After Chen Yao crossed more than a dozen breaths, Wan Man's breathing gradually returned to normal.

But after returning to normal, Vanman still seems to show no signs of waking up.

Wan Man had actually woken up and her consciousness had returned, but she didn't know what she was thinking, she just didn't want to open her eyes.

It may be because as long as she continues to pretend to be unconscious, she can continue to live with Chen Yao.

Unexpectedly, after continuing to take a breath, Chen Yao suddenly spoke, "Excuse me?" Wan

Man suddenly opened his eyes and met Chen Yao's line of sight.

She instantly blushed, bit her lower lip, and plucked up the courage to say: "Chen Yao, in fact, my first time is still there..." Speaking

of this, she was a little unable to speak, obviously she usually does everything resolutely, but a pair of Chen Yao, those thoughts in her heart can't be easily spoken.

Chen Yao smiled and said deliberately: "The first kiss is still there?"

Wan Man was anxious, deeply afraid that Chen Yao thought he was lying, and hurriedly explained: "The first kiss, the first kiss is with you, it's the last time..."

Halfway through the explanation, Wan Man finally reacted that Chen Yao was teasing her, his face instantly became redder, and he hung his head embarrassedly, but his hands boldly hugged Chen Yao's back.

"I still want to."

Wan Manrou leaned bonelessly in Chen Yao's arms, closed his eyes, and looked like Ren Juncai.

She was shy before, because she didn't know what Chen Yao thought in her heart, after all, Chen Yao was so young and so good, there must be no shortage of women around her, but now seeing Chen Yao willing to tease her, it shows that she doesn't hate her in her heart, so it's enough for her.

Mu Nannan, who was sitting in the back seat, stood up with interest, walked out of the car, turned his back to the car, took out the phone and called the 4S shop to call someone to repair the car.

As she envisioned, Chen Yao is so good, it is normal for the women around him to fall in love with him, and Wan Man is not only a big beauty, but also became the director at a young age, which shows that his ability is also very strong, and it is normal for the strong to admire the strong, and Mu Nannan's vision is still there.

Since the time and place are favorable to people, Chen Yao is naturally not polite.

A long kiss.

Wan Man gasped, leaned into Chen Yao's arms with a ruddy face, and said reluctantly: "It's too inconvenient here..." Chen Yao

smiled, patted her on the back of the waist, and said: "Come to Japan, the car to pick us up is coming soon, get up." Wan

Man nodded obediently, got down from the car with a flat tire with Chen Yao, and walked to Mu Nannan's side to gather.

She returned to the state of that strong woman, and thought for a while: "Although Chen Yao solved this trouble, I am afraid that they will not give up easily.

Mu Nannan covered her mouth in surprise, "Huh? Sister Man knows where they come from? What are these people for?

Wan Man smiled bitterly and sighed: "I don't know, I probably guessed some, there are only a few forces that can gather so many people to deal with Chen Yao in Daxian County, plus these people are not heavy, not heavy, not heavy, not like they have a mortal feud with Chen Yao, the main purpose is to drive Chen Yao away..."

Mu Nannan followed and repeated: "Overbearing group? Wan

Man nodded and continued, "Yes, the Overbearing Group. Speaking of which, Chen Yao and them have no grievances or hatreds, but the problem is that the location of the old slaughterhouse is in the new area, and three kilometers next to it is our new office building, key schools, and people's hospitals, which makes this location a fragrant glutton.

"This domineering group is a local company that is a local snake-led company, and after they see the benefits of this location, they want to tear down the area to get real estate, the surrounding feed factory dormitory, the feed factory old factory building, the tractor factory building, the old Chengguan Primary School, and an old organ family building, five plots have been acquired by them, just the old slaughterhouse block in the middle, the old slaughterhouse business is very poor, so a part of the area is used as a breeding area."

"They said before that they would definitely receive the old slaughterhouse block, no matter what method they used, this time I am afraid that they want to intimidate Chen Yao through a flat tire, so that Chen Yao does not dare to stay in Daxian anymore, so that they can logically accept the old slaughterhouse and create that area into a high-class real estate in the new district."

After all, Mu Nannan still had some social experience, and said angrily when he heard this: "These people are too much!" What if we just don't give way to the slaughterhouse? Can they still kill?

Wan Man looked at his car parked on the side and said with a wry smile: "Money is moving, the profits contained in that area are too great, at least after this time, I am afraid they will not give up." In

fact, after hearing that the target of the overbearing group was the old slaughterhouse, Wan Man had already inquired about the relationship, and the news he got was to let her not mix in, after all, the overbearing group can be entrenched locally for so many years, and can also accept five plots in addition to the old slaughterhouse in one go, and the energy contained in it is not comparable to ordinary people.

Even, the relationship over there directly suggested that if she could persuade Chen Yao to give up the old slaughterhouse block, it was best to let it out as soon as possible, otherwise it would be difficult to ease the relationship later when the domineering group moved the real thing.

Wan Man naturally couldn't persuade Chen Yao to let go of the old slaughterhouse, she wasn't that intimidating, but she also knew clearly from these news that if she wanted to let the overbearing group let go this time, I am afraid that a vicious battle would be indispensable.

Since Wan Man said so, Mu Nannan must have believed her judgment, and when he heard this, he was also a little worried, and looked at Chen Yao and said, "Boss, what should I do next..." Chen Yao

smiled and said, "Are you scared?"

Mu Nannan shook her head violently: "It's not that I'm afraid, I'm worried about the boss you..." Halfway

through her reaction, she was just a technician under Chen Yao, where did she have the qualifications to say that she was worried about Chen Yao in front of Wan Man? Isn't this revealing your heart?

She was a little embarrassed and embarrassed to say any more.

Chen Yao patted Mu Nannan's back and said with a smile: "I don't have to worry about it, it's better to worry about the three punks who just fell to the ground, and I don't know if the van with a flat tire is sending them to the hospital now." Mu

Nannan and Wan Man remembered the scene of Chen Yao's one-on-six just now, and they all sighed in relief, looked at each other and smiled.

When they have fun on their side.

The yellow-haired gangster who was sitting on the silver van and ran away jumped out of the car in embarrassment, looked at the front face of the van that was deformed by the tree trunk, spat on the ground, and cursed fiercely: "Grass! It's not good to drive a car, it's all waste! "

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