The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2222: Yongye Gambling Hall

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"Blood Girl."

Qin Yi looked at the red robe in front of her eyes, and moved her **** girl. He touched his nose and said: "We have assassinated so many masters of your blood gate, your overall strength of the blood gate must have been affected to a certain extent, but, Right now, you have a chance to grow up.

After a brief meal, Qin Yi continued: "Nine wasteland is dead now, and the Sun and Moon gods have become a piece of sand. If you immediately send a master and go to conquer, you should be able to attract a lot of masters."


The Yan Meiniang on the side also nodded and agreed: "This is indeed a very good opportunity for you to get bloody. The original four lords of the Sun and Moon religion, the sura Lord, has been killed by us, but the remaining The Silver Lord, the Seven Killing Lord, and the Wind Thunder Lord all have quite terrifying combat power. If you can recruit these three great Lords, it is a very good thing for you to bathe in blood. ...

"Now, Jiuhuang and Nine Dragons are both dead, basically announced the disintegration of Sun and Moon Goddess. As long as you lure them, I do n’t think they will insist on themselves too much, even if they are not solicited by you. It may be enemies against you again, at most it will only live in seclusion. "

The blood girl ’s eyes lighted up casually, and immediately became extremely excited: "Yes, this is indeed a very good opportunity. The four holy lords of the Sun and Moon religions, in this Xuanhuang world, but Has a lot of fame, but now you are killed by a big one, a little regret, but it is nothing. In addition to the remaining three major lords, there are many other masters of the sun and moon gods. And try to solicit it. "

Qin Yi nodded: "Your actions should be fast. Now, the Yongye pilgrimage still does not know that Jiuhuang and Jiulong son have fallen. If you let them know, they will certainly not be idle, and will teach the Sun and Moon gods. Those masters throw football ... Yes, blood girl, when you go to recruit the Sun Moon Master, bring Yang Shiqi and Long Yan, if anyone refuses to accept the invite, you let Long Yan take the shot , Fight with it. "

Longyan was a rebellious reincarnation of the Emperor Dragon Emperor during the Xiangu period, and he was born again. He is a born madman. Only in constant battle can he break through himself. , Obviously, for Long Yan, it is also a very good opportunity to sharpen.

"no problem!"

The jade cheeks on both sides of the blood girl appeared two reds in excitement, which looked quite touching.

After a pause, the blood girl said again: "It's just that this time, if we really recruited a large number of masters of the Sun and Moon Church, the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage wouldn't just sit back and ignore it. You know, the Sun and Moon Church broke down, The pattern of the Xuanhuang Great World changed in an instant. The original three-legged triumph no longer existed. Moreover, the Yongye pilgrimage has always been out of dominance. This time our **** door suddenly became strong. The Yongye pilgrimage will definitely take measures to suppress us. . "

"No need to worry about this."

Qin Yi shook his head with a smile: "Blood girl, have you forgotten, one year later, we will attack the Yongye pilgrimage, and the Yongye pilgrimage will be uprooted in this Xuanhuang world."

"In my opinion, it's better to forget this way."

At this time, the God of Desolation, who had been listening quietly on the side, suddenly spoke, and said slowly: "The attack on the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage a year later, blood girl, your **** door, they simply and Qin Yi from the outside. The group of cultivators who came in that world joined forces, so that the outline of Qin Yi's defeat of the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage will undoubtedly be much larger. "

Wen Yan, both Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang, couldn't help but look up.

This is indeed a pretty good method!

"it is good!"

The blood girl was obviously a decisive and shrewd person. Without much thought, she nodded in agreement.

There is no doubt that if the Yongyue dynasty is really destroyed, then they will bathe in the blood door and will dominate the whole world of the Xuanhuang from then on. The blood girl is naturally very happy to see such a situation.

"So, that's it, we will join forces to attack the Yongye pilgrimage a year later. At that time, you will discuss the attack plan with us first."

When the blood girl smiled, she seemed a little excited, and asked Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, "Nine wastes are now dead, so what's your next move?"

The barren **** on the side is also curiously looking at Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang.

"Go to the Yongye Gambling Hall, take a chance and see if you can make a fortune?"

Qin Yi touched his nose. "A year later, we will attack the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage. We are obviously well prepared."

After coming to this northern region, after finding the **** of wasteland to build the spirit jade completely, then go to the Yongye Gambling Hall and try their luck. That was what Qin Yi had already planned.

Moreover, through Lingwu before, they also learned that Qian Qiushui is now the person in charge of the Yongye Gambling Field.

"Yongye Gambling Hall? This is indeed a good place to go and try your luck. If you are lucky enough, maybe you can really make a fortune."

The blood girl smiled: "Yes, then, we will say goodbye, you go to the Yongye Gambling Hall, and I will handle the solicitation of the masters of the Sun and Moon gods."

After the words were finished, the blood girl was no longer delayed, and immediately rose into the sky, and suddenly disappeared into the sight of everyone.

Qin Yi, Yan Meiniang, and Ling Yu'er also left to the **** of desolation.

Yongye Gambling Hall, passing Lingwu in the past, Qin Yi and they already knew its route.

Five days later.

The figures of Qin Yi, Yan Meiniang, and Ling Yuer have appeared in front of an ancient mountain. The mountain gate of the ancient mountain has a stone tablet on which are engraved a few blood-red characters: Yongye Gambling Stone Field.

On both sides of the three gates, there are master guards of Yongye Shengzhao.


Qin Yi, Yan Meiniang and Ling Yu'er just came out to the mountain gate of Yongye Gambling Hall. A silver-white figure suddenly appeared in front of them out of thin air.

The comer was dressed in a white robe, slender figure, as beautiful as a woman, with an extreme femininity, a silver hair, fluttering slowly in the wind.

There is no doubt that this person, Huo Ran is Qin Yi's mortal enemy, the person in charge of the Yongye Gambling Field-Qian Qiushui!

"Qin Yi, it seems that I am underestimating your courage. I dare to come to the Yongye Gambling Hall with such a grand and bright look. Are you afraid that I will kill you with a sword?"

Qian Qiushui stood there, a pair of eyes as feminine as feminine, looking at Qin Yi motionlessly, the words spit out from his mouth, unusually indifferent.

Obviously, the appearance of Qin Yi, Yan Mei Niang, and Ling Yu'er made Qian Qiushui quite unexpected. He never dreamed that they would appear here directly. Mountain trip.

Qian Qiushui must admit that Qin Yi ’s courage made him admire and has incredible talent, coupled with such amazing worry, it is no wonder that Huang Di was so afraid of him that he wanted to kill him.

"I don't think you will do this."

In the face of Qian Qiushui, Qin Yi's calm face, he touched his nose and smiled lightly: "Because now, we are your customers. No one in this world will kill their own customers."

"This is also true. If you appear here as a customer, our Yongye Gambling Hall is naturally welcome."

Qian Qiushui nodded, and could not see any expression on his face. Immediately, he looked at Ling Yu'er, who was snuggling close to Qin Yi, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Who is this person?"

Obviously, until now, Qian Qiushui did not know that Qin Yi had acquired a piece of spirit jade.

"You have no right to know about her identity, nor can I tell you."

Qin Yi directly refused.

Qian Qiushui lags a little, and immediately no longer asks anything, waving to Qin Yi, Yan Mei Niang, and Ling Yu'er: "Please!"

Under the leadership of Qian Qiushui, the three of them entered the gambling yard, and the two enemies walked together, and it seemed quite harmonious. Such a scene was really strange to the extreme.

Qian Qiushui soon brought Qin Yi, Yan Meiniang, and Ling Yuer to a round stone. The round stone was surrounded by esoteric runes, which was obviously not an ordinary round shape. The stone should be an altar.

Qian Qiushui stood there, did not look at the three Qin Yi, only left them a back, said indifferently: "The three of you, wait here, I will come when I go."

After speaking, Qian Qiushui's figure flickered and disappeared directly in place. Qin Yi, Yan Meiniang and Ling Yuer stayed in place and waited.

"What is he doing here?"

Looking at the direction of Qian Qiushui disappearing, Qin Yi frowned at Meiyu in confusion.

"It should be to pick up other customers. Such a large gambling yard will definitely not be the only three of us who come in to bet on stones."

Yan Mei-niang raised her white slender hand and habitually touched her beautiful forehead.

Makes sense!

After hearing this, Qin Yi nodded, paused, and smiled lightly: "Look at the three of us, Qian Qiushui, I'm afraid that even my heart will succumb to breaking, we are obviously his dead enemy, but he just It ’s not for us. ”


Yan Mei-niang nodded in agreement and smiled happily: "Qian Qiushui is the person in charge of this Yongye Gambling Stones. Now, we appear as a customer. Once he hands us on, he will gamble on this Yongye The field brought an extremely bad impression and greatly affected the sound of the future. He just had ten thousand hearts that wanted to kill us, all he could hold back. "

"Brother Qin Yi and Sister Mei Niang, what are you talking about, I can't understand anything?"

Ling Yu'er on the side, his eyes unceasingly fluttered, looked at Qin Yi in confusion, and Yan Yanniang.

"Yu'er, this is ..."

Qin Yi roughly talked to Ling Yu'er about his relationship with Qian Qiushui.

"In this way, that Qian Qiushui is really your dead enemy. Brother Qin Yi, shall we kill him later?"

Ling Yu'er's energetic eyes have already appeared a killing intention.

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