The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 322: Practice violent tactics

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"Although five Kyushu Lingyuan stones and ten third-grade elixirs are extremely tempting, He Gong's cultivation practices have already surpassed the two realms of Zongdao. In the second case, the probability of defeating him is zero. "

Qin Yi is not reckless. He calmly analyzes the gap between himself and He Gong. He is competing for the top ten inner disciple disciples for the five Yuan Lingshi and the ten third-rank Dantian. It ’s not worth it. He does n’t have to risk challenging He Gong. .

"Qin Yi, by the way, I forgot to tell you that in addition to obtaining at least five Kyushu Lingyuan stones and ten third-grade elixirs, the top ten inner disciple disciples may be favored by the elders of Zongmen. Become their proselytized disciple. Although your potential is unsatisfactory, there are only "five rings", but if you can get into the top ten of the inner discipleship, I believe that the elders should take you out as proficiency disciples. "

He Gong's lazy voice suddenly came slowly from behind.

Once killed in the top ten of the inner disciples, it is possible that the elder Zongmen will be accepted as a personal disciple?

This is an opportunity!

Qin Yi's footsteps stopped suddenly.

The teenager didn't think more about it. His soft voice came out of his mouth slowly: "Okay, after five days, I will challenge you!"

As long as it is possible to become a personal disciple of an elder of Zongmen, he will give it a try!

He Gong behind him looked suffocated, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter. He succeeded!

And Yang Shiqi and Long Yan beside Qin Yi looked at each other and sighed rather helplessly.

The matter was settled in this way. Qin Yi, the ranking match after five days, challenged He Gong!

Farewell to Yang Shiqi and Long Yan, Qin Yi returned to his pavilion.

"He Gong's current practice has already surpassed the second realm of Zongdao. If he is defeated without using the second form of" The Seven Forms of Heavenly Demon ", I must at least break through the Zongdao."

Qin Yi began to think about his situation.

Within five days, it was extremely difficult to break through the Taoism. Basically, it was impossible. Even if Qin Yi had the potential of King Serow, he had no confidence at all.

If he breaks through the Taoism within a month, he has certainty.

At present, it is only five days!

Sighing slightly, Qin Yi felt that his current situation was extremely bad.

However, Qin Yi had no choice.

As long as he became a disciple of the elder Zongmen, worshipping immortal people wanted to suppress himself. It was basically impossible. He could only watch him become stronger step by step, and then suppress him.

Having settled his mind, Qin Yi was ready to practice hard. Although it was basically impossible to break through the Tao within five days, he had to try his best.

If you enter Juling Array again, it is not impossible to break through Sect Dao within five days, but it is a pity that Ju Ling Array, unless licensed by Skyrail Hall, will have only one chance to get into Ju Ling even if the disciples of the elder Zongmen Opportunity to practice.

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about gathering together, Qin Yi meditated cross-legged and began to practice seriously.

According to his habit of cultivation, he first put the "Vajra Heart Sutra", "Kua Fufu Step", "Fu Tiger Sky Elephant", "Fate of Return to Life", "Three Types of Bullying", "Da Luo Tian Shou", "Ling Feng Palm" The first, second, and second forms of "The Seven Forms of Heavenly Demon", etc., are tuned out one by one and practiced carefully.

One day later, Qin Yi had some gains in these martial arts, especially the "Vajra Heart Sutra", he practiced half a step to perfection.

However, it is obviously not enough to contend with He Gong without using the second form of "Seven Demon Forms".

"Furious formula."

After practicing these other martial arts again, Qin Yi also brought out the immortal fragments of "Rage of Secrets" and practiced them seriously.

"If you can cultivate the" Rage of Secrets "to the fourth level, and if the body's profound energy is reversed successfully, even if you don't break through the Taoism, you should be able to defeat He Gong."

Qin Yi carefully analyzed.

Now, there are still four days left until the third stage of the Zongmen Wuhui Association. Qin Yi did not delay any more and began to practice "The Rage Trick" seriously.

"Rage Trick" was originally a very difficult piece of Xiangu. If it is replaced by a common disciple of Zongmen, it is afraid that it will be hard to cultivate for a month, and it may not be rewarding.

But Qin Yi is different. He not only has a mysterious left hand, but also possesses the potential of King Serow. Therefore, those originally arduous violent tactics to cultivate tactics are not difficult in his eyes. Of course, it is not easy to understand.

Qin Yi does not eat or drink, the whole person seems to be petrochemical, and strives to perceive the tactics of the violent tactics. Every time he realizes it, there are no small gains.

At a certain moment, a picture appeared in his mind. There was a divine mountain, revealing a dazzling divine light, and countless powerful people rushed towards the top of that divine mountain.

"This is a picture of the ancient centuries, these powerful people are competing for" Rage "!"

Qin Yi made an accurate judgment in an instant, and his heart could not be calm. He was unbelievable. At this moment, he actually saw the picture of the strong men competing for the "Rage of Rage" during the immortal years.

The ancient Shenshan is a dead silence, only the Taoist divine radiance emerges. Many Xiangu strongmen rushed to the top of the Shenshan quickly to participate in the competition for Xiangu.


Suddenly, at the top of the Divine Mountain, there was a very loud sound of breaking through the sky, and the quaint big hand appeared out of thin air, so huge, it covered the entire Divine Mountain.


The big hand pressed down, as if the sky pressed the top, and the strong men who were competing for the uneducated can't avoid it. They were all cracked by the suddenly appearing giant palm.

At the top of the mountain, there was a lot of mourning, which was extremely vague and could not be heard clearly.

"Is this ... the power of the violent tactic reversal?"

Qin Yi was shocked.

Sure enough ... very violent and very powerful!

With a single palm, so many Xiangu strongmen will be hit hard, or even directly killed. This kind of power is unimaginable. In today's Hongmeng era, I am afraid that it does not exist.

"That very vague grief is the other half of" Rage of Rage "!"

Qin Yi felt that there was profound mystery in the sadness, and he was immediately overjoyed. He hurriedly listened carefully, and felt seriously.

Even if he couldn't hear the content of that sad music, Xiu Wei was also hurricane. One day later, he had already practiced the "Rage of Fury" half a step.

"Just practice the first half of the realm, and you will come to the fourth realm, and the profound energy will be reversed!"

Qin Yi's heart is full of expectations.

It's just a pity that next, Qin Yi's cultivation can't make any progress anymore. "Rage of Rage" stays in half a step and four realms, and only half a step to reach the fourth realm.


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