The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2241: The plan to attack the Yongye pilgrimage

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Here is a wild mountain and wild ridge, far away from the ancient city before.

Everlasting Devil has turned into an extremely handsome young man, standing there, looking at Yan Meiniang in confusion: "You said that I am Qin Yi? Who am I? Why did I have no impression at all? ? "

"On the day you merged with the Desolate Heavenly Demon, the magic of the Heavenly Demon suppressed your nature, you don't remember who you are, it's normal."

Yan Mei Niang said.

"is it?"

Qin Yi's expression was still extremely puzzled: "So, who are you? Why should you follow me without a ghost, I am the eternal devil, are you afraid that I will kill you?"

Yan Meiniang's heart twitched slightly: "Because you are the man I love, I must follow you, not let you kill the innocent indiscriminately."

"I am the man you love?"

Qin Yi was slightly startled, and suddenly burst into laughter with no signs, a smile of magical energy: "Haha, love is a heavy word, girl, don't use it lightly."

Yan Mei Niang stood there staring, looking a little lost, he really couldn't remember himself, and he had no impression at all.

The man who had been with him day and night, just forgot himself, and forgot to be clean.

He was close at hand, but far away.

The wind blowing in the face blew up Yan Meiniang ’s hair, her clothes were blown loudly, and the perfect curve in front of her chest was all highlighted. She flicked her hair in the wind, but flicked it. There was a clear tear.


At a certain moment.

Yan Meiniang was a slightly condensed eyes, only to see the front, two figures are coming towards here, Huo Ran is Luo Feng and Ling Yu'er who haven't seen for many days.

Seeing the two of them, Yan Mei Niang's heart slightly loosened, as if she found the main heart in a flash.

Luo Feng and Ling Yu'er had arrived, Ling Yuer cheered, opened his arms, and went straight to Qin Yi: "Brother Qin Yi!"

"you are?"

Qin Yi had his eyes condensed on his face, and even a moment of killing intentions appeared in his face. Now, he has been controlled by the magic of the ancient devil, and his heart is full of killing thoughts. If he is not careful, he will Kill people.

"It's me, brother Qin Yi, what's wrong with you?"

Ling Yu'er suddenly felt wronged.

"Yu'er, your brother Qin Yi has now been completely demonized. In a short period of time, he will not remember anyone, and he only kills in his heart."

Luo Feng beckoned to Ling Yu'er and asked her to ignore Qin Yi for the time being. Ling Yu'er had to reluctantly let go of Qin Yi and walked over in sorrow.

"Brother Feng, what should I do in this situation?"

Yan Mei Niang habitually touched his forehead and asked Luo Feng.

"Let him go, and he will recover after the devilishness of the ancient gods is enough."

Luo Feng said: "It is not long before the full attack on the Yongye pilgrimage has taken place. The Bloody Gate has been fully prepared, and when the time has come, it is fully attacked. And the assassination list is People, only the top executives of the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage, have not been assassinated. "

Yan Mei Niang nodded.

"Now, I will take you to the Phoenix Ancient Clan. All the guards of the Xuanhuang Great World we come in will gather at the Phoenix Ancient Clan."

Luo Feng waved his hand at Yan Meiniang.

"What about Qin Yi?"

Yan Meiniang turned to look at Qin Yi, only to see Qin Yi standing there quietly, standing tall between this heaven and earth, seemingly lonely.

"Go, don't worry about him, he will be fine."

Luo Feng grinned, exposing a white repression, giving a feeling of full of sunshine, Yan Mei Niang may have been infected, and finally nodded.

The three of them no longer delayed, leaving Qin Yi alone in place, soaring into the sky, surging beyond the direction of the ancient Phoenix people.

"Hahaha, I want to kill a million miles of blood!"

The three of them hadn't swept far away, but behind them heard a burst of laughter. When they looked back, they saw Qin Yi, who was standing there alone, suddenly soaring into the sky, spitting a monstrous devilish qi, and headed forward. Fleeing away, a few blinks, they disappeared into the sky, leaving only a magical energy.

"I really hope that the ancient demon of Qin Yi can directly kill the Yongye pilgrimage and stir the Yongye pilgrimage."

Luo Feng smiled, and no longer delayed, greeted Yan Meiniang and Ling Yu'er on the road.

A few days later, they had arrived at the ancient Phoenix family, and Yan Meiniang knew that most of the guardians of the Kyushu Holy See who had entered the Xuanhuang World this time had been concentrated here.

Du Guqian, Tuoba Zhenxiao, Zhu Xiaoyao, Zongzheng Qingzi, Pu Caishan, You Kai, Luo Haoguo, etc., with a total of twenty or thirty people, all the **** guards in front of the **** guard list are all together.

What is particularly surprising to Yan Meiniang is that Jian Piao Ling and Ji Shi Xuan have already entered the world of Xuan Huang when they did.

Among these guardians, apart from Zhu Xiaoyao, Jian Piaoling, and Ji Shixuan, the other Yan Meiniang did not know.

Although they entered the world of Xuanhuang long ago, they only met for the first time now.

Of course, there are still some guardians who are not currently in this ancient Phoenix family, such as Yang Shiqi and Long Yan, who are currently at the Blood Gate.

"Sister Mei Niang, what about Qin Yi? Why didn't Qin Yi come?"

Ji Shixuan asked Yan Mei Niang.

The sword on the side drifted away, and also looked at him with concern.

"Qin Yi had some accidents and couldn't come back temporarily."

Yan Meiniang has not spoken yet, Luo Feng beside him has grinned: "You can rest assured that he will be fine."

The meeting room of the Phoenix Ancient Clan was vacated and left to Luo Feng and other guardians for temporary use.

Three years ago, Luo Feng had already spoken to the patriarch of the Phoenix Ancient Clan. Three years later, they would gather here and then attack the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage.

Many people from the Phoenix ancient clan have long evaded the attack on such a big event as the Yongye Sheng Dynasty. They did not dare to disturb them at all. Even the three heavenly daughters who had worked with Qin Yi in the past were under the arrangement of the patriarch. The obedient retreat went to practice and disappeared.

Phoenix Ancient Clan, Chamber of Deputies.

"Now, it's only three months since the attack on the Yongye pilgrimage."

Luo Feng glanced at the faces of all the people in the hall and said, "At that time, we will attack the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage with the third batch of people."

The settlement of Yongye Shengdi is in the center of this great world of Xuanhuang, and it is the domain of Shengdi.

"Who are the first and second batch of people?"

Yan Mei Niang couldn't help asking.

Other **** guards also looked at Luo Feng with confused eyes.

"The second batch of men and women is the **** gate."

Luo Feng said: "The blood-bath gate has a deep foundation, masters are like clouds, and the disintegration of the Sun-Moon religion has made the blood-bath gate gain huge profits from it. They as the second batch of people who entered the Yongyeyu area are not suitable enough. When the time comes, Yang Shiqi and Long Yan will not come here to meet everyone. They will be the second batch of people, killing them directly from the blood gate . "

"So, what about the first group of people?"

Yan Mei Niang asked.

"The first group of people?"

Luo Feng smiled: "Nature is Qin Yi with me."


Luo Feng and Qin Yi!

After hearing this, everyone in the hall couldn't help but stunned, staring at each other.

Even fools want it. The first group of people killed is the most dangerous, and the third group of people killed is the most safe.

They never dreamed that the first group of people killed by Luo Feng had only two people, that is, he and Qin Yi!

"I know you are full of confusion, but you have to believe us."

Luo Feng ’s handsome face was full of self-confidence: "I have been dormant in the Yongye pilgrimage for so many years. I know everything about the Yongye pilgrimage. I will kill Qin Yi directly with me. Yongye Shengzhao, beating them by surprise ...

"After that, the masters of the Bloody Gate followed, and then, the entire Yongye Shengzhao will be up and down, and you will be in chaos, and you, as the third group of strongmen, will follow into the Yongye Shengzhao."

A fairly perfect attack plan, the first wave of attacks, was directly killed by Luo Feng and Qin Yi into the hinterland of the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage. Then, the masters of the Bloody Gate were killed, and then the guards of the Kyushu Holy See followed. .

In fact, Luo Feng and Qin Yi were among the first people to enter the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage. His intention was obvious. He hoped that as soon as possible, the evil spirits and all the top strongmen of the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage would be killed. In this way, the casualties of their side may be the lowest.

Otherwise, if there is an influx of brains from a large number of masters at the beginning, the casualties will definitely be immeasurable.

"Okay, I won't be here again in the future. You have your own time. After three months, you will attack the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage immediately."

Luo Feng laughed: "Now, I'm going to go round with Qin Yi, taking advantage of his magical hair, and slowly lead him to the Yongye pilgrimage, let him fight the Yongye pilgrimage."

So evil!

It is said that all the people present could not help but stunned, sitting there crying and laughing, but they like Luo Feng's evil.

Luo Feng left, and Ling Yu'er was taken away by him. Ling Yu'er was Qin Yi's spirit beast. She must stay with Qin Yi.

In the ancient Phoenix, only Yan Meiniang and other guards of the Kyushu Holy See were left. They all closed their doors to practice, preparing to make final preparations for the upcoming battle.

The whole world of Xuanhuang has already been turbulent and turbulent. An ancient demon head is wandering and killing everywhere.

"Hahaha, I want to kill a million miles of blood!"

This huge magic sound made the whole world of Xuanhuang world feel frightened.

"Gosh, that ancient devil is here!"

Looking at the sky above, the rolling magic cloud, the world exclaimed.

"Who is Qin Yi?"

The billowing Devil Cloud condensed into a huge head, tall and huge, a pair of huge permanent magic pupils, overlooking, facing such a terrifying big demon head, everyone in the world has a sense of being tiny like ants.

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