The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 275: Evaluation of medicinal materials (on)

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Encountered some difficult problems, Qin Yi took the initiative to consult the Yimei Alchemy Master.

At first, the alchemy master of Yimei was a little disdainful, but then it was secretly surprised, because Qin Yi's problems became more and more profound. In the end, even the knowledge of ordinary alchemists was even involved.

For example, how to better control the fire?

For example, how to judge the heat of the red fire by the color of the red fire in the alchemy furnace, and what kind of red medicine to refine, what kind of red fire is needed, how to control the red fire and so on.

"How could this kid ask such a question, is it ... he has really touched the realm of alchemist?"

The Alchemist of Yimei was shocked and suspicious.

This phenomenon is too weird. She had to report this strange phenomenon to Mr. Ye.

"What, this kid, isn't this swallowing dates?"

After listening to this, Mr. Ye was taken aback. He knew that Qin Yi's "talent" in alchemy was quite good, and he could even be called a genius, but his speed was so fast, he still felt that Qin Yi was just gutting , And did not put his mind on alchemy.

He quickly came to Qin Yi's residence, but found that Qin Yi was no longer there. With full of doubts, General Ye had to go to the alchemy room.

In the alchemy room, Ye Old Man quickly found Qin Yi.

Seeing Qin Yi safe and sound, he was shocked: "You, didn't you lie in bed to heal?"

Qin Yi blinked innocently when he heard the question from Mr. Ye. He naturally knew why Mr. Ye asked this, because he always thought that he could not be Qi Ping's opponent. Come, at this moment, it should be reasonable to lie on the bed with bruises.

The Yimei alchemy master and Princess Taiping looked at each other, and their faces were full of strange colors.

"Cough, General Manager Ye, Qin Yi challenged Qi Ping successfully, so ... he is now an alternate disciple of Zongmen."

Princess Taiping said cautiously.

"What, did you challenge that flush success?"

The corner of Mr. Ye ’s mouth twitched obviously, looking at Qin Yi as if he were a freak, and Qin Yi was silent, his innocent smile on his face.

"That Qiping momentum is very strong, self-esteem is very high, Qin Yi did not put in his eyes at all, under the care of Qin Yi accidentally defeated."

Princess Taiping explained carefully.

It turned out that it was defeated by Qin Yi in an "accident". Old Man Ye was relieved and felt a little bit sad in his heart.

However, he still has a serious face: "Qin Yi, you accidentally defeated Qi Ping and became an alternate disciple, but you must remember that your greatest talent is still in alchemy. You should not treat you in this area. Talent is wasted in vain. Take the knowledge in the alchemy field and swallow it. You should carefully analyze it and understand it carefully. "

Ye Guanguan hated that iron is not steel.


Swallow the jujube?

Qin Yi was confused, but he soon wanted to understand all the reasons. After a glance at Yimei Alchemy Master, he said: "Senior Ye, the juniors are not swallowing jujubes, but they do have some basic knowledge of alchemy Have a preliminary understanding and mastering. For example, "The Detailed Spectrum of Medicinal Materials", "Alchemy of Alchemy" ... "

"Wait, you already have a preliminary understanding of the contents of the book" The Great Spectrum of Medicinal Materials "?"

Director Ye interrupted Qin Yi's words and his eyes shone. The Yimei Alchemy Master and Princess Taiping on the side also looked at Qin Yi in surprise.


Qin Yi nodded and said seriously.

"Blow the atmosphere!"

Old Man Ye disdainfully sneered. The book "The Thousand Species of Medicinal Materials", even himself, has only been mastered so far. Qin Yi has only mastered it a few days after entering the pharmacy?

In this regard, Ye Older obviously cannot believe: "Okay, since you think you have mastered" The Great Spectrum of Medicinal Materials? This book has already been mastered, now I will ask you a few questions. If you can answer it, I will I believe you have mastered it. "

"Okay, then, please ask Senior Ye to ask questions."

Qin Yi looked confident.

On the one side, Imei Alchemy Master and Princess Taiping suddenly showed strong interest in their faces, ready to read Qin Yi's jokes, "A Thousand Species of Medicinal Materials" and "Introduction to Alchemy", "Initial Explanation of Danhuo", "Baikao's Knowledge "These three books are completely different, but that is a horse-drawn carriage.

Being able to master the contents of the three books "Introduction to Alchemy", "Initial Explanation of Danhuo", and "A Brief Introduction to Baicao" in a short period of time does not mean that you can also understand the details of "medicinal materials" in a short period of time. Spectrum "Master.

It should be known that Princess Taiping has been in the court for more than ten years, and has less than one-third of the content of "The Great Spectrum of Medicinal Materials".


Facing Qin Yi's chest-like appearance, Ye Old Man snorted extremely disdainfully.

Immediately, he began to ask: "How many species are recorded in the" Spectrum of Medicinal Materials "and which categories are they divided into?"

This question is relatively simple, and Old Man Ye wants to get deeper.

Qin Yi did not panic and hurriedly, all of the contents of the "Deep Thousand Spectral Materials of Medicinal Materials" were recalled in his mind.

"A total of 103,251 medicinal materials are recorded. These medicinal materials are divided into three categories: vanilla medicine, elixir, and magic medicine."

Qin Yi answered accurately, there was no time to think.

Old Man Ye is not surprised, this is the most basic appreciation.

"Where are these three types of medicinal materials basically distributed?"

Old Man Ye quickly asked the second question.

"Every medicine is basically distributed in the Great Desolation Plane, Hongmeng Plane, Xuanzong Plane, and in some special places, there may also be some elixir, elixir, basically distributed in the upper plane. Divine medicine, lower realm The world of the three major planes does not exist, and they are all distributed on the upper plane, and the number is not large, and it will not exceed 20,000. "

Qin Yi still didn't think about it, and he answered casually, without any mistakes.

"Qingli Chihuo, these two medicinal materials, are magic drugs or elixir? How are they formed? What attributes? What are the uses?"

Old Man Ye thought a little, and asked the third question.

"Qi Li Chi Huo, these two medicinal materials, belong to the magic medicine. They are distributed on the upper plane and were bred by the spirit of heaven and earth. The attributes are fierce. Once the lower practitioners take it, they will not be able to bear the power of medicine. After the explosion, the spirit was red and fire was enough to directly refine a person of ordinary physique into a bizarre physique called "the body of the red fire". This physique could burn the red fire all over the body, and the combat power was extraordinary. "Ling Qingli "The medicinal materials are also extremely against the sky. They can directly refine a person of ordinary physique into a bizarre physique called" the body of blue glass ". This physique can emerge from the whole body of blue glass, and the combat power is also extraordinary."

Qin Yi replied "a little thought".


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