The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 249: Enter the Magic Trail

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Qin Yi reported exactly seven changes in the copper beast array. For such a "Array Wizard", how could the old man in the red robe easily miss it.

Lord Linghu on the side was stunned.

He didn't expect that a teenager who had the potential to pass the assessment would cause the two directors to compete with each other.

In the Magic Trail, there are many organizations, such as the Foreign Affairs Hall, the Alchemy Room, the Sky Rail Hall, and so on.

Among them, the alchemy room is responsible for refining elixir and planting medicinal materials, while the Tianjitang is responsible for researching formation and formation.

The old man in the red robe is the director of Tianluotang, and is also an array mage. The bronze beast array in front of him is from his hand.

Since the development of the Copper Beast Array, so far, no one has been able to accurately report the seven changes. Qin Yi is the only one.

"Boy, who do you want to defeat as a teacher? By the way, I forgot to remind you that the alchemist master has a very high status in the magic trail, even if it is not the magic trail, among other clans. , Also transcendental status ... "

The old gray robe refused to give in to each other and said to Qin Yi earnestly.

Qin Yi stunned slightly.

Regardless of alchemy master or formation master, the status is mainly higher than that of Linghutang. Now, both of them want to accept him as an apprentice.

For a moment, Qin Yi was in a dilemma.

In order to enter the magic trail, you really need to find a backer, but these two backers are still not big enough, which is a bit lower than the real person who worships the fairy.

Don't forget, "Worshiping the Immortals" is a real person, but that is the new elder, if he wants to suppress it, it is still a breeze.

Based on the requirements of Tianxinghou before, the supporters that the three of them are looking for must be at least the elder level. In this way, the true talent of "worshiping immortals" can't help it.

"Thanks for the kindness of the two predecessors, but the younger generation has just entered the sect, want to practice wholeheartedly, first become a disciple of the inner gate, and then say, for the other, don't want to consider for the time being."

Qin Yi politely declined.

The old man in red robe and the old man in gray robe looked a little disappointed, but they obviously didn't intend to give up. After all, Qin Yi just said that he must first become a disciple of Neimen. Then, if he became a disciple of Neimen, it is very likely Will be willing to learn alchemy or formation.

It is a pity that the two of them have no ability to make Qin Yi directly a disciple of Neimen.

In this case, everything can only be said later.

When leaving the house, Qin Yi found that Linghu Tangzhu's eyes had become different, even slightly feverish.

It is absolutely extraordinary that a young man who defeated 9 bronzers in the second level "Bronze Pass" is now causing the two directors to compete with each other.

It's just a pity that the young man's potential is ultimately worse, which is regrettable.

"Old man Ye, why do you want to fight this boy with me? Don't you think that entering the alchemy room to learn alchemy with you is a waste of formation genius?"

The old man in the red robe has always been somewhat indignant.

"Old man Shi, this is bad. This young man's insight and memory is best for alchemy. With good memory, he can remember the performance and traits of Baicao. With good insight, he can grasp the fire more easily."

The old gray robe shook his head.

Then, the two blushed and blushed again.

Lord Linghu was stunned.

The old man in red robe and the old man in gray robe are second only to the elders in the sect, but at this moment, they even give in to a young man with a mediocre qualification.

When they left the house, the three stars Hou Yang Shiqi and Long Yan learned that Qin Yi had a high score of 7 points, and they were all overjoyed. A heart was implemented like a stone.

At this point, the three of Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi and Long Yan entered the magic trail without any suspense.

The assessment of the third level ‘Bronze Beast Pass’ continues.

However, the results of the following teenagers were mediocre, except for 3 points and 4 points. Even the feather was only scored 3 points.

It was Zhu Fangqiu, the princess of the Chinese Empire, who scored 5 points.

After two hours, the test of "Bronze Beast Pass" was finally completed.

The three hurdles of the entry assessment are now completely over. There are many dazzling genius wizards, such as Xi Xuan'er, but there are also many ordinary geniuses, which ended in utter sadness.

After deliberation, according to the total scores obtained by everyone, the magic trails decided to hire the youngsters with the highest ranking.

"This time the entrance examination, Zongmen decided to admit the top 30 of you."

Lord Linghu announced.

The top thirty?

The crowd couldn't help but look at each other for a while.

A total of one hundred talented teenagers came to this entry assessment. In the first level of the "Bronze Bell Pass", half of them were eliminated. Now, the top 30 will be admitted, that is to say, the young talents here , Only half will be admitted.

"First place: Qin Yi."

The host of Linghu began to announce the results, and everyone present was listening carefully.

"Second place: Yang Shiqi."

"Third place: Longyan."

"Fourth place: Zhu Fangqiu."

"Fifth place: Feng Yu."


Qin Yi and the three of them are in the top three.

Feng Yu, who was Xiu first, only ranked fifth, which is slightly worse than Princess Taiping.

"Haha, Tianxinghou, these three disciples are really good. The top three are all occupied by the three of them. It's a pity that the potential ..."

Mingyuehou smiled at Tianxinghou, the meaning of his words was extremely obvious, and his qualifications were mediocre. After entering the magic trail, he could not escape the fate struggling at the bottom.

It was his disciple Xi Xuan'er, who was chosen by Elder Jiang and directly accepted as a personal disciple. The future is inestimable.

Most of the disciples present at the ceremony agreed with Ming Yuehou's remarks. Therefore, Qin Yi and the three of them, even if they steadily occupy the top three, they would not care too much.

"The three disciples of mine have mediocre qualifications, and naturally they cannot match the talents of heaven and moon like the disciples of Mingyue Hou. I will be satisfied. "

Tian Xinghou seemed modest, and said lightly.

"Tian Xinghou's mind and state of mind, how can ordinary people reach it?"

Mingyue Hou smiled and felt quite happy.

Soon, Linghu Hall Master read out the admission list. Those geniuses who were not admitted were all sad and unwilling, but they were quite helpless. In this life, they were destined to miss the magic trail.

This time, there are a total of 30 disciples enrolled in the Magic Trail. Among them, there are many amazing talents, such as Xi Xuan'er, who was directly adopted by Elder Jiang as a personal disciple. Feng Yu and Zhu Fangqiu also have very high potentials. Magic traces, I am afraid that there is no small future.

In particular, Zhu Fangqiu has the potential to have the potential, the appearance to look, the background to have the background, and the future is basically visible.

Without delay, the 29 master disciples led by Linghu Tang entered the magic trail.

And Tian Xinghou, then quit with the three of them.


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