"Fortunately, we came out to survey this time, we brought a lot of equipment, divided into two cars, our car was behind Lao Guo's car, it was considered to have escaped, and we watched Brother Guo being taken in." We don't dare to run ah, after reporting to General Manager Zhou, we took advantage of their lack of attention to hide here, to see what they wanted to do, if they caught the wrong person, we can also help explain two sentences, we are afraid that they will tear up the ticket, and we dare not call the police.

Chen Yao nodded, indicating that he understood.

He directly said to the three gangsters: "Three blind people, Lao Tzu has stayed for so long, pretending not to see?" Isn't it for Lao Tzu, release Guo Yi, a group of eggs, what is the skill of catching the little minions, hurry up, Lao Tzu is in a hurry. At

his words, the three punks looked at each other.

Among them, the punk on the left lowered his voice and said, "What should I do?" Want to pass? If we fight quickly, the three of us may be able to take Chen Yao down. The

punk on the right recalled the tragic situation of those brothers just now, looked around, and frowned: "What's the hurry, the boss said that there are at least a dozen of them, can these dozen people disappear out of thin air?" Now I don't know which place to hide in, and when we move, they will run out and solve us.

Finally, the man also said: "Yes, Chen Yao dares to come alone, he must have a back hand, don't beat the grass like Huang Yu and let him run, this time the boss said, no matter what means the three of us use, we must introduce Chen Yao into the slaughterhouse, beat him, anyway, we will be responsible for bringing him in, and leave the rest to the boss."

After the three of them finished discussing, they silently began to retreat.

Chen Yao took out a stone from his pocket with his backhand, bent his wrist, and directly hit the leg of the captain's punk.

The squad leader fell to the ground in response.

"Ah! Yes! I was shot! There are guns! There is an ambush! The

other two punks also heard the sound of breaking the air and shouted: "There is still a silencer!" The firepower is too fierce, the captain asks for blessings, the buddies run first, burn paper for you next year!

After that, the two punks didn't even take the baseball bat, and ran towards the slaughterhouse like crazy.

Chen Yao picked up a baseball bat, walked over, stepped on the anx of the captain, and said, "I said, can you leave?" What about Guo Yiren? The

captain looked at the blood flowing from his leg, and his face turned white with direct fright, and he fainted directly.

Chen Yao turned to the technician and said, "You two go to the side of the avenue to find a place to eat, and wait for me to come out." The

technician was worried: "Mr. Chen, or else do you want to think in the long run?" There are a lot of people out there.

Chen Yao smiled and pointed to the two running punks: "Let's see, who is afraid of whom now?" Seeing

this, the technician immediately turned around and left with his bag.

"Mr. Chen, let's order you a good dish."

In the slaughterhouse, after the two punks ran in, they shouted like dead fathers: "Boss! Top dog! More than a dozen! Chen Yao brought definitely more than a dozen people, and there were also guns! The captain was taken out! The

punks next to them all tensed up after hearing this, and clenched the guys in their hands.

One bald head was even more angry and scolded: "Damn! Lao Tzu knew that the yellow hair was not well!

At this time, the red wolf with a red hair came out, stretched out his legs and gave a kick to the little gangster who ran back: "What the are you shouting about?" Who told you it was a gun? Don't say it's messing around with Lao Tzu after you go out! What a shame! The

punk who fell to the ground was very aggrieved and shouted: "Erhu! Lao Tzu heard the sound of breaking the air, exactly the same as the 98K with silenced in the chicken last night!

The red wolf followed again: "Lao Tzu looks at you like a 98k!" That's stones! Don't be afraid! Lao Tzu knows that Huang Yu's kid is not a good bird, this time in addition to you, there are more than ten people in the periphery, thirty people, I don't believe it can't be beaten, this is a fat sheep, do this vote, the big guys can eat fragrant, drink spicy!

When he said this, he was also very proud in his heart, and as early as when he set off, he doubted whether what Huang Yu said was true or false.

Thinking about it, he thought that Huang Yu's biggest possibility was to reduce the number of people, so that he could also carry a head, so that the two would return to a tie.

But he won't give Huang Yu this opportunity, just the manpower on the bright side, he brought twenty over, and secretly ambushed ten people, a total of thirty people!

He didn't believe it, no matter how many people Chen Yao brought with him, there could be more than thirty people.

Listening to the words of the red wolf, everyone present calmed down, guarded the door and waited for Chen Yao to come in, waiting for the rabbit.

Chen Yao glanced at the malicious perception and smiled directly when he saw nearly thirty red dots around him.

He walked slowly to the door of the slaughterhouse.

When he arrived here, Chen Yao seemed to feel that the people inside suddenly became nervous.

He swayed in the doorway, suddenly turned around, and walked outside.

Hey, Lao Tzu doesn't go in, doesn't play.

Isn't it a technical leader, catch it all, wait longer.

The red wolf stood by the window, and when he saw Chen Yao's action of turning around, the whole person was going crazy.

He, how could he not come in??

The rest of the punks are also anxious, and the guys in their hands are holding tightly, but why didn't the Lord come?

It was as if they saw their dreams shattered.

"Boss, how did he go!"

"Boss, can't do it! He won't be able to catch up after he crosses the ditch!

"The road is full of surveillance, we can only do it here!"


Hearing the urging in his ear, the red wolf shouted: "Shut up, shout what to shout, pull the meat ticket over!" The

punk brought Guo Yi over and pulled off the towel from his mouth.

The red wolf kicked Guo Yi angrily and shouted outside the window: "Chen Yao, your people don't care?" Don't dare to come in, do you? What are you afraid of?

His words were full of resentment, and he sounded like a grudge.

When Chen Yao heard the voice, he turned around and said with a surprised expression, "Huh? Somebody's in there? I walked to the door just now and didn't move, I thought it was a pack of wild dogs. At

this time, the punk next to him was not happy, he was a die-hard fan of Red Wolf and supported Red Wolf the most.

Hearing Chen Yao's words, he pointed at Chen Yao and scolded: "Who are the dogs you say when you step on the horse?" Don't move, Lao Tzu beat you to death a turtle son!

Chen Yao's eyes narrowed, his wrist moved slightly, he felt a nail, and a nail flew out directly.


The nail flew out more than ten meters and directly hit the thigh of this little gangster, and immediately bleeding to the ground.

"Aaaaa!!a It hurts to death! "


Chen Yao smiled slightly: "That's right, wild dog, you just have to bark a few times to understand what is going on with you." "

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