Go back in time three minutes.

Gu Yi sat on the co-pilot, sorted out his clothes, held his bag in his hand and looked at the camera tenderly, showing a smile.

Although she has a high appearance, she does not take the beauty route, but professional comments, so she only occasionally sends some photo materials to fans, and more is left for herself to see.

Yang Jiaru smiled next to her: "Sister Gu, you are really good-looking, your skin is white and glowing, how do you maintain it?" Eating and drinking every day is okay, too envious.

Gu Yi smiled and said: "Your figure is better than mine, and you are still so young, no matter how I am about to become an old aunt, how to maintain it is useless, young is the capital."

Yang Jiaru smiled and said, "By the way, you are full of dissatisfaction with your plan to come to the magic capital this time?" Recently, there is a shop that is very popular, and it is still on the campus of Modu University, ten yuan beef noodles, real ingredients, good taste, do you want to try it?

Gu Yi was surprised: "Ten yuan beef noodles? Or inside the university? Is there less beef? Noodle soup?

Yang Jiaru shook her head and said, "No, there is still a lot of meat, anyway, I can't finish eating alone, do you want to go over and taste it?"

Gu Wei smiled and said: "In this way, let me understand first, today at the invitation of Zhao Gongzi, I have to taste the food here in Rolls-Royce first."

Yang Jiaru and Chen Yao glanced at each other, directly took out their mobile phone and pointed it at Gu Yi and said: "Sister Gu, I broke the news with you, don't tell it, this is a secret between us, this store is not a special material, it is just a semi-finished product sent by the chef of the restaurant next to it, and even the label has not been changed!" As for the price, it is not even cheap.

After that, she directly turned out Zhou Xiaoling's circle of friends and enlarged the picture inside for Gu Wei to see.

One of the moments was a circle of friends: "Customers are full to see the car, so many things can't be wasted, tonight we have to run another five kilometers." "

The picture is accompanied by a so-called customer meal, but there is also a box next to it with a label of the hotel next to it.

Gu Yi's face immediately changed, she took out her mobile phone and clicked on the sample map sent by the company, which was really exactly the same as Yang Jiaru's picture.

Chen Yao said in a timely manner: "Ms. Gu, if they directly ask the chef of the hotel to specially entertain you today, or find the chef outside to come over, and after you finish this meal, you will return to the original state, it will be a deception for your fans." Gu

Yi also immediately thought of this consequence, although this time it was a company's business order, but once it was sent, what it would look like in the end could not help but be influenced by her.

But now the problem is again, she can't leave directly, otherwise the company can't explain it.

Looking at Gu Wei's tangled look of biting his lips, Chen Yao and Yang Jiaru glanced at each other and knew that this was the arrival of the fire.

Yang Jiaru smiled and said in Gu's ear: "Sister Gu, believe your little fan!" Just try that 10-dollar beef noodles! I'll be a photographer for you, let's go and go!

With that, she turned and ran to the side of the road, pulled a taxi and ran.

Chen Yao didn't give Gu the only time to react, and directly crossed over to her body to help her fasten her seat belt.

At the tip of the nose, a special aroma that had never been smelled before came in, and it smelled very unique.

Gu Yi exclaimed, showing a surprised expression, and then found himself a little gaffe, and smiled at Chen Yao: "I'm sorry, this Ferrari is the first time I'm sitting, I didn't expect the seat belt to be so tight."

Chen Yao said with a smile: "The sports car, sit down, Gu Da beauty, take you to eat delicious." The

photographer next to him finally reacted, he put the camera on his shoulder and was surprised: "Boss, you, where are you going?"

Gu Yi pretended to be stupid and said, "Huh? What the? Shall I try seat belts?

Chen Yao smiled and said to the photographer: "Buddy, get out of the way, I'll take your boss to eat delicious, don't worry, tomorrow I will cut the material for you."

After that, he glanced at Zhao Qi, who was exchanging information with Zhou Xiaoling, quickly operated with both hands, directly burned the tire in place and turned around ninety degrees, and rushed out from the crowd.

The huge roar instantly brought everyone back to their senses.

In just two seconds, the red Rafa had already rushed onto the road, leaving only the back of the exhaust pipe.

By the way, there was also Chen Yao's laughter, "Zhao Xiaoniao, you are too abrasive, I'll take the beautiful woman Gu to dinner."

Zhao Feng couldn't believe his eyes.

Is it a big beauty??

It was actually snatched away??

Can this happen?

He brought Gu to the only time this time, and he didn't even say anything at home and friends, just thinking of taking Gu's only opportunity to promote his high-end steak brand and proud beef resources.

How come the people are gone?

Zhao Feng kicked Zhao Da angrily and said, "Waste, it's all his waste!" I can't even look at a big living person! What else can you do?

Zhao Da said aggrievedly: "Gongzi, that's Rafa, whoever dares to go up to stop it, who dares to go up and touch, maybe a lamp will cost hundreds of thousands."

Zhao Feng waved his hand angrily and said, "Don't say it, quickly find someone to stare at and see where they went?" Snatch someone back for me!!

After that, his blood surged again, and his feet fell straight down.

Zhao Da hurriedly called for someone to come to the rescue, and skillfully felt the quick-acting rescue pill and stuffed it into his mouth.

The photographer on the side also sighed, the boss is really dashing, just leave.

A moment later, Zhao Feng woke up, his face was very ugly, he turned his head and said: "Damn, contact the think tank, quickly think of a way for me to come out, Laozi has to take the initiative to attack, always in the hands of this Chen Yao, if these things spread again, what will my business partners think of me?" Do I still want this face?

Zhao Da looked at the traces of Chen Yao's burning in place just now, and suddenly had an inspiration: "Gongzi, I have a way!" You see that this Chen Yao is driving Rafa everywhere, he must be very interested in racing, didn't you know a foreign racing driver before? I also won several championships!

Zhao Feng also pondered: "You mean George?

Zhao Da said excitedly: "Yes, it's Paige, you come forward to make an appointment with Chen Yao for a race, go to Xiaoqing Mountain, life or death, bet on him once, let him bleed, maybe there will be some accidents, a hundred!" The

more Zhao Feng listened, the more it made sense, "Yes, this kid is so young, and he is busy picking up girls, what kind of car skills can he have, as long as we design him, we will definitely be able to take back all the face!" Vent your breath again!

He patted Zhao Da with satisfaction and said, "Not bad, now I also start to use my brain, go and arrange, give me the best car!" I want to ask the hero post so that everyone can see how he Chen Yao died!"

Zhao Da reminded: "Gongzi, do I have to find Ms. Gu first?" People don't know where to go..."

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