The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 291: Xin Tang defeated

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Looking at the magic palm that seemed to be taken out of hell, the violent Xintang, and suddenly there was a breath of death, and there was a trace of fear that could not be restrained in my heart, even the soul, It was a tremble that couldn't be restrained.

His tall body suffocated slightly, and suddenly a very bitter smile.


In the next moment, Zhang Kuan ’s left demon slapped **** his body. He only felt like a huge mountain, hitting himself hard, and the whole person flew directly out of dozens of feet away, and fell suddenly. Fall to the ground.

His body was already cracked, covered with blood, and a burst of blood spewed out.

Xin Tang defeated!

On the whole field, there was no sound, and once again fell into a silence, looking at the young man whose left hand had returned to its original state, standing proudly there. At this moment, all the people were a little dazed.

That boy is god? Or is it magic?

"Xin Tang defeated!"

After a while, Lord Linghu only recovered. This battle, even for him, was full of blood and excitement, and he announced the result with excitement: "Qin Yi challenged Xin Tang's success. Xin Tang's ranking on the outer disciple list will be replaced by Qin Yi!"

Ranked second!

As the Lord Linghu announced the result, everyone had recovered, and everyone's face was shocked and unbelievable.

A young man who had just entered the sect, was singing all the way, almost in the blink of an eye, he replaced Xin Tang's second ranking, and the combat power was completely beyond everyone's expectations. Especially when the teenager played the last form, everyone even had the illusion that he came from the great **** of the heyday before the endless years.

"Huh, this guy is so powerful, so mad at me!"

Xi Xuan'er in the crowd snorted with a sharp nose, shocked and dissatisfied.

The beautiful girl in white robe who had been sitting alone all the time was also a horrified face, but at the same time, she was relieved.

"Huh, I heard that this outside disciple lost nine big bronze men in a row when he started the assessment. Now, it seems that there is indeed some combat power."

Some disciples in the inner door, with their mouths filled with emotion, expressed their affirmation of Qin Yi's combat power, but they did not care too much.

There is an essential gap in strength between the outer disciples and the inner disciples. In this battle with Xin Tang, Qin Yi's performance was amazing again, that was just facing the outer disciples.

"Sister Qin, your combat strength has indeed improved slightly, but your five-potential potential is always a pain in your heart. When you and I fight, I hope that the gap between you and me will not Too big. "

The stern voice suddenly sounded from somewhere in the field.

Huo Ran is the Makita.

Suddenly, all the people on the field looked at Mudian with that look, and immediately looked at Qin Yi again, showing a strong interest on his face.

"Five-ring potential? If Makita knows my current potential, it is estimated that all the bronze bells can be blown out. I really don't know if he will die directly with hatred."

Qin Yi's heart was dark, and his face was light and calm, and he said slowly: "When you and I fight, what is the difference between you and us?


In the face of Makita, he showed such a strong self-confidence!

Everyone was shocked.

Makita is a disciple who is competing compulsively for worshiping immortals. This is a metamorphosis. Most of the people in the sect are aware of it. Even some old inner disciples are a little afraid of it.

Now, the young man in front of him seems to disdain Makita!

"Very well, you will soon know how big the gap between you and me is!"

There was no slight wave on Makita's face, and after saying this, he turned away.

"Haha, worship a real person, it seems that your disciple named Makita is not too bad. Look, the young man in front of him doesn't put him in his eyes. Interesting!"

Elder Jiang in a white robe suddenly laughed and immediately turned to look at Qin Yi: "Youth, work hard to defeat the disciple who worshiped the immortal. Of course, if you can't, I will train my disciples, Stepped on the foot of the disciple who worshiped the immortal. "

Elder Jiang ranks third among the eight elders in Zongmen, and his status is higher than that of worshipping immortals. He will not have any fears about worshiping immortals.

Elder Jiang!

Among the eight elders of Zongmen, ranked third!

Qin Yi's heart moved a little, and suddenly a certain thought came up.

"Elder Xie Jiang appreciates that the younger generation will work hard to practice."

Qin Yi's attitude is quite respectful and cautious.

"Not bad!"

Seeing Qin Yi's extraordinary combat power, but with a humble attitude, Elder Jiang's heart breeds a little appreciation.

But at the same time, Elder Jiang also had some regrets. The potential of this disciple is really low. If not, it would be a good choice to include him under his door and become his own disciple.

"Elder Jiang, you are really kidding."

The immortal worshiper on the side smiled helplessly, and immediately looked at Qin Yi's gaze at some vultures, his face was smiling, but that gaze made Qin Yi's feeling instantly uncomfortable.

"Your name is Qin Yi? Although Jiang Chang quite appreciates your combat power, he obviously feels a bit sorry for your" five ring "potentials, and he does not want to put you under his door to become his personal disciple, but, I do n’t really care about your potential problems. If you want to, I would like to put you under the door and become a disciple, so you will have more opportunities to learn between you and Makita. "

After saying this, Bai Xianzhen looked at Qin Yi with a smile. At this moment, his eyes turned to be kind.

Elder Jiang beside him actually said that he regretted Qin Yi's potential to worship the immortal, and he did not deny it.

Collect me as a personal disciple!

Qin Yi's heart suddenly jumped, with a strange feeling.

The disciples around him suddenly cast envious eyes on Qin Yi, especially those outside disciples. As long as Qin Yi nodded at the moment, he could immediately leave the disciples and be promoted to internal disciples.

However, Qin Yi was not impressed. He knew the purpose of worshipping a real person better than anyone else. That was the fighting power he showed, which attracted his attention. He wanted to suppress himself only once. If you become his own disciple, then there will be no day in the dark, and no day in the first place.

"Thank you for the appreciation of the real people, but I still want to have a good experience among the disciples outside, and I don't have the idea of ​​becoming an elder in person."

Qin Yi did not hesitate, but refused, and his attitude was still respectful. At present, he still has no strength to contend with the immortal worshipers and does not want to offend him.


Both Immortal and Elder Jiang were a bit surprised.

The disciples inside and outside behind were even more shocked.

"This idiot!"

Princess Taiping in the crowd whispered.


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