The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 337: Goodbye Senro King

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The golden skeleton and his skeleton horse disappeared. In front of Qin Yi, only a bronze spear appeared, which was fixed there and was no more than an inch away from Qin Yi's chest.

Qin Yi was stupefied there, looking at a line, and then penetrated his chest through the bronze spear, blinking hard. His face was pale, his body was soaked in cold sweat.


Qin Yichang exhaled a breath, this time, really escaped from death.

There is a prohibition between every small realm, and the golden skeleton obviously cannot break through the prohibition and enter this place of cherry blossoms.

Qin Yi touched the bronze spear in front of him, and found a strange cold.

After a while, the bronze spear was blocked by the golden skeleton in the Shura field over there, and he pulled back bit by bit.

The place of cherry blossoms is where babies are born. The seasons are like spring, and the cherry blossoms are always blooming and will not wither.

With the last experience, Qin Yi knew that after passing through this cherry blossom field, it was Huangquan Road, and then through the Neihe Bridge on Huangquan Road, he would welcome the other side of the flower.

Without delay, Qin Yi continued to boast his father's steps, following the front of the Sen Luo Ling, and swiftly moved forward.

Soon, the cherry blossoms disappeared.


The sound of Lei Guanri's water splash suddenly sounded.

The legendary Huang Quan appeared, surging yellow water, with strong death air, ran to the east, bones rippling on top of the Huang Quan, the scalp was numb.

Qin Yi became a "dead man" again.

He lightly drove along the road and walked along Huangquan Road. He quickly saw Neihe Bridge. He stepped on Neihe Bridge. A skeleton, suddenly rushed from Huangquan. This scene is exactly the same as last time.

"Lingfeng Palm!" "Rage Tips!"

Qin Yi constantly exerted these two martial arts and started a war with the skull that rushed up.

The fighting power of these skeletons is not powerful, just a very large number, a skeleton with a rush, from the Huangquan, endless. Qin Yi stepped on his father's foot and rushed to the other side in a frenzy.

After a while, Qin Yi finally killed the other bank and was trapped in the other bank of flowers. In front of him, clusters of other bank flowers were extremely magnificent.

With his first experience, Qin Yi knew very well that under these other shore flowers, a monk's head was sealed, and the clusters of other shore flowers in front of him were distributed like a huge ghost face.

"Even if life is death, death is life, life and death, who can distinguish ..."

The headless monk reappeared, wandering among the clusters of flowers on the other shore, and there was a sound of Zen singing through his belly.

The sound of Zen singing was small at first, and gradually became louder, singing again and again. Finally, Zen singing resembles Hong Zhong Da Lu, echoed in the sky.

There is some kind of mysticism in this meditation. Qin Yi's restlessness is heard. The blood vessels in the body are constantly expanding, and even the blood vessels must burst.

Qin Yi forcibly suppressed the inexplicable irritability, looked at the headless monk who was wandering not far away, and was puzzled: "Who is he, and during the immortal age, a certain heavenly strong man whose soul has not died?"

There is no doubt that he could not understand the problem.

Suddenly, the headless monk disappeared out of thin air, and the clusters of gorgeous other shore flowers also disappeared.

With the disappearance of the headless monk and the other shore flowers, Qin Yi's restless mood slowly calmed down.

Not far ahead, an old castle appeared.

"It's finally here."

Looking at the ancient castle in front, Qin Yichang exhaled a breath, without hesitation, he strode toward the castle stride.

This is a dead city. There is no one in the whole castle. The spacious streets are very empty. The breezes blow, causing the blood in the human body to solidify a little.

In the empty dead city, whenever dusk came, there would be a team of patrolling shadow soldiers.

In front of it, an ancient and spooky pavilion stands alone. In front of the pavilion, there is a plaque with the three characters "Sen Luo Dian" engraved on the plaque, giving a ghostly feeling.

"Senro, I'm here!"

Qin Yi shouted, his voice contained the inner strength of Zongdao, and he was abnormally powerful.


The Sen Luo Ling in front of Qin Yi draws a golden awn and flies towards the Sen Luo Temple in front.

"Ding Ding Dong Dong ..."

The beautiful and beautiful sound of Guzheng came from somewhere in front.

With the sound of the guzheng, Qin Yi fell into a peach garden, full of peach blossoms, colorful and full of poetry, dreams and dreams.

The beautiful and beautiful sound of Guzheng lingered among the peach trees.

When he heard the sound of Guzheng for the first time, Qin Yi's heart was full of killing thoughts, but he felt restless.

Qin Yi's state of mind is still momentary and peaceful when I hear this piece of guzheng again. I just think it is like a clear spring from the sky, cleaning up all the hustle and bustle of the world.

Qin Yi strolled in this peach garden and listened carefully to the sound of Guzheng. For a moment, he only felt that he had sublimated to the wonderland of life.

Not far ahead, there was a stone table and two stone benches.

A tall black shadow, facing away from Qin Yi, focused on the guzheng on the stone table.

"Senro King."

Qin Yi smiled slightly.

"Boom boom ..."

The king of Senro flicked his fingers on the guzheng, and a string of notes as if the clear springs were rushing out of the strings suddenly stopped suddenly.

"In just a few months, it broke through to Zongdao, young man, your excellence is beyond my expectations."

Sen Luo Wang's indifferent voice came slowly, making people feel no vitality.

He turned around slowly, looking at Qin Yi, still only half of his face, and half of his face missing, one eye, half nose, half mouth.

Although this is the second time I have seen this half of my face, Qin Yi still has a shocking feeling.

"Seniors win prizes, and juniors are only lucky to gain the potential of seniors in order to have the speed of this breakthrough."

Qin Yi said respectfully.


King Senro shook his head and said: "My potential is indeed good, but it is not enough to help you break through the Tao in such a short period of time. The key to your being so fast is your own talents. . "

In fact, not only because of Qin Yi's talent, but also his constant adventures.

Qin Yi smiled faintly, as a default.

He suddenly remembered the scene of the battle with the Golden Skull in the Shura Field just now, and he could not help asking: "Senior, I came here to pass through a Shura Field, where there is an undead golden skull, please ask the senior Was it the ghost town of Fengdu in Xiangu, immortal ghost king? "

Qin Yi asked the question in his heart.

"Fengdu Guishan? Undead Ghost King?"

Sen Luo Wang froze for a while, and looked at Qin Yi's one eye, revealing an incredible look: "How can you know that Fengdu Guishan is not a dead ghost king? Boy, you really are not simple, what is your origin?"


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