The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 267: Challenge alternate inner disciples (Part 1)

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Qin Yi and Princess Taiping came to Yanwuchang and were taken aback by the huge momentum here.

They found Yang Shiqi and Long Yan among the crowd, and asked Yang Shiqi, and they knew that today, it was not only Qin Yi who challenged the alternate inner disciples, but also some other ordinary outside disciples. These alternate inner disciples launched a challenge.

Qin Yi and Princess Taiping knew it. No wonder the momentum would be so great. Obviously, the Foreign Affairs Hall concentrated all the challenges of outside disciples on this day.

Such a formal challenge, and even some high-level seniors of the magic trails, were watched on the spot, and the host of this challenge was the chief of the Linghu Hall of the Foreign Affairs Hall.

It's just this kind of outside disciple challenge activity. Those inner disciples didn't see one. In their view, these are nothing more than petty acts.

Soon, the challenge began.

"There are four challenges today."

Lord Linghu began to announce today's challenges, and the entire field instantly became quiet.

"The first challenge, ordinary disciple Zhang Qiujian, challenged alternate disciple Peng Hua."

"The second challenge, ordinary disciples often right, challenge alternate disciple Liang Ji."

"In the third challenge, ordinary disciple Gong Zhongping challenged alternate disciple Ning Shengcan."

"The fourth challenge, ordinary disciple Qin Yi, challenged the alternate inner disciple Qi Ping."

Qin Yi frowned slightly, and his battle with Qi Ping was actually scheduled for the last game, but this is also good, you can learn more about the strength of the alternate inner disciples.

With the names of himself and Qi Ping, read by the Lord of the Linghu Hall, Qin Yi saw Qi Ping in the crowd and looked towards him slowly. His eyes were full of abuse.

In response, Qin Yi directly ignored him and was too lazy to visit him.

After Qi Ping froze for a moment, the corner of his mouth twitched sharply, and his eyes swept a little harder: "Boy, crazy enough."

"The first challenge started, ordinary disciple Zhang Qiujian, challenged alternate disciple Peng Hua."

The announcement made by Lord Linghu was not very loud, but it suppressed all the sounds on the field. It was enough to see how strong the sect within the voice was.

As the voice of Lord Linghu fell, two young people came to the scene immediately, and both of them exuded a strong breath.

In the Yanwuchang, the two are far away from each other, one of them is the ordinary outer disciple Zhang Qiujian, and the other is the challenged alternate inner disciple Peng Hua.

The body surface of these two people is surging inside the sect, and at a glance, they all know that they have broken through the sect of the sect, and the invisible coercion made everyone watching around and felt a little suffocation.

"The strength of the two is very good."

Qin Yi nodded secretly.

Yang Shiqi, Long Yan, and Princess Taiping all stood beside Qin Yi, staring at the two of them in the field. Such clan and Taoist strong showdown, they had not seen many times before.

The whole field was quiet.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The challenge began. In the field, the two people's figures kept shaking, which was extremely fast, dazzling, with novel and powerful moves, constantly confronted, and a wave of energy and waves.

The crowd retreated in a hurry to avoid being affected by the pond fish.

Cultivators below the 7th level of Profound Dao are afraid that this wave of energy alone will be hit seriously and even crushed.

"Qinglong tactic!"

Peng Hua was angry, his fists bulged with green muscles, and his incredible boxing strength seemed to break this piece of space. His double fists danced into a dense shadow of fist, directly covering Zhang Qiujian.

The four spaces are all constantly distorted by the powerful sect power.

"Not bad!"

Some Zongmen seniors couldn't help but nod, affirming Peng Hua's Qinglong tactics.

The ordinary outside disciples all around were all in shock, and secretly speculated in their hearts, what would happen if they faced Peng Hua's Qinglong tactics?

The result that most people finally speculate is: they will be hit hard!

"Break me!"

Zhang Qiujian shouted and waved his palm, shattering the dense fist shadow directly. The blade of the palm was turned into a blade like an invincible sword of the world. Peng Hua was nearly ten feet away.

Zhang Qiujian stood there proudly, his black hair dancing, and his whole body exuded breath.

His clothes were hunting, and his eyes were full of war.

Ordinary outside disciples, once they have successfully challenged alternate inner disciples, they can replace the quota of challenged alternate inner disciples. This is definitely a very attractive opportunity, but any disciple who initiates a challenge will definitely come up with his strongest Awesome, fight all out.

"So powerful!"

Many ordinary outside disciples could not help exclaiming, but felt that their bodies were boiling blood.

Now it is ordinary outside disciples who challenge alternate inside disciples. Invisible, the disciples present form two shares, one is ordinary outside disciples and the other is alternate inside disciples.

At the moment, Zhang Qiujian represents ordinary outside disciples, while Peng Hua represents alternate inside disciples.


Those alternate inner disciples were amazed by Zhang Qiujian, and they were quite disdainful. In addition to being theoretically stronger than ordinary outer disciples, they also had a sense of superiority psychologically.

Xin Tang, the second-ranked disciple of the outer disciples, just sat on a chair, closed his eyes and nourished his face, and did not lift his face. Such a fight could hardly arouse his least interest.

Qi Ping in the crowd, glanced at the fight between the two in the field, but also some lack of interest, turned his eyes, and slowly looked at Qin Yi in the crowd.

Qin Yi is his opponent today!

In the center of the performance martial arts field, the fierce battle between Zhang Qiujian and Peng Hua is still continuing. At this moment, both men are fighting with all their strength and exerting their unparalleled strength.

Many ordinary outside disciples had no chance to watch the clan's duel before this, with their eyes wide open and their faces excited.

Both Zhang Qiujian and Peng Hua have no weapons, and they confront each other with bare hands. With each move, they carry a strong inner strength of the Zong Dao, and they press the surrounding space like ripples and twist.

Undoubtedly, in fact, the strengths of these two people are all the spiritual cultivation within the Zongdao. In their field of this level, I am afraid that they have reached the peak.

However, with the passage of time, Zhang Qiujian compared with Peng Hua, after all, it was a little worse, and gradually fell.

At a certain moment.


Zhang Qiujian punched Peng Hua out in a punch and fell to the ground.

Challenge failed!

Zhang Qiujian actually ... lost?

Many ordinary lay disciples are somewhat difficult to accept this result. Zhang Qiujian is now representing ordinary disciples. He has such a strong combat strength that he has lost.


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