The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 265: Alchemy genius (middle)

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He could not have imagined that the wonderful book in the field of alchemy in "The Great Spectrum of Medicinal Materials" was completely installed in a carriage!

A whole carriage is incredible, how many medicinal herbs are included in this book?

If all these medicinal materials are mastered, wouldn't I have become a living "A Thousand Species of Medicinal Materials"?

Although shocked by the large scale of "The Great Spectrum of Medicinal Materials", Qin Yi was more surprised.

Too cool, the Alchemy Alchemist of Yimei even put a wonderful book in the field of alchemy into his mind.

He believes that after reading this "A Thousand Species of Medicinal Materials", his own knowledge of medicinal materials is afraid that they will be rare in the entire mainland of Kyushu.

"The Medicinal Herbs Thousand Spectral Spectrum" includes almost all the medicinal materials in the world, and there are about 80,000 species. Moreover, the "Medicinal Herbs Great Thousand Spectral Spectrum" combines all the characteristics, attributes, strength, use, etc. It is detailed in it. "

The alchemy master of Yimei said lightly that at this moment in her heart, she was very happy. She was very happy to see Qin Yi's expression now. She laughed secretly, kid, see you have to retreat this time?

In her view, Qin Yi was completely bluffed by the huge "Details of Medicinal Materials", but where did she know that Qin Yi was actually surprised by this.

If there is no need, the three of them work together and move the "Details of Medicinal Materials" into the reading room.

This time, Imei Alchemist and Princess Taiping did not leave Qin Yi alone in the reading room as before.

The two of them also stayed, because they also figured out how Qin Yi did it. In just one hour, the three books of "Introduction to Alchemy", "Initial Explanation of Danhuo" and "Baicao Qianshi" Remember everything.

Inside the reading room.

Qin Yi looked at the pile of books in front of him, forcibly suppressed his inner joy, and after setting his mind, he urged his left hand to enter the ethereal state.


Uh, uh, uh ...!

Qin Yi read it frantically, and the content of each page was copied directly into his mind, without saying a word.

It's so fast, it's dazzling!

Is he ... reading?

His move made the Imei Alchemist and Princess Taiping aside. They were shocked. They stared at each other with a strange look.

"Qin Yi, don't be too anxious. This wonderful book in the field of alchemy," Thousands of Medicinal Materials ", even those alchemy geniuses, has not been mastered for decades."

The alchemy master of Yimei lost his smile.

At the same time, in her and Princess Taiping's minds, there were also doubts. Qin Yi read the three books "Introduction to Alchemy", "First Explanation of Danhuo" and "Baicao Qianshi" just now?

Qin Yi didn't pay any attention to the two of them, and still read them quickly, hungry and thirsty, as if he was going to eat "The Medicinal Herbs".

That page records all kinds of strange medicinal materials between heaven and earth. With Qin Yi's review, all of them were quickly copied into Qin Yi's mind and could no longer disappear.

Qin Yi could not have imagined that when he entered the pharmacy this time, the harvest would have been so huge. The Alchemy Master of Yimei directly brought "The Great Spectrum of Medicinal Materials" into his mind.

Seeing that Qin Yihou became so anxious, the faces of both Imei Alchemist and Princess Taiping were filled with consternation and disdain.

"The Detailed Spectrum of Medicinal Materials" is too huge. Although Qin Yi was "copying" quickly, it took a whole day to "copy" all of it.

One day passed.


Qin Yichang exhaled.

After reading the "Details of Medicinal Materials", everything is as expected by Qin Yi before. His knowledge of medicinal materials has soared. The medicinal materials in the book are almost unheard of.

Qin Yi learned from the "Thousand Spectral Composition of Medicinal Materials" that there are some extremely incredible medicinal materials between the world and the effect is shocking.

For example, there is a medicinal material called "Ling Chihuo", which can actually refine a person of ordinary constitution into a bizarre physique called "Red Fire Body". This physique can burn red fire all over the body. , Extraordinary combat power.

It's just that this kind of medicinal material called "Ling Chihuo" is extremely rare. There will be no more than one hundred plants in the whole world.

There is also a medicinal material similar to "Ling Qingli", which is also extremely against the sky. It can directly refine a person with ordinary physique into a bizarre physique called "the body of blue glass", which can emerge from the whole body. The combat power is also extraordinary.

Ling Chihuo and Ling Qingli are also called "Qingli Chihuo".

In addition, there are other strange herbs, such as a bizarre magic medicine called "Naiqiaoqiao Millennium Dream". After taking it, you can actually see a person's past life.

"Fengyucao", after taking it, can make people's hearing become extremely keen, even if it is hundreds of miles away, a bird flying over can hear it.

In short, "The Great Spectrum of Medicinal Materials", let Qin Yi come into contact with the extremely mysterious and vast world, and even make him feel that the transcendental sect such as the magic trail is only a drop of the sea in the real world.

"Thank you, Yimei Alchemy Master, for sending me the" Thousand Spectral Composition of Medicinal Materials "for me to read, so that I can come into contact with such a vast world."

Qin Yi's face is full of excitement.

The alchemy master of Yimei and Princess Taiping are all shocked and weird. In just one day, Qin Yi has finished reading the wonderful book "The Thousand Species of Medicinal Materials"?

"Don't you see more?"

Yimei Alchemy Master's eyes blinked. If Qin Yi said now, he had written down all the detailed medicinal materials of medicinal materials, and she would not believe it if she was killed.

It should be known that an alchemy genius must memorize all the contents of the "A Thousand Species of Medicinal Materials", which will take dozens of years.

"No need, just read it once."

Qin Yi smiled, of course it was impossible for him to tell them that now, the entire contents of "The Great Spectral of Medicinal Materials" have been "copied" in his mind. In the future, as long as he understands, analyzes, and masters it.

However, Qin Yi doesn't think it is an easy task to master all the contents of "The Great Spectrum of Medicinal Materials".

Imei Alchemist still wanted to ask something, but Qin Yi's eyes suddenly lighted up: "Oh, miserable, today is my day to challenge Qi Ping."

Two days ago, Qin Yi went to the Foreign Affairs Hall and applied to challenge Qi Ping, an alternate inner disciple, and today is the day of the challenge. As long as the challenge is successful, then the place of Qi Ping, an alternate inner disciple, will belong to Qin Yi.

Qin Yi cherishes this opportunity very much.

"What, are you going to challenge alternate inner disciples?"

The Alchemy Master of Yimei looked at Qin Yi in surprise. Immediately, he looked at Princess Taiping on the other side.

"It does happen."

Princess Taiping nodded.


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