The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 262: Alchemy genius?

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The two directors are so attentive to Qin Yi, he is not appropriate to transfer to anyone, he will know the other director, so he can only call Qin Yi to discuss together.

"Qin Yi, what's your consideration? Join me in a pharmacy and learn alchemy with me. My husband guarantees you a promising future."

The old man Ye, the head of the pharmacy, flashed his gaze, looking at Qin Yi earnestly.

What Old Man Ye said is completely truthful. At present, the basic panacea of ​​this magic trail is from the pharmacy. If you enter the pharmacy yourself and become an alchemist in the future, then there must be a certain identity in this magic trail. status.

Even if he walks out of the magic trails in the future, it will surely become a "commercial commodity" of the major sects.

"Old man Ye, what do you mean? This boy's talent in formation is obviously better than the talent in alchemy. Qin Yi, you enter the sky track hall, learn the formation with me, old man, I promise you In the future, I will definitely be a master of formation, and, my husband, I will give you two salaries of Kyushu Lingyuan Stone every month. The Juling Array, which is famous for its magical traces, belongs to my heavenly track hall, I allow you Enter the Spirit Array and practice for ten days to ensure that your cultivation advances by leaps and bounds. "

Old man Shi made no concessions, not only doubled the beneficiaries, but even proposed a "gathering array" to lure Qin Yi.

Gathering array?

Qin Yi's eyes lit up, and he could understand literally what it was, and it should be an array of heaven and earth. Any cultivation is inseparable from heaven and earth aura, and a magic circle that gathers heaven and earth aura, if you sit in the formation and practice, the effect can be imagined.

For a moment, Qin Yi was quite moved.

"Qin Yi, if you come to the pharmacy with me to learn how to make a panacea, I will raise your salaries to three Kyushu Lingyuan stones."

Ye old man said.

Three Kyushu Lingyuan stones!

Qin Yi was stunned, but it was a full 600,000 two silvers, even the bright 10,000 year old Ganoderma lucidum, you can buy three!

Old Man Ye and Old Man Shi did not give in to each other, and they blushed and blushed.

The host of Linghu Hall on the side was dumbfounded and pondered for a moment, then said: "Don't dispute anymore, I am a suggestion."


The two directors couldn't help but stop arguing, and they all looked to the host of Linghu.

"Well, let Qin Yi study in the two directors' offices for a period of time, and then compare them at that time to see what he is better at, and then to determine which director's office he went to. What do the two directors think?"

Linghu Tangzhu said with a smile.

As soon as the two directors' eyes lit up, they felt that this method was indeed feasible. Both immediately nodded: "Yes."

So far, this method can only be used to decide where Qin Yi is.

Qin Yi's heart couldn't help but be happy. By that time, wouldn't he learn alchemy and magic circle all by himself?

"This is easy to handle."

Lord Linghu Tang looked at Qin Yi: "Qin Yi, which director do you want to study first?"

Qin Yi pondered a little, and said, "I want to go to the pharmacy first and learn alchemy with Director Ye for a while."

He remembered that Princess Taiping was also assigned to the pharmacy. The two were also new disciples, and they should be able to communicate more with each other.

As for the phalanx, Qin Yi is still very new to this term, so he will be familiar with it for a while, and it is not too late to go to Tianju Hall.

The matter was settled in this way. Qin Yi's task assignment was to study at the pharmacy for half a month, then to Tianluotang for half a month, and finally decide where he would go.

Early the next morning, Old Man Ye appeared in the living area of ​​the newly-introduced disciples and took Qin Yi to the pharmacy with a smile.

Many disciples, seeing Qin Yi and General Manager Ye going one after the other, went straight to the pharmacy, all with envious looks on their faces.

Pharmacy, that's an absolutely popular profession. You must know that Princess Taiping that day also entered the pharmacy because of her status as a princess.

Today, Qin Yi has even entered. Don't forget that Qin Yi's potential is only "five rings".

But where did they know that even Qin Yi's "five ringing" potentials made old man Ye and old man Shi open to death, only to gain a lot of effort.

The magical pharmacy has a huge scale and covers a large area. It consists of many process departments.

"I have seen Manager Ye."

Along the way to the pharmacy, there were a lot of people who respected and greeted Mr. Ye, and then looked at Qin Yi behind him curiously.

Qin Yi was not arrogant, and all nodded smilingly at them.

Director Ye obviously attached great importance to Qin Yi and took Qin Yi straight to the pharmacy, which is the alchemy room.

The alchemy room is the last process of the entire pharmacy, and it is also the most important process. All the elixir comes from the alchemy room.

As soon as I entered the alchemy room, a faint scent of medicine came out of my nose, and it came out of my nose. It made people feel relaxed and happy. Here, those legendary alchemists can be seen everywhere.

"Qin Yi, are you here?"

A surprisingly soft voice came.

Looking for that voice, Qin Yi looked sideways and saw Princess Taiping, who was in Qingguoqingcheng, standing there, staring blankly at herself.

"Princess Taiping, we meet again."

Qin Yi nodded and smiled at her.

Next to Princess Taiping, there is an extremely beautiful alchemist, who is devoting himself to refining a panacea. Listening to the movement, the glamorous alchemist turned his face and smiled at the old man Ye: "Ye Zong."

Old Ye looked at the Princess Taiping side by side, slowly smiling, and asked, "Imei Alchemy Master, is this the cousin of the far room you mentioned to me?"


The alchemist named Yimei nodded, her smile a little charming, and she had an extremely lethal temptation to men.

In the ensuing conversation, Qin Yi learned that this alchemist named Yimei was a distant cousin of Princess Taiping, and his identity was naturally quite distinguished.

"Governor Ye, this new disciple, is it the alchemy boy you recruited?"

The charming Danfeng eyes of the elixir of alchemy looked at Qin Yi curiously.

"Alchemy boy? This is the alchemy genius I struggled with from the old man Shi."

Mr. Ye smiled, quite a sense of accomplishment.

Alchemy genius?

Princess Taiping has a tempting little mouth, a slight one, and her face is all stunned and questioned.

The young man who was not very optimistic and had only the potential of "five rings" in his eyes, in the eyes of Governor Ye, turned out to be an alchemy genius! Will a young man with mediocre potential be an alchemy genius?

Moreover, the so-called "alchemy genius" in front of him was still being contested by Mr. Ye!

The Yimei alchemy master on the side was also slightly stunned, and could not help but look at Qin Yilai with a new look.


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