eyes straightened.

I thought that Chen Yao was rich, but I didn't think that he was so rich, 100,000 is not a small amount, even if you take it out once, you can even take it out again, what kind of family is this?

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