Chen Yao hung up the phone with Zhou Baide, nodded at Ge Guoxiang, and said, "Then trouble Ge Lao to take me to meet Ge Yueyun."

The male doctor named Pan Yu didn't know what department it was, he looked like he was idle and panicked, and he also followed Chen Yao, muttering and grumbling: "Isn't it just a junior high school classmate?" After so long, Yueyun definitely doesn't remember, Lao Ge, you suddenly brought someone over, didn't you purely cause trouble for Yueyun? She is so busy every day that she has time to see this kind of 'old classmate' who doesn't know where to appear?

Ge Guoxiang didn't even bother to pay attention to Pan Yu, and smiled directly at Chen Yao: "You don't have to care about him, he is really not familiar with Dr. Ge Yueyun, and I don't know where the courage came from to run to confess to Dr. Ge Yueyun in the morning, and before he finished speaking, he was rejected by Dr. Ge Yueyun, and then he was so yin and yang weird all day, tomorrow may be fine."

Pan Yu didn't expect Ge Guoxiang to reveal his old bottom in front of Chen Yao, and he was angry and annoyed, and suddenly stopped talking.

The three of them got on the elevator and targeted the seventh floor.

Ge Guoxiang introduced: "Dr. Ge Yueyun is in the cardiology department, it is now the end of work, she should be almost finished, we are just right to see her now..."

Before his voice fell, he was interrupted by a loud noise.

The elevator door opened, and the three people walked out of the elevator, and as soon as they entered the corridor, they saw the chaotic scene.

Three or four men in white mourning clothes blocked the aisle, and in the middle an aunt draped in sackcloth was tearing a doctor's white coat, tearing and scolding: "Unscrupulous doctor Ge Yueyun!" Indiscriminate surgery killed my man!

Ge Yueyun grabbed his neckline tightly and said angrily, "I didn't!" You don't slander people!

The aunt amplified the volume and quickly overshadowed Ge Yueyun's voice: "The cardiology department Ge Yueyun has a black heart and black lungs, and he opened surgery indiscriminately on patients who do not need surgery, killing my man!" This is a murderer! "

There was so much noise here, the patients in the other offices couldn't help but run out after hearing the movement, pointing at Aunt and Ge Yueyun.

"What's the situation? Indiscriminate surgery? Can surgery also be opened indiscriminately? This doctor is too much, right?

"It turned out to be a female doctor, still so young, who came in through the back door, right?" If you kill someone and don't repent, this kind of person should go to jail!

"This is a cardiology, can the cardiology department be so indiscriminate?" How important the heart is, the hospital is really messy, so that I dare not see a doctor here. Of

course, there are also doctors who can't help but sigh with the same disease.

"Dr. Ge Yueyun is the doctor with the fastest improvement in cardiology technology, right? How could she have the wrong surgery, and she was not the kind of person who was greedy for money. "

It's unlucky, obviously it was lied to, I heard that when the person sent it over, it was not possible, it was the family who knelt down and begged Dr. Ge Yueyun to try again, Dr. Ge Yueyun only prescribed the operation, but I didn't expect that when the family begged for someone, they said that it would be good to let the doctor die as a living horse doctor, and when the person really died, the doctor blamed the doctor for treating people to death."

"But such a trouble, even if Dr. Ge Yueyun is reasonable, it is estimated that it will be difficult to stay in the hospital, alas, the dean hates this kind of person who causes him trouble the most."

While everyone was talking, the aunt in linen suddenly leaned into Ge Yueyun's ear and lowered her voice: "Finally give you another chance, if you obediently follow the king's road, we will leave immediately, and help you settle this storm, if you don't follow... Then don't blame us for not leaving you a way to live!

Ge Yueyun's eyes widened in disbelief.

She also thought that this time was a simple medical trouble, but she didn't expect that there was such a trick hidden behind it.

In order to get her, do you pour dirty water on her first?

Ge Yueyun angrily refused, "Dream! I can't jump from here with a man like that..." Before

she finished speaking, the aunt quickly continued to shout, her face full of sadness.

She grabbed Ge Yueyun's neck collar and shouted, "One life for another!" Unscrupulous doctor Ge Yueyun killed my man, don't you want to live!" I'll fight with you today! "

Auntie's hand strength is huge, and it is not at all comparable to someone like Ge Yueyun who does delicate work.

Since she tore her face, Aunt also tore open Ge Yueyun's white coat without any scruples, and continued to tear the dress inside her, intending to make her fiercely look out.

Anyway, the king's order to them is to destroy if they don't get it, and they will not be soft when they destroy people.

Seeing this scene, the people around him talked louder, but no one dared to step forward to stop it.

Pan Yu glanced at the men in white mourning clothes, all of them were big and round, and there was a kitchen knife inserted in their waist, it was not easy to mess with when they looked at it, hesitated, pulled Ge Guoxiang's white coat, and said in a low voice: "Let's go quickly, in case they will go crazy and cut people, it will not be good." "

It's not that he doesn't want to withdraw first, but how to say it, he still has to face, one person to withdraw is said to be instigated, two people to withdraw others can not say anything."

When Chen Yao heard this, he glanced back at Pan Yu and sneered, "Is this also a good idea to confess to Ge Yueyun?"

Pan Yu's face turned red, and he said angrily: "Do you have the ability?" If you get on my knees, I will kneel down and call you daddy!"

Chen Yao sighed, and said with disgust: "Lao Tzu's son who is not so intimidated, it is almost the same as calling grandpa!"

After that, Chen Yao kicked a flying kick and directly kicked the strong man who was blocking the aisle.

With another kick, Chen Yao directly kicked the aunt who was dancing with her teeth and claws to the point of Venus and fell to the ground without waking up.

All this happened so fast that Ge Yueyun didn't even react and looked at Chen Yao blankly.

Chen Yao squatted down, put Ge Yueyun's white coat back on her, and said with a smile: "Don't know me anymore?"

Ge Yueyun suddenly came back to his senses and threw himself directly into Chen Yao's arms, tears of excitement streaming from his eyes.

"Chen Yao, you are Chen Yao, you saved me, why are you here? If it weren't for you just now, I would have wanted to jump from the window..." Ge

Yueyun shrunk into Chen Yao's arms fearfully, as if the closer he was to Chen Yao, the more secure he felt.

She had just really thought that if the dress on her body was torn open by her aunt, she would rather jump from the seventh floor than suffer that insult, but fortunately Chen Yao appeared in time to save her, otherwise she would be lying downstairs now.

For so many years, she has always had something to do herself, and for the first time she has the feeling that she can rely on a person, so even if she knows that it is not good to throw herself in her arms just after reuniting with Chen Yao, she just wants to pretend to be stupid, so that she can stay in Chen Yao's arms for a few more moments.

Chen Yao felt her fear, patted her shoulder, and said, "It's okay, no one can hurt you with me." "

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