As soon as this face-torn word came out, everyone present was shocked, and suddenly fell silent.

Chen Yao also found it very interesting to listen to it on the side, and simply put his hand in his pocket to look lively.

From the upper half of Mu Nannan's face and figure, it is indeed a big beauty, and it is not surprising that it is seen by the leader.

Li Jianwen's face twitched, and he pointed at Mu Nannan and said, "Mu Nannan, don't think that you are a doctor, go crazy here!" Get me out.

Mu Nannan did not show weakness in the slightest, pointing at Li Jianwen and said, "What are you, can you command me?" I won't leave, if you have the ability, you will fire me, you want me to resign myself to cheat the old lady's liquidated damages, you dream!

While calming the emotions of the people around him, Li Jianwen took out his mobile phone to call the security guard.

Before the call was finished, two female security guards ran over, directly took Mu Nannan out, and pulled her outside the house.

Mu Nannan did not resist, and looked at Li Jianwen with a sneer: "Li Jianwen, you have no good ending."

Li Jianwen was very angry in his heart at this time, he knew that this time the matter must have been messed up, and after going back, he would inevitably be scolded by President Zhu.

These are all talents, and those little beauties are the types that Mr. Zhu likes.

The result is now screwed up by itself.

It's over.

He barely maintained the scene, squeezed out a smile and said: "Dear students, this is also something that you will inevitably encounter after entering the enterprise, the number of leadership positions must be less, the loser after the competition will say all kinds of dirty words, don't worry about it, then discuss freely for a while, after we arrange lunch, you can taste our staff meal, the taste is very good."

After speaking, Li Jianwen sat at the table and made a call.

Although he said this, the people present were not stupid, and naturally felt that something was wrong, and some people even called Mu Nannan's name and discovered the situation at once.

"I rely on, this Mu Nannan is also our alumnus."

"That is, SCI was issued back then! O great god, this is!

"28-year-old doctor, this strength is too strong!"

"Look, here is last year's news, Muyuan Group signed Mu Nannan with an annual salary of one million."

"Something is wrong, signed with an annual salary of one million, shouldn't this be a baby? Why fell to this treatment.

"That's right, why did you give us hard hats?"

"If I want to say, this Li Jianwen seems to be just a shui shuo, and the results are not as good as Senior Sister Mu Nannan."

With the discussion below, the gaze looking at Li Jianwen gradually deteriorated.

When Chen Yao heard this, he didn't care, and quickly walked next to Li Jianwen and said, "Senior Li, I am a student of Yin Huimin, I want to know if it is a breeding factory with a scale of about 5,000 heads, do you have any recommendations for buying equipment?" Need to get up to date?

After hearing Yin Huimin's name, Li Jianwen's attitude was barely better, and he squeezed out a smile and said to Chen Yao: "Hello junior, I remember that Huimin only brought her sophomore this year, why did you come to the internship?"

Chen Yao said with a smile: "I am more interested in this, green farming new agriculture has great potential."

Li Jianwen said sensitively: "Senior brother, you mean that you are going to go to other small breeding factories?" The situation there is incomparable to ours, the bigger the stall for farming, the more profitable it is, and the small factory has no future.

Chen Yao said with a smile: "It's not that I'm going to a small factory, it's that I'm going to open a cattle farm myself, and I want to come and learn." Hearing

this, Li Jianwen looked Chen Yao up and down, and found that he couldn't see any brand, but since he didn't come to Muyuan Group, there was no need to talk too much, he said lukewarmly: "If you are a small cattle farm, the equipment can be bought casually, anyway, the scale is not large, even if the investment fails, it is nothing, I have nothing to say here." Hearing

Li Jianwen's words, Chen Yao smiled, "Senior speaks so conservatively, shouldn't it be because he is afraid that I will rob your business?" It's all from one school, do you want to be so wary?

Li Jianwen smiled and said, "Junior, if you come to us, the senior guarantees that you know everything and say everything, but now you say that you want to open your own cattle farm, so everyone has nothing to say."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the conference room was kicked open, and Mu Nannan had already taken off his mask at this time, and his work clothes were also taken off, wearing sportswear.

Her hair is draped messily behind her, her figure is either curved like Qi Yutong, or her normal body shape, her facial features are very delicate, and her round gold wire glasses match her status as a doctor, which is very scholarly.

She seemed to have secretly run out, her breathing was not even at this time, so she pointed to Li Jianwen anxiously: "Don't fall for him, there are traps in the labor contract after coming to Muyuan, the liquidated damages for undergraduates leaving within five years are as high as 500,000, and my doctorate is as high as two million, I was deceived at the beginning, and I found this after coming, and the leaders here like unspoken rules, don't be fooled!" I don't have a chance to escape, I can't see you jumping into the fire pit too.

As soon as he finished saying this, President Zhu chased after him with someone from behind, and he pointed at Mu Nannan and shouted: "Blood spouts people!" Mu Nannan, I will give you an annual salary of one million, how can you slander people like this?

After speaking, he smiled brightly at everyone: "Everyone, my employee Mu Nannan is untruthful, she is not satisfied with her treatment, she wants to jump ship, deliberately stir up the situation, I hope you don't be fooled, we put talent first!"

After that, two female security guards ran over and grabbed Mu Nannan and wanted to pull her aside.

Mu Nannan shouted: "The surname is Zhu, the old lady will not give in even if she stays with you here for five years, students, what million annual salary, I can't get it at all, now give me one thousand eight city dibao a month, and the rest of the money has been deducted!" It's all a trap!

Speaking of this, she couldn't help crying in tears: "I have studied hard for so many years, and the result is such a big deal, students, you must go back to expose the things here, don't let this company recruit a person again!" Hearing

Mu Nannan's words, everyone present was anxious, and several boys rushed over to push the security guard away: "What are you going to do?" Also restrict personal freedom, isn't it!

"Don't worry, Senior Sister, we have come to save you!"

"Senior Sister Mu, be careful."

"Mr. Zhu, what do you want to do? Underworld, isn't it? Seeing

that the situation was no longer under control, President Zhu finally removed his disguise and sneered: "How?" I discipline my employees, and you also have to dictate? Okay, you pay ah, two million, she can resign and get out of the sea of suffering, can you? "

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