The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2245: God of War

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The three of them walked forward for a while, and finally a hurricane appeared around them.

"In this way, the ancient style is really powerful."

Luo Feng frowned, exhaling lightly: "In such an imposing ancient formation, I am afraid that only the evil spirits can arrange it."


Yu'er nodded: "Brother Qin Yi said the same thing at the time, and the decorator of the ancient style might be the evil spirit."

During the speech, Yu'er was beautiful and circulated, glancing at Qin Yi around him, but Qin Yi stood still, and seemed to hear nothing about her.

Seeing Qin Yi, who had lost all his memories, Yuer sighed secretly, and there was an inexplicable emotion in his chest.

"Let's go."

Luo Feng raised his hand and rubbed Yuer's hair.

The three went on.

Now Qin Yi is like a walking dead, Yuer and Luo Feng stop, he also stops, Yuer and Luo Feng move forward, he also moves forward, from beginning to end, without saying a word.

Now it is the magic of the devil, who controls Qin Yi's body and consciousness. Apart from being connected with Yuer's blood, everything in this world is strange to him.

After walking for a while, the ancient wind array finally appeared in their sight. A huge dragon-shaped wind and waves, dense and dense, kept tumbling and looked very bluffing.

Luo Feng looked at the ancient wind from afar, and his heart was a little horrified. The momentum of this ancient wind was beyond his imagination.

Qin Yi stood there quietly, indifferent to the imposing antiquity.

"Brother Luo Feng, in the depths of this ancient wind array, is a chaotic area. We can only reach the edge of the chaotic area through those wind and waves, and the identity and identity of the evil **** is in the center of the chaotic area."

Yuer said to Luo Feng.

"Understood. Then, we rushed over."

Luo Feng was very decisive, immediately without any delay, the tall body rose into the sky, turned into a black awn, rushed forward in the ancient wind, and in a blink of an eye, he did not fall into those dense storms.


Immediately after that, Qin Yi still did not say a word, followed Luo Feng's footsteps, and rushed into those storms.

Yu'er did not dare to have the slightest slack, but also rushed in.

When he entered the dense wind and waves, Luo Feng's arrogance was manifested. He took out the black war knife and held it tightly in his hands. A dragon-like wind and waves swept towards them. He actually lifted it directly. The knife struggled hard, and a dark blade of hundreds of feet greeted the dragon-like storm.


The dragon-like wind and waves were split directly.

"Hahaha, it seems that this ancient array of evil spirits arranged by the Evil God is nothing more than that!"

Luo Feng laughed with a knife, the whole person was full of enthusiasm.

On the side, Yu'er saw her chin shattered. She never thought that someone in this world could destroy the death-like wind and waves directly with her own power.

She looked at Luo Feng blankly, feeling that Luo Feng at this time was like a great shore like a god.

"We move on."

Luo Feng turned his head and grinned at Yuer and Qin Yi.

Next, the three of them continued to advance under Luo Feng's continuous beheading of those huge storms.

"Boom!" "Boom!" ...

These storms, because they are too large, make a huge noise, giving people a feeling of falling apart.

After a while, the three people of Qin Yi finally passed through the dense storms and came to the center of this ancient wind.

The central area of ​​this ancient wind array is the same as the last time Qin Yi and Yuer came in. The center is a chaotic area with a diameter of thousands of feet. At the edge of the chaotic area, there is a huge rotating wind wave surrounding The chaotic zone kept spinning.

The three people of Qin Yi stood outside the rotating wind and waves, Luo Feng stared, looked into the depths of the chaos, felt the ancient and evil air waves, rushed in the face, sighed: "This chaotic area, really It ’s not simple, just glance at it, and you ’ll know that there must be an ancient demon hidden inside. ”

In response, Yuer nodded.

But Qin Yi beside them is still indifferent, but just standing there quietly, the magic dances, and there is no slight expression on his face.

In the past, he always had a faint smile on his face, and whenever he encountered something, he liked to express his opinions.

Now, I can't see the classic pretense smirk on his face, and I can't hear his voice, which is really uncomfortable.

"Haha, Evil God, I know you are hiding inside to practice, get out and die!"

Luo Feng burst into the chaotic area ahead and laughed loudly.

The chaotic area was silent, but after a while, I heard a deep roar from the deepest part of the chaotic area.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the sky above the chaotic area, and suddenly a cloud of blood rose from the sky, and the blood cloud spread out, and soon became covered with the sun, as if the entire sky was red with blood. Generally, it looks shocking.

The blood cloud gathered quickly, and quickly formed a head with a height of thousands of feet. Like the last time, the head of the height of the head was still a bald man.


The bald-headed man looked down, "Eh" in confusion, his voice was loud, ancient, and obscure: "Aren't you Luo Luo's head Luo Feng, how could you appear here?"

"Sure enough it's an identity and identity of the evil **** ..."

Luo Feng was clear.

Before seeing this bald middle-aged man before, Luo Feng was not sure yet. Whether the existence of this evil chaos existed in the depths of the chaos, everything was just his guess.

The appearance of this bald man now verifies that his conjecture is correct. Who else could this person be not a **** of evil?

He has been in the Yongye pilgrimage for so many years, and is still the head of the net. His status is quite good. How can he not know the appearance of the evil god? I have heard of it even if I have n’t seen it before.

"Yes, I am Luo Feng, the head of Luowang."

Luo Feng grinned, revealing white teeth: "As for why I appear here, naturally to kill you?"

"Are you going to betray the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage? You still want to kill me?"

Above the chaotic area, a bald man condensed by blood clouds, motionlessly overlooking Luo Feng below: "Why is this?"

"Because you **** it!"

Luo Feng's answer, quite simply domineering, has a man's taste.

The bald man couldn't help but stunned. In that huge eye, a glimpse of annoyance was apparently passed, and he was facing Luo Feng below.

Holding a black war sword, Luo Feng looked up and looked at him without any fear, haha ​​said with a smile: "Tell you evil god, I came in from the outside world just to kill you!"

He suddenly angered: "Qin Yi, destroy him!"

Qin Yi, who was not far away, looked at the sky indifferently from beginning to end. The middle-aged man, who was thousands of feet tall, heard Luo Feng's cry, he didn't say a word, he suddenly rose into the sky and punched hard Hit the bald middle-aged man hard.

At this moment, Qin Yi's whole person was like a sky-rocket gun, punching a fist into the high-altitude evil spirits, so violently astonishing, dragging behind him a long dark magic energy.

At the same time, Shennong Ding suddenly emerged from his chest again, suddenly soaring to more than ten square feet, suspended above his head, a faint Shenghui fell down and enveloped him.


The speed of Qin Yi's attack was extremely fast, and he immediately hit the front of the Evil God. The Evil God couldn't dodge it. The huge head was hit by Qin Yi, and it suddenly broke into a mist of blood.

With a punch, the head of the evil **** is shattered!

"I wipe, it's ... too fierce!"

Luo Feng, who was watching the battle below, couldn't help but stunned and froze there, blinking in disbelief.

Yu'er next to him, with a tantalizing rosy little mouth, opened in amazement, and his pointed snow-white chin shattered the ground.

Her brother Qin Yi is really unbelievable!

How does the evil spirit exist? Actually let him punch his head directly.

This scene is as unreal as a dream.

Over the chaotic area, Qin Yi punched the head of the evil **** without breaking away, but stood quietly there, with the Shennong Ding with more than ten square feet on his head, the whole person was extremely dry, and there was no slight emotion. , A pair of eternal magic pupils, extremely deep, as if seeing through the endless time and space, has always seen the end of time.

He knew that Evil God could not be killed by one punch. He is the most pinnacle of the world of Xuanhuang. Even if he is facing now, it is only the identity and identity of Evil God. It is impossible to be so easily. Kill yourself.



An indifferent voice suddenly came from behind him.

Qin Yi turned back suddenly, and he saw a huge blood fist in the rolling blood cloud, which was infinitely large, as if filling the whole world, and slammed towards himself quickly.


Qin Yi didn't have any expressions or words. He held Shennong Ding with more than ten square feet above his head. He threw his fists to meet him, and he was very fierce. .


The endless **** fists could not compete with Qin Yi's fists at all. At the moment when the two fists collided, they suddenly broke apart and turned into a sky of **** mist again.

"Haha, Evil God, it seems that you are only so!"

Below, Luo Feng watching the battle, laughing loudly.

"Luo Feng, you betrayed the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage, you should behead!"

In the blood cloud rolling, the great voice of the evil **** came down, and then, a blood knife appeared, and suddenly appeared in the blood cloud, fiercely slashing to Luo Feng below.

But, just after the blood knife was split in half, it suddenly burst.

Luo Feng below, unscathed, only felt a strong wind, blowing down from above.

"Haha, Evil God, it seems that you can't break the ban that exists in this chaotic area. Even if I stand here, you won't kill me."

Luo Feng smiled.

"damn it!"

Evil God roared: "What do you know? This is not a ban at all, but a lock of evil!"

After hearing this, Luo Feng couldn't help but stunned, and he sighed in his heart: This evil **** will explode, and it is indeed the power of the evil lock.

In the past, when Qin Yi described this situation to Luo Feng, Luo Feng had suspected that it was the power of the evil lock. Now, the evil spirit has already spoken himself.

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