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Seeing Yang Shiqi and Long Yan, Elder Jiang's eyes slightly warm, and Xi Xuan'er beside him looked at them curiously.

"Regarding your situation, Qin Yi has told me just now. Now, I must know whether Qin Yi is compiling a story."

Elder Jiang smiled and immediately took out a crystal rod similar to Tianxinghou and said: "The potential of the descendants of the ancient Zhanlong family can not be tested, because the ancient Zhanlong family is not a family meditating and upgrading. You have to fight to break through the shackles of the body, so Long Yan does not need to be tested. Refer to your potential, combat strength, or family inheritance. "

Hearing what Elder Jiang said, everyone knew it. Only those who rely on meditation and cultivation can test their potential through the instrument.

"Yang Shiqi, let's test it."

Elder Jiang handed the crystal rod to Yang Shiqi. Yang Shiqi exhaled lightly, trying to relax herself, taking out all the distractions, focusing her attention completely on the crystal rod.


The gold thread inside the crystal rod leaps up and down at an extremely fast speed.

One paragraph, two paragraphs, three paragraphs ...

Elder Jiang and Xi Xuan'er both opened their eyes wide and stared at the gold thread inside the crystal rod without blinking.

Four, five, six, six and a half ...

Six and a half!

This exceeded the time of the entrance examination on the day when Yang Shiqi measured the potential of the "Six Rings". Elder Jiang's expression suffocated, showing a touch of interest.

The gold wire in the crystal rod did not slow down until this time, and continued to rise, easily surpassing the seven segments.

Seven and a half, eight, eight and a half!

Another half and a half!

Elder Jiang and Xi Xuan'er were completely petrochemical.

The potential of Makita and Xi Xuan'er is eight rings, which has attracted the high-level high-level robbers of the magical traces. Now, the girl in front of him is eight and a half, surpassing them by a full half.

However, Yang Shiqi shrugged slightly, and didn't seem to care much about such test results.

Since the last time Qin Yi bought the Dulong Remnant Soul Sword for her, as she continued to practice sword technique, she faintly felt that her body seemed to be sealed with a vast "sword power".

If she could unblock that "sword power", she believed in her potential, and she was afraid that it would be more than eight and a half.

As for her becoming a "floating spirit", she now understands a little bit, that is because the body of the sealed "sword power" is constantly trying to break through the seal, "sword power" whenever Trying to break through will reveal a trace, and her potential will also soar.

She is very clear that for the "sword power" in the body to break through the seal, she must first become stronger and attack the "sword power" inside and out.

"Haha, eight and a half potential, great!"

Elder Jiang was overjoyed.

Eighteen and a half, this is the pinnacle of the disciples of the whole door, how does he not like it? This time, I really found the treasure!

Xi Xuan'er beside him was completely stunned and felt deeply shocked. She thought that the eight-ring potential of her own shoulders with Makita had completely disregarded all the disciples in the sect, who was expected, but now Yang Shiqi jumped directly An eight-and-a-half-potential potential, leaving her and Makita far behind.

"Very good, Yang Shiqi, the old man wants to take you as a personal disciple, are you willing?"

Elder Jiang's eyes were burning, looking at Yang Shiqi.

"Yes, Master Xie!"

Yang Shiqi nodded with a smile, but it was a double eagle in one fell swoop. Not only was she directly promoted to an inner disciple, but she also found a backer who was more powerful than a real person. How could she not be willing?

Elder Jiang smiled, and immediately looked at Long Yan: "Next, it's your turn. I am very interested to know, how many war dragons have you inherited as a descendant of the ancient war dragon family? "

Everyone's eyes also looked at Long Yan curiously.

However, at this moment.

Elder Jiang's body suddenly revealed an incomparably powerful momentum, without any indication, he was a big hand, and he shot towards Longyan, and the speed was as fast as the limit.

The sudden change made everyone stunned.

However, Long Yan was ultimately a descendant of the Zhan Long family, who was born to fight, and instantly responded, his body exploded and opened, which was able to withstand the surprise attack of Elder Jiang.

"Elder Jiang, what do you mean?"

Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi were shocked and angry. At the same time, they drank at Elder Jiang, and Xi Xuan'er over there was also shocked.

"Several areas of Maotou, who also want to lie, will make the old man be fooled? The purest descendant of the ancient battle dragon family blood? It's ridiculous, your lies are too naive."

Elder Jiang drinks coldly, and at this moment, it has become murderous: "Look at me today, I will destroy your descendants of the so-called Zhanlong family."

Everything turned too fast.

"Old man, dare you!"

Qin Yi angered, without saying anything, and Yang Shiqi, both desperately rushed to Elder Jiang.

However, Elder Jiang's big sleeves flicked, and a huge imprisonment force directly imprisoned both Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi, so that they could stand there without movement.

"Old bastard, you dare to move a dragon hair, I swear here, I will kill you in the future!"

Qin Yi was really furious. He couldn't understand why Elder Jiang suddenly started to deal with Long Yan. Isn't it ... his family, and the ancient war dragon family, are enemies of all ages?

Qin Yi made such a guess.

At this moment, his intestines were repentant, knowing that revealing Long Yan's life experience would bring him the scourge of killing him, and he would not disclose it if he was killed.

Elder Jiang didn't pay any attention to Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi, but walked slowly towards Longyan. Every step he took, even the earth seemed to shake.

"Descendants of the Zhanlong family? Come on, show your strongest inheritance martial arts. The old man wants to see, how powerful is your so-called Zhanlong inheritance?"

The cold voice came from Elder Jiang's mouth.

The third elder of the magic trail is unimaginable. It is conservatively estimated that the cultivation practices have all broken through the five realms of the Tao.


Long Yan's ink gun was born, and the length of the long body of the gun, a "buzzing" trembling, a powerful killing intention.

"Old man, if you want to kill me, you have to ask me if the ink gun in my hand agrees?"

Long Yan held the gun with one hand and pointed at Elder Jiang. His silver hair, dancing wildly, and his cold eyes didn't have the slightest fear, but burned with warfare.

Faced with the sudden situation, Xi Xuan'er was completely stunned and stood there at a loss.


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