Gu Wei listened to them very patiently, signed a photo again, and the whole process was very good.

Chen Yao looked at it with admiration.

No wonder it's a big Internet celebrity, there is no shelf at all.

Chatting and chatting, more people recognized Gu Only.

Seeing this, Chen Yao directly pulled Gu Yi to the second floor, turned his head and said, "I'm sorry everyone, I have something to discuss with Gu Dabei today, Lin Hu, send two brine eggs to each student." "

When I heard that there were brine eggs delivered, even if I didn't want to take a photo, it was difficult to say anything.

On the second floor, Gu Wei looked Chen Yao up and down, leaned against the window and said, "Chen Yao, I originally thought that you would be the same as Zhao Qi, but I didn't expect that the store you opened turned out to be like this, which surprised me too much."

Chen Yao smiled and said, "What happened?" I set up shop to make money, not for charity, don't be wrong.

Gu Yi was puzzled: "Make money? How do you make money? The cost of the store alone, at least 20,000 a month, beef you use or fresh beef, the cost is also very high, plus three waiters, you ten yuan a bowl of beef noodles can not make money at all.

Chen Yao smiled and said, "One such store may not make money, but what if I open ten or a hundred?"

As he spoke, another sound of stepping sounded.

Lin Yiyi came, she was wearing a small suit today, she looked very formal, and she was holding a handbag in her hand.

After seeing the two, she first walked to Chen Yao and said softly, "Hello boss." Then he stretched out his hand at Gu Yi and said, "Hello sister Gu, I'm Lin Yiyi, the current manager of this store." Gu

Yiyi shook hands with Lin Yiyi and greeted: "Yiyi, you just came, just now Boss Chen said that this store can still make money, you talk about it, is this really not charity?"

Lin Yiyi smiled and took out the document in his hand: "Of course not, but the specific how to make a profit involves commercial secrets, it is inconvenient to disclose it to you, and I hope you will forgive me."

Chen Yao said: "Yiyi, don't get in the way, maybe we can still work together, let's say."

Lin Yiyi was a little puzzled, but she still obediently listened to Chen Yao's words and said: "Since the boss asked me to say, then I will say it bluntly, according to the current flow of people, counting the rent, the loss of each bowl of noodles is about three yuan, but once the advertising is introduced, this situation will be reversed, there are already sixteen stores in the school willing to cooperate with us, online advertising I have also contacted, the unit price ranges from five cents to fifty yuan, according to the small range of tests in the first three days, the effect is very good, Students don't mind watching ads and scanning codes when ordering, after all, our cost performance is here, and even in the case of WiFi in the store, more than 80% of students are willing to download the app to exchange stewed eggs.

Gu Yi was stunned when she listened, she was familiar with advertising, but she never thought that there were advertisements in offline stores, and she wondered: "What if someone can't get it?" Don't you let him order food? If he is allowed to eat it, it will be unfair to the other students.

Chen Yao said with a smile: "Good question, it is worthy of being a beautiful woman in Gu."

Lin Yiyi turned two pages and said: "I also thought of this problem, the current solution is to teach by the clerk, the time is controlled within two minutes, if the two minutes are not finished, then temporarily by the clerk to help order, but there is an important point, Sister Gu, we are a store opened in the magic hall, generally there will be no such situation as you said." Gu

only reacted.

Yes, this is not a speculative shop that earns subsidies solely on advertising.

This is a physical store inside the magic university, and customers who come over basically do not have the problem of not using mobile phones.

She continued to ask, "Then what Boss Chen said just now about opening ten stores, is it possible that each store is opened in the university?"

Lin Yiyi smiled and took out a document: "Recently, I have arranged for people to investigate, the store does cost money in the most prosperous place of the school, but as long as the distance is slightly pulled away by one kilometer, then the rent will drop significantly, and at the same time it can also radiate to the social population near the school, in the case of unchanged flow of people, the loss can be pulled down to a dollar, if the flow of people rises, then even guaranteed capital preservation, then, advertising revenue is net income."

After that, she turned her head to look at Chen Yao and said, "Boss, I have already investigated, the location of these seven stores is okay, the price is right, if you open a branch, you can consider it."

Chen Yao touched Lin Yiyi's head and said, "Yiyi is hard, his eyes are still red, stay up late, didn't you tell you that you can't delay your studies?"

Lin Yiyi rubbed comfortably in the palm of Chen Yao's hand, and said with a smile: "Not tired or tired, the boss who has a sense of accomplishment in doing this kind of thing!" And there are no classes in these two days, rest assured. Gu

Yi looked at the plan, everyone was a little dumbfounded, and after hearing the conversation, she was surprised: "Yiyi, are you still a student?" That's awesome!

Chen Yao smiled and said, "Why, shouldn't Gu Da Beauty want to poach someone for me?" Then I'm not welcome.

After that, he took out a card and handed it to Lin Yiyi: "The password is your birthday, there are two million in it, take it and get it, when you have time, simply call someone to set up a company, it is more convenient." "

This card is the second card that Liu Xianjun helped him get last time, which is much more convenient.

Lin Yiyi was also not polite, took the card and said: "Okay, the premise is good, I don't want the shares, you take full shares, just give me a salary."

Chen Yao smiled and scratched Lin Yiyi's nose and said: "That's not okay, Yiyi is so capable, how can you only get a salary for busy work inside and outside, count your technology investment 40%, I account for 51%, and the remaining 9% is taken out as an incentive."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Wei on the side whispered very entangled: "That, Mr. Chen, I want to ask, can I join the shares?"

Chen Yao subconsciously glanced at the only stock in the valley, the curve is round, although there are not many traces of exercise, but you can also see that there has been exercise, the key is the blessing of the identity of tens of millions of fans Internet celebrities, very feeling.

Lin Yiyi was puzzled: "What kind of shares?" To

be honest, she subconsciously turned her head and looked over as Chen Yao thought.

When she came over, she knew Gu's only identity, and she couldn't help but feel a feeling of comparison in her heart, so she looked at it, her figure was similar to herself~ Gu only

glanced at Chen Yao's gaze, and her heart was strangely not disgusted, she said squarely: "Of course, it is to enter the shares of your company, I heard you just now, I think your strategy is very likely to succeed, plus it is an investment in entities and networks, the chance of failure is not large, I am also willing to give two million, How many shares can Mr. Chen give me? "

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