When Chen Yao woke up again, it was already dark.

He got up and saw that only Yin Huimin was busy at the table in the room.

"Wake up, I'll bring you water."

Yin Huimin handed over a cup of warm water and asked Chen Yao to drink it while saying: "I really can't stop Sister Wan, she bought a ticket to return to Daxian County, and now it should be almost here."

Chen Yao was not surprised by this, and nodded and said, "It seems that she recovered quite quickly."

Yin Huimin snorted: "Whether the recovery is fast or not, you don't know yet, by the way, a big Internet celebrity came to your store today, I heard that there are tens of millions of fans."

Chen Yao said with a smile: "Yes, I am going to set up a company to specialize in this beef noodles, and open some shops in other universities, you can contact me if you need anything in the future."

Yin Huimin nodded and said, "It's good to set up a company, I think the profit model you said before is okay."

Chen Yao hugged Yin Huimin, and was about to warm up for a while, when his mobile phone rang.

It's an unfamiliar number, but the numbers are also smooth.

After connecting, the voice on the other end of the phone was still Zhao Qi.

"Chen Yao, what kind of good man are you blackmailing my phone? Aren't you scared? If you take advantage and want to run, you really can't.

Chen Yao smiled and said: "Zhao Xiaoniao, the use of the radical method to your extent is also very rubbish, bye, I will also block this number."

Zhao Feng spoke, and quickly shouted: "Wait a minute, I agreed to your conditions, the livestock farm is five million."

Chen Yao smiled.

It seems that this Zhao Feng is really the same as Long Yingqi said, and he has found a helper.

He said slowly: "That's the condition in the morning, now I have changed my mind, listen to Gu Da beauty said, you have a lot of steakhouses, right, just bet on five steakhouses, I lose or give you five million, how?" Hearing

the only thing in Gu, Zhao Feng gritted his teeth angrily, "Chen Yao! Sure enough, you did it!

Chen Yao said innocently, "What? I don't have a big beauty, you can't woo yourself, don't rely on me. Zhao

Feng couldn't bear it, and immediately agreed to come down, he couldn't wait to see George knocking Chen Yao to death right away!

But Zhao Da on the side took out the board and reminded: "Gongzi, you can't make him suspicious!" Counteroffer.

Zhao Qiqiang held back his anger and said: "No, Laozi's land for one shop is two million, and at most two stores are about the same as you bet five million, five stores?" What are you dreaming about!

Chen Yao smiled disdainfully, "Zhao Xiaoniao, do you think Laozi is your investor?" Will believe your nonsense? Don't have five, play bigger, ten stores, you name a number.

Zhao Qi's breathing became much heavier, and he glanced at George next to him.

George made a gesture of cutting his throat nonchalantly, picked up the cigar next to him and took a deep breath.

Zhao Feng almost roared and shouted: "Twenty million, you lose, you want to give me twenty million, if you agree, we will go to the notary office for notarization."

Chen Yao deliberately changed his tone and said: "Zhao Qi, you can think about it, you are going to go public now, if all ten steakhouses are given to me, then you can't go public." Hearing

that Chen Yao was afraid, Zhao Feng immediately became excited and shouted: "Chen Yao, are you afraid?" You're scared, aren't you! Hahahahaha, I'm afraid to send the money to Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu can still save you some face.

Chen Yao smiled and said: "Lao Tzu is afraid of a hammer, Lao Tzu is afraid that you will go crazy on the spot after losing, since you are not afraid, then gamble, record as evidence, and go to the notary office tomorrow morning to notarize."

Zhao Feng shouted: "In a word, the race starts tomorrow night, Xiaoqingshan."

Chen Yao refused: "You have set the location, the time will be set by me, wait for me to go around and take a look first." "

Don't say, after Chen Yao said this, Zhao Feng believed it even more.

After all, it is also tens of millions of bets, and it is normal for Chen Yao to be cautious.

"It's decided, but you can't delay it too long, and play a fart after about half a year!"

Chen Yao mocked, "How? Are you afraid that my technology will soar in half a year? Afraid of what other racing car? How about we two compete against each other? See who wins? Zhao

Feng has some reason, he can't catch this stubble, he knows that his racing level is very rubbish, if it is not for foreign aid, he has no guts.

Chen Yao added: "With your guts, I will set a time within a week, you prepare the restaurant first, I have to thank you more, and send the beef to the restaurant."

After that, Chen Yao hung up the phone directly.

Yin Huimin on the side listened to the whole journey, and said with some worry: "Chen Yao, you want to bet on racing with others?" You, will you do this? "

She knows best that Chen Yao is getting rich, where and when to practice racing."

Chen Yao smiled and said, "Don't worry, Sister Min, do you know that there is a kind of person called genius?"

Yin Huimin was still worried: "But racing is very dangerous, you have so much money now, there is no need to bet with them."

When Chen Yao heard it, he felt that it seemed to make sense.

With so much money in your pocket, it doesn't matter if you want a steakhouse to buy a few.

Go racing, it's really dangerous.

He himself knows that he has car king-level car skills, but others don't know that once he agrees to gamble, it will also have an impact after passing it out, and he will fall behind.

Chen Yao hugged Yin Huimin and said with a smile: "Sister Min is right, my kind of net worth, racing for a small amount of 10 or 20 million things is not cost-effective, this kid wants to play, then he has to have some bigger chips." "

Sister Min is worthy of being Sister Min, and it's just the right time to remind her.

Yin Huimin saw Chen Yao listening to the persuasion, and her heart was also very happy, and she put her arm around Chen Yao and said: "Chen Yao, you have me now, and Lin Yiyi, there may be other people outside, you know, if something happens to you, not only your parents will be sad, we will also be sad, think about it more."

Chen Yao nodded and said, "Sister Min is right, as a reward, I will let you go to heaven tonight." Hearing

Chen Yao's tone behind him, Yin Huimin hurriedly said, "Don't don't, I'm so tired today."

Chen Yao smiled and picked Yin Huimin up and threw her on the bed, "Sister Min, you need to relieve your fatigue when you are tired." A

burst of singing rang out.

Late at night.

In the Marriott Hotel, Gu Wei is still staying up late editing videos, and she is trying a new direction this time to integrate humanistic care into the video.

Thinking back to today's events, she had a faint feeling.

Out of my uncle's control, it is very likely to rely on the two million given today.

Although he only owns 10% of the shares, since he has common interests, he has become friends with Chen Yao.

She has seen many people, and she can see that Chen Yao's confidence is not only such a little bit and a Rafa.

In comparison, the so-called Zhao Gongzi is much inferior.

"Yaoyi Catering Company, I hope to succeed."

Retracting her thoughts, she edited the video with all her might to pave the way for the next step of promotion.

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