The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 314: Stage comparison

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As the words of Lord Linghu Tang fell, the first round of alternate disciple disciples soon came to their respective platforms.

Qin Yi's eyes glanced at the 10 ring platforms, and he didn't even know the other nine alternate inner disciples. When his eyes touched the ring 10 platform, his eyes condensed slightly.

"She ... turned out to be an alternate disciple?"

Qin Yi moved.

On the ring No. 10, there was a pretty girl standing beautifully, about sixteen or seventeen years old, dressed in a snow-white robe, and dressed her like a fairy in nine days, as if she would fly away with the wind.

Under the ring, many disciples cast their gaze on it.

This girl, who was in the marketplace on the same day, sold fifteen Yuan Yingjin threads to Qin Yi's people at the price of one or two silver. Until now, Qin Yi still wanted to understand why she did such a weird move.

"Poof ..."

A sweet smile came from around him, it was Xi Xuan'er.

Xi Xuan'er smiled and said humorously: "Qin Yi, you are so knowledgeable. Xue Bichen is the first person on the ranking of outside disciples, higher than your ranking. Could she be an alternate disciple of inner disciples?"

"What, she turned out to be the first person on the list of outside disciples!"

Qin Yi stunned, but did not expect it.

In the next competition, it turned out that the other arena was unfamiliar, but on the 10th ring, no one dared to challenge it. Xue Bichen carried his sword and stood there quite boringly.

The first person on the outside disciple's ranking, no one wants to challenge.

However, Zong Men stipulated that an alternate inner disciple should accept no more than twenty games. In the end, some outer disciples were forced to challenge Xue Bichen.


A chubby outside disciple rushed to the stage, facing Xue Bichen with a calm face, and said with a bitter smile: "It's my honor to be able to fight against you-Jiutianzhi!"

The chubby disciple was very simple, and suddenly raised his hand to Xue Bichen.

"Return to the Nine Swords First Form!"


The chubby disciple fell to the ground.

Xue Bichen stood there calmly, with a light expression: "Acknowledge!"

One move will defeat your opponent!

too strong!

The fat man's mouthplate violently pumped, and he looked down the ring with a sad look.

The whole field was silent, and everyone was stunned by the scene. Even Qin Yi was shocked in his heart. When Xue Bichen and his chubby disciple just tried, he entered an ethereal state. He found that Xue Bichen's sword had no flaws, and the speed was fast.

"It's worthy of being the first person on the list of outside disciples. Such a fighting force is afraid to be stronger than many inside disciples!"

Qin Yi sighed with emotion.

Next, there were outside disciples, who had no choice but to challenge Xue Bichen, but basically either gave up the challenge directly, or lost two or three moves, and rarely survived four moves.

The first round of challenges in the first phase ended quickly. In this round of challenges, a total of about 20 outside disciples were promoted, but Xue Bichen had no one promoted.

With the announcement of the main commander of Linghu, the second round of outside discipleship challenge began.

Qin Yi's toes, gently, jumped on the No. 5 ring.

He didn't need to do anything deliberately. He would stand on the ring, and he would become a kind of impetuous, impeccable, like a sword with a sheath.

"Not bad."

Many Zongmen seniors secretly nodded to Qin Yi above the ring, even the ancestors at the top of the stone steps moved slightly.

The successive defeats of Feng Wen, Beimen Guang and Xin Tang, and the consecutive defeats of the nine major bronze men, made everyone in the audience feel a sense of invisible oppression.

The next challenge, the scene of Qin Yi ’s encounter, was the same as that of Xue Bichen in the first round. Basically, no outside disciple dared to come on stage to challenge him. The other arena is full of enthusiasm, but his ring is cold. Qin Yi stood in the middle of the ring and was bored.

With the passage of time, when the other inner disciple candidates in the ring have been challenged for a specified number of times, there are finally some outer disciples who have to challenge Qin Yi.

"Qin Yi, I know you are strong, but I won't easily admit defeat."

A disciple dressed in black robe jumped into the ring and said stubbornly.

"Not bad."

Qin Yi nodded his head lightly and said, "I admire your stubbornness."

Hearing Qin Yi's words, the disciples outside the black robe shuddered and looked very excited.

Qin Yi, among the outside disciples, is almost a mythical existence. At this moment, he can get his appreciation. The black robe outside disciples feel extremely face-saving.

"Okay, Qin Yi, with your words, it's enough-phantom legs!"

He suddenly shot towards Qin Yi, his legs turned into countless pieces, false and real, and kicked hard at Qin Yi.

"Lingfeng Palm!"

Qin Yi did not panic and unhurriedly put out "Lingfeng Palm", and suddenly a large crowd of imaginary palm shadows split towards the outer disciples of the black robe, directly breaking the void, and immediately between them, it was split. On the disciples outside the black robe.


The disciples outside the black robe fell to the ground, just Qin Yi's enemy.

However, because of the appreciation given by Qin Yi before, although the disciples outside the black robe were defeated by one stroke, he felt very radiant on his face and walked down the ring with his head raised.

Everyone in the audience knew about Qin Yi's combat strength long ago and did not behave too unexpectedly.

It was the ancestor at the top of the stone steps, slightly moved: "This disciple's combat power is really refreshing."

"Still on the fourth level of" Lingfeng Palm "."

Makita in the crowd, that Mu Na's face was faintly showing disdain. He remembered that the last time Qin Yi played "Lingfeng Palm", Qin Yi's "Lingfeng Palm" practiced the fourth layer After a few days, today, his "Lingfeng Palm" is still at the fourth level.

"Now, my" Lingfeng Palm "has reached the third level of cultivation, plus my own cultivation behavior, it is much higher than Qin Yi, and it is easy to defeat him with Lingfeng."

Makita secretly analyzed the strength gap between himself and Qin Yi, and in his heart, he raised a strong expectation for the contract with Qin Yi.


On Yanwuchang, another outside disciple rushed to the No. 5 ring.


Qin Yi smiled faintly.

"No war, I admit defeat."

The disciples who came up were very simple.

Qin Yi stunned slightly.

Next, the disciples who came up to challenge either had to admit defeat or were defeated by Qin Yi in two or three strokes. Without a disciple, Qin Yi showed off the original four types of "Lingfeng Palm".

No one will be surprised by such results.

Two hours later, the second round of outside discipleship challenge ended. This round of challenge is similar to the first round, and it is promoted by about 20 disciples.

In Qin Yi's hands, no outside disciple was promoted successfully.


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