Chen Yao couldn't see Su Fengye's movements, and pointed to the practice question after class with a serious face: "Teacher Su, how do you do this question?"

Su Fengye's face was flushed, she was about to die of thirst, so she pushed Chen Yao to stand next to her, sat on the chair by herself, and lay down.

Chen Yao gasped, took the textbook and continued, "Teacher, how do you do this question?"

Su Fengye shook his head with a whimper, ignoring Chen Yao and concentrating on lunch.

Chen Yao was also helpless, "Teacher Su, why are you so anxious, first finish the topic and then eat, I am very thirsty for knowledge."

Su Fengye freed up his strength, raised his head and said viciously: "Chen Yao, don't go too far, you are a full man who doesn't know how hungry a man is hungry!" This classroom was empty all afternoon, I put the sheets up, you say what to do.

Chen Yao picked up Su Fengye and said, "Teacher Su, after all, it's our first time, or should we go to my house?"

Su Fengye shook her head, "I can't wait, do you know why I'm wearing a trench coat today?"

After that, she unbuttoned her trench coat, revealing the semi-vacuum scenery inside.

Chen Yao was dumbfounded.

And this operation?

Teacher Su, this is really crazy.

Chen Yao glanced at the surrounding environment, held Su Fengye to a clean position in the corner, and pressed her against the wall, "Teacher Su, you look so good in a trench coat."

Su Fengye leaned over to Chen Yao's neck and sucked fiercely, "If you look good, come quickly!"

Chen Yao didn't twist anymore, hugged Su Fengye and started the battle.

A moment later, red marks ran down the stockings into the shoes.

Half an hour later, Su Fengye lay limply on the trench coat.

Chen Yao brushed Su Fengye's hair and said, "Teacher Su, next time I go to bed, see that your arms are bruised."

Su Fengye looked at it and said with a charming smile: "It doesn't matter, it's more exciting, Xiao Chen Yao, it's only half an hour, I remember that last time you and Huimin were more than this time."

Chen Yao pointed to the window outside and said, "Teacher Su, aren't you afraid that someone is eavesdropping outside?"

Su Fengye said generously: "What are you afraid of, it's a big deal that this teacher is not a teacher, I study at home every day, how can I make you linger?" "

After tasting the sweetness, she is now full of this and has no intention of working.

After so many years, Su Fengye's hidden emotions burst out, and he couldn't close the floodgates at all.

Chen Yao was helpless, he picked up Su Fengye and said, "Let's go, eat something, it's all faster."

But Su Fengye smiled slyly, "I have something to eat, come again." "

After a while, the war resumed.

The woman in her thirties is full of endurance.

Chen Yao understood it.

Half an hour later, Chen Yao finally coaxed Su Fengye to go back to the teacher's apartment to take a shower first, and then go out to eat something.

When he arrived at the teacher's apartment, Chen Yao was ready to take advantage of Su Fengye's bath to go to the nearby Sister Min to see how Wan Man was recovering.

But he didn't wait to go out.

Su Fengye threw the trench coat directly, ripped off Chen Yao's clothes again, and dragged him into the bathroom, scoring three times.

"Chen Yao, I'm very greedy, if you want to eat, you have to eat full, rest assured, I won't let you get tired of eating, next time I come over, I will give you a new surprise."

Two hours later.

Chen Yao woke up groggily, reached out and lifted Su Fengye's leg, and turned to look at Su Fengye next to him, he was completely obedient.

Teacher Su is really passionate.

Su Fengye was still tired and couldn't open his eyes, and said to Chen Yao in confusion: "Awake?" I'm going to sleep again, busy with you, bye-bye."

Chen Yao: "....."

How to have a strange feeling.

He got up and dressed, hungry, ran to Sister Min in a few steps, reached out and knocked on the door.

"Sister Min, whether you are there or not, open the door."

The door opened, but it was not Sister Min who appeared, but Wan Man.

Today, Wanman's face is much better than before, much rosier, not to mention, and his eyes are also light.

After seeing Chen Yao, she turned sideways to get out of the way and thanked her at the same time: "Huimin went to work, Chen Yao, thank you for taking care of you, I feel much better now, and I have caused you trouble in the past two days."

Chen Yao said with a smile: "You're welcome, you're all fellow countrymen, just recover your body."

With that, he also walked sideways.

But this teacher's apartment was originally old and dilapidated, and Wan Man thought of reaching out to close the door with him, but he never took his hand away.

When Chen Yao came in sideways, his upright chest muscles directly rubbed Wan Man's body and came in.

When the two touched, Wan Man snorted directly sensitively, and his body shrank backwards.

She immediately thought of the contact between the two when the clothes were cut yesterday, and her neck turned red at once.

Chen Yao also clearly felt the graininess, he had just finished a big battle, it was reasonable to say that he should not feel anything.

But being prodded by Wan Man like this, he immediately felt a little again.

Chen Yao reached out and pressed on Wan Man's hand and closed the door.

After closing the door, Wan Man turned around a little embarrassed and walked inside: "I, I'll pour you some water."

With that, she turned around to pour water, and when she bent over, just as the afternoon sun hit from the side, directly penetrating her clothes and outlining the shape inside.

It's really maskless.

Chen Yao admired quietly, her shape was different from other people's, very beautiful.

After pouring water, Wan Man picked up the cup, and after seeing Chen Yao's gaze, he turned his head suspiciously to look at his eyes, and then looked down again, immediately understood, and put down the cup angrily: "Boss Chen, you, what are you looking at."

Chen Yao smiled, he was really thirsty, walked over and picked up the water cup and drank it, looked at Wan Man's face and said, "Sister Wan, what do you say I look at?"

Wan Man did not dare to look at Chen Yao, and said sideways: "Don't be like this, Huimin may be back later, she is still your teacher."

Chen Yao smiled even more, stretched out his hand on Wanman's shoulder and said, "Sister Wan, what is the matter with Sister Guan Min?" What's wrong with her being my teacher? I respect the teacher very much, and the needs of the teacher must be met as soon as possible, Sister Wan, have you seen something? Thinking

of last night's events, Wan Man quickly shook his head and said, "No, I didn't see anything."

Chen Yao smiled and said close to Wan Man's ear: "Sister Wan, I saw that your mobile phone changed positions."

Wan Man couldn't hold back at once, she forgot the flaws in this matter, and quickly pushed Chen Yao away: "What mobile phone, I, I don't know, I'm leaving, you thank Sister Min for me, I'll bring her a gift when I have time."

Chen Yao hugged Wan Man back, hugged her and sat on the sofa: "Sister Wan, your body has not yet recovered, where can you go?"

Wan Man struggled and said: "No, stay here again, sooner or later you kid will take advantage, I'll go back to rest."

Chen Yao smiled and said, "Meaning, I took advantage first, so you won't be in a hurry to go back?" "

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