The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2218: Existence and the people in the ancient wind

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In addition to the ancient wind array, Yan Meiniang, Qian Qiushui, and more than a dozen other customers are still there quietly, their eyes fixed on the ancient wind array in front.

Because the total wind and waves of the ancient wind array are too violent, and it is also colorful, therefore, standing outside the ancient wind array, it is impossible to see the situation inside, and there is no way to know. The people who enter into it are Dead or alive.

No one knows, in the end, this ancient style is arranged. In short, people without extraordinary means cannot arrange such a terrible lore.

"They have been going in for such a long time, but they haven't moved at all. I don't know if these people are dead or alive. But looking at the momentum of this ancient style, I guess most of them are already dead."

"It's true that the momentum of this ancient style, just looking at it, was frightening. The hope of survival was very slim. Only then did my brain get hot and almost rushed in. Fortunately, I calmed down at the last moment Otherwise, I will be the same as those cultivators, and I'm afraid now if I think about it! "

"Dead? I find it difficult to say, if they died, why didn't we see their bodies? They can't be left with bones and **** by these winds and waves, right? But now, we have been standing here for so long , Do you see any corpses rolled out of those storms? "

More than a dozen customers had a lot of talk in front of the horrible ancient wind ahead.

"Yes, if these cultivators died, the corpses should be rolled out, but we don't see the corpses rolled out now, so we can't be sure if those people are dead."

The indifferent Qian Qiushui also joined the discussion of everyone. He said so in his mouth, but he was sneering in his heart: Did not die? Don't dream, no one can hold the luck of the face in the face of the ancient wind. Those people have already died as a pair of bones and scum!

As for why until now, no corpse or a bone residue has been rolled out, Qian Qiushui is very clear, that is because this ancient wind is very large, and the wind is very strong, at least 20 days later, those dead Bone **** will be blown out here.

There is no doubt that Qian Qiushui at this moment is in a very happy mood, because he knows that Qin Yi at this time has also died into a pile of bone slag. After twenty days, his bone **** will be blown out. .

"Yan Meiniang, do you think that Qin Yi at this time, in the ancient array in front, is dead or alive?"

Qian Qiushui turned to look at Yan Mei Niang, not far away, and asked intentionally.

"I believe that Qin Yi at this time is still alive, and there is a huge array of ancient styles, why he can't do it at all."

Yan Mei Niang took the two seats in front of her chest proudly, and was full of confidence in Qin Yi.


Seeing Yan Mei-niang's confident look, Qian Qiushui chuckled directly in her heart: naive, ignorant, and such a woman, no wonder she would betray herself and follow Qin Yi's boy without any turning back.

"Well, I also think that Qin Yi at this time is still alive, yeah, he is not even the Yellow Emperor, he is a dreaded person? There is an ancient style in the area, how can he help him?"

Qian Qiushui on the surface, nodded his head, said indifferently.

Inside the ancient wind.

Qin Yi and Ling Yu'er turned into two afterimages. In the rotating hurricane, they finally caught up with the huge stone. Qin Yi took a closer look and directly grabbed the huge stone: "Yu'er, hurry up See, is this a strange stone? "

"it is good."

Ling Yu'er responded with joy, and immediately, he saw two very pale golden awns in his two smart eyes, and suddenly shot through the big stone in front of him.

"Wow, brother Qin Yi, this is really a huge stone, and the transformation of the stone inside is very good."

Ling Yuer cheered happily.

"Haha, so to speak, in this ancient style, there are really a considerable number of black source stones. Once a person has started **** luck, it can't be stopped by the door panel!"

Qin Yi burst into laughter with excitement, and the whole person was full of enthusiasm, feeling extremely happy, without any suspicion, this time, they will be doomed to a bumper harvest!


Qin Yi pointed at the strange stone in front of him and cut it with a palm of his knife. The thin stone skin flew out, exposing a large piece of black source soil.

The volume of this black source has reached three cubic meters.

With the palm of your hand, the black source soil was taken into the ring.

"Yu'er, let's continue to find the next strange stone."

Qin Yi smiled and waved at Ling Yu'er.

The two immediately turned into two afterimages, flying forward along the hurricane vortex, looking for strange stones.

This hurricane vortex is extremely large, with a diameter of tens of thousands of feet. In addition, the center of the hurricane is a huge chaotic area, and the line of sight cannot penetrate. Therefore, it is impossible to make an overall understanding of this huge hurricane vortex. Qin Yi and Ling Yu'er can only fly forward along the hurricane vortex, paying attention to the situation before and after.

Obviously, there are strange stones in the center of this ancient wind, all gathered in this hurricane whirlpool. This hurricane can blow up those stones and be drawn into the vortex, which will continue to rotate with the hurricane vortex.

"Boom ..."

After a while, a huge strange stone appeared in the sight of Qin Yi and Ling Yuer, with a volume of nearly five cubic meters, and was swept forward by the hurricane vortex.

"There is a strange stone in front, Yu'er, look at the actual transformation inside that strange stone."

Qin Yi smiled at Ling Yu'er.

"it is good."

Ling Yu'er nodded grinningly, and seemed quite happy. Immediately, in her vigorous eyes, two extremely pale golden awns were radiated again, directly seeing through the strange stone in front.

"Brother Qin Yi, although the internal transformation of that strange stone is not as good as the first few, it is also very good. The transformation has reached at least four-fifths."

Ling Yu'er only glanced at it to determine the transformation of the stone inside the strange stone.

"Accept it!"

Qin Yi and Ling Yu'er quickly rushed to the strange stone, quickly catching up with it, Qin Yi took a big look, caught it in his hand, and finally came into the center of this ancient style, Qin Yi would not be easy Let go of any strange stones.

"Click!" "Click!" ...

Qin Yihua turned his palm into a knife, quickly cut off the stone skin on the strange stone, and put the remaining black source soil into the ring.

The next scenario is already imaginable.

"Another strange stone in front."


"I am dazzled. The volume of the strange stone in front of me is only eight cubic meters."



After two hours, they finally took away all the stones that existed in the center of this ancient style, and the black source soil in Qin Yina's ring also reached more than 300 cubic meters, piled in Qin. Yi Ya's precepts are like a hill.

A total of more than three hundred cubic meters of black source soil, if this amount was placed before, Qin Yi did not dare to think.

"Haha, this time, I really got rich!"

Qin Yi laughed wildly, and his mood was really comfortable to the extreme. He couldn't even dream about it. When he came to the Yongye Gambling Hall this time, there would be such a big gain.

Of course, this is due to Ling Yu'er. Without her, they came to the Yongye Gambling Hall this time.

"Oh, this feeling is really wonderful!"

Ling Yu'er also cheered. This time she was able to obtain so much black source soil. She was quite fulfilled. The crystal jade cheeks on both sides, because of excitement, two touches of rosyness appeared, which looked quite charming .

Next, the two made several laps along the hurricane vortex, making sure that the strange stone in the center of the ancient wind had not been collected by them, so they were ready to go out.

Of course, in this ancient style, the dangers of going out and coming in are the same. If you are a little careless, you may be torn apart by those dragon-like storms.


However, just as Qin Yi and Ling Yu'er planned to leave, a deep and ancient voice suddenly emerged from the center of the chaotic area.

Hearing this voice, the blood in Qin Yi and Ling Yuer's body was instantly frozen, the two were stunned, turned slowly, and looked deep into the chaotic area.

"In the depths of this chaotic area, someone!"

At this moment, Qin Yi was really shocked to the extreme, and he couldn't even dream about it. There was a living person in the center of this ancient style, and listening to the voice, it seemed to be a big guy.

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