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At this moment, his body was violently surging, and the whole person was completely in an ethereal state.

When the four styles of "Lingfeng Palm" were brought to the extreme, Qin Yi's heart seemed to be a long-dusty door, and suddenly opened at this moment, a little Shenghui sprinkled in, which was a kind of Some kind of tricks that have not been touched.

As these statutes appeared in my heart, Qin Yi didn't want to think about it, and instinctively followed these unfamiliar statutes and slammed out toward the Linghe.

With the split of this palm, the palm was turned into a **** palm shadow. This **** palm shadow was not large, only about half a chapter wide, but it seemed to be a palm shot from the Shura field. , Mysterious, ancient.

All the vitality around it seemed to follow the appearance of this **** palm shadow, and the moment was pulled away. The place was full of blood and death, and it was terrifying.


The **** palm shadow broke away, with a piercing roar, as if to smash everything between heaven and earth.

Seeing this **** palm shadow, Linghe's huge body, violently fought a cold war.


At the next moment, the **** palm shadow was shot fiercely on the body of the Linghe, and it was shot more than ten feet away.

"Well ..."

The Linghe screamed, and he ran in embarrassment, and the speed was extremely fast, and suddenly disappeared into the sky.

The war ended.

This result is really surprising!

The Linghe, which was originally incapable of life and fighting force, was because Qin Yi played an incredible Lingfeng palm. With one palm, he defeated it and fled in embarrassment.

Standing on the spot, Qin Yi looked a little demented. He was not stunned because of the incredible end of this battle, but was shocked by his martial arts.

"How could I ... make such a **** palm shadow ..."

Qin Yi murmured.

Suddenly, he came back to himself, exulting: "This is the fifth form of" Lingfeng Palm "!"

It's so **** boiling!

After being forced into a desperate situation by Linghe, Qin Yi actually inspired the potential. Under the situation of crazy performance of "Lingfeng Palm", he realized the fifth style of "Lingfeng Palm"!

Prior to this, Qin Yi created "Three Types of Bullying" and "Return of Life". At this moment, a miracle was born on him again, and he actually created the fifth type of "Lingfeng Palm" bizarrely.

Qin Yi is clear that he can create new martial arts repeatedly, thanks to the mysterious left hand. If he did not enter into the ethereal state created by his left hand, he would never be able to do this.

"Haha, Linghe, thank you!"

For a moment, Qin Yi was angry and laughed wildly, comfortably unspeakable in his heart.

He could never imagine that a spirit crane who wanted to drive him away would give him a chance. Although he was forced to be extremely embarrassed by Linghe, he made himself realize the fifth form of "Lingfeng Palm".

Worth it!

After a while, Qin Yi gradually calmed down and began to contemplate the fifth style of Lingfeng Palm that he created.

He found that this fifth type is an upgraded version of Lingfeng's fourth type of disillusionment. The disillusionment is a large piece of gray palm shadow. In the fifth type, a large piece of palm shadow re-condenses into a **** palm shadow The area is also much smaller, but in terms of power and speed, it has improved a grade.

"In the battle with Makita, he will definitely fight me with" Lingfeng Palm ". When he thought he could defeat me with" Lingfeng Palm ", I exhibited the fifth form of" Lingfeng Palm " ... "

Thinking of the contract with Makita, Qin Yi smiled lightly in his heart. In his heart, he could not help raising a trace of expectation. At that time, Makita would never dream of it, and he would play the fifth form of "Lingfeng Palm".

"Linfeng's fifth style is called the" nameless "style."

Qin Yi named the Lingfeng palm he created.

Next, he became familiar with the fifth form of "Lingfeng Palm"-the nameless form, constantly practiced, repeated scrutiny, and corrected and perfected some small defects.

In a day, he had fully mastered this style of Lingfeng Palm and was able to display it at will. After his careful correction and improvement, his power was even greater than at the beginning.

So far, he has been in this gathering for four days and has six days.

He pulled his mind back from the fifth form of "Lingfeng Palm" and put it back to practice.

"Six days, it's running out, I must focus on practicing."

Qin Yi settled down, meditated again, and began to practice.

Every pore in his body was like a devil with a big mouth open again, madly absorbing the heaven and earth aura here, transported to Dantian through the major meridians in his body, and then converted into profound energy by Dantian, and sent back to each meridian.

Two days later, the Linghe appeared again, swooping down towards Qin Yi, who was meditating and practicing, and rushed to the past.

Knowing the peculiarity of this Linghe, Qin Yi did not dare to neglect and hurriedly stood up to face the battle: "Lingfeng Palm fifth style-anonymous style!"

With Qin Yi's palm split, a half-foot wide **** palm shadow broke through the sky and shot at Linghe fiercely.

Linghe was prepared early, with his wide wings and a huge body turned into a residual image. In a moment, he flew tens of feet away, easily avoiding Qin Yi's fierce palm.

"Well ..."

Linghe kept fluttering his wings, stopped in the air with buoyancy, and looked at Qin Yi with disdain.


Qin Yi blinked incredulously, and he was shocked to the extreme. He was surprised to find that the beast had already thoroughly understood the fifth style of "Lingfeng Palm" and could not hurt it anymore.

Such a fierce "Lingfeng Palm" fifth style, was easily avoided by this Linghe, you know, Qin Yi still defeated him easily with this palm in the last battle.

This Linghe really has incredible learning ability! Qin Yi once again confirmed this.

"Fortunately, this Linghe is not a human, otherwise it will be terrible. Who can defeat it?"

Qin Yi sighed with emotion, and at the same time, he was puzzled to the extreme. What exactly is this Linghe?

However, Qin Yi apparently did not have time to think about this issue, because the Linghe fanned his wide flying wings, and quickly dived down again, with long beaks pecking at him.

Qin Yi didn't dare to neglect, and stepped on his father's footsteps, again dangerously and dangerously avoiding the struggling peck of Linghe.


He shouted and greeted the Linghe quickly.

A new round of human and crane wars has begun again.

"Lingfeng Palm" has been penetrated by Linghe, and it is meaningless to show it again.

"Furious formula!"

Qin Yi can only try to display the "Rage of Rage" that he practiced before entering the Lingling Formation.

"Rage Trick" to be exact, is actually a set of boxing techniques, and now, Qin Yi only practiced this set of boxing techniques to a higher level, the power is really limited.



Qin Yi hit the Linghe with a fist and directly shot it out more than ten feet away. Linghe screamed and fled again in embarrassment.


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