The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2213: Strange battle

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Damn it, this **** of desolation is really a terrible extremist. As soon as we showed up here, we cut off without saying a word! "

Looking at the **** half-moon scimitar that was beheaded quickly, Qin Yi was taken aback, dared not to be indifferent, and immediately grabbed Yan Meiniang's arm and burst into flames.


There was a loud noise.

The **** half-moon scimitar, which is hundreds of feet wide, cuts to the ground, cutting a huge crack directly into the ground.


After being cut into the air, the half-moon scimitar flew back suddenly. In the process of flying backward, the blade body of the half-moon scimitar became smaller at the same time, waiting to fly up to the gourd-shaped giant peak. At that time, it has become the normal size of a half-moon scimitar.


At the same moment, a cold hum came from the top of the giant gourd-shaped peak.

"This is a female voice!"

Hearing the gourd-shaped giant peak, Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang couldn't help but stare, looking at the red gourd on the top of the gourd-shaped giant peak. There, a **** half-moon scimitar suspended quietly behind her.

Aren, it turned out to be a woman!

From afar, the red handsome figure, Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang, looked at each other on the top of the giant gourd-shaped giant peak, blinking at each other quite unexpectedly.

Before that, they never dreamed that the legendary God of Desolation would actually be a woman. Moreover, she looks extremely charming, her skin is white and clean, her facial features are beautiful, her hair flutters, especially her posture. Absolutely enough to make most of the males in this world want to move.

"The two of you leave quickly, otherwise, there is no amnesty to kill!"

The voice of the beautiful woman in red robe came up from the giant gourd-shaped peak, so cold that it almost froze the air into ice slag.

"God of God, we didn't mean to disturb your cultivation, but we are asking for it again!"

Qin Yi naturally couldn't leave, so he hurriedly shouted.

"I'm not a god."

The gorgeous woman in red robe said coldly: "I warn you again, and leave quickly!"


This person is not a god!

So ... who will this person be?

Wen Yan, both Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang, couldn't help but startled again.

"Qin Yi, take out the map of hides and skins, have we found the wrong place?"

Yan Meiniang recovered, and quickly thought of this problem.

"it is good."

Qin Yi flipped his palm, took out the animal skin map again, opened it, and glanced at it carefully: "Yes, the location of the ancient and jedi marked on this animal skin map is here. A giant gourd-shaped peak is a deserted ancient jedi. "

"Yes, this is indeed a deserted place."

The beautiful woman in the red robe on the top of the gourd-shaped giant peak said coldly again: "Because this is a deserted Jedi, I let you leave quickly."

"But isn't the barren ancient land a land of barren gods?"

Qin Yi touched his nose, frowned and asked, "You said you are not a god, who are you?"

"I am now, for you, the **** of death, and the **** scimitar behind me is the sickle of the **** of death!"

On the top of the gourd-shaped giant peak, the voice of the woman in the red robe was extremely cold.

Obviously, the unwillingness of Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang to leave made this person completely angry.

Then, her red sleeve gently waved, and there was a force on the sleeve immediately, pulling the red half-moon scimitar behind her.


The red half-moon scimitar, with a terrifying voice of breaking the sky, once again beheaded towards Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, with a murderous intention.

The scene of the red halfmoon machete beheaded, as in the last time, in the process of beheading, it skyrocketed. When the beheaded Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang were in front of them, it had soared to hundreds Kuan, like a blood curtain, sharply cut them towards their heads.


This man actually claimed to be a **** of death, her **** half-moon scimitar, a sickle of death!

Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang couldn't laugh or cry, and they didn't dare to be indifferent. They each moved the profound energy in their bodies, and they turned into two very faint phantoms.


The **** half-moon scimitar of the stunning woman in red robe was cut to the ground again, and a broad crack was cut on the ground.

In the next scene, it is already conceivable that the thoroughly irritated woman in the red robe, urging the **** half-moon scimitar, beheaded Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang continuously.

"Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!" ......

Soon, huge cracks appeared on the ground,

Without confirming the identity of the woman in red robe, Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang are not easy to fight back. They can only blindly avoid it. In case they accidentally offended the **** of desolation, it would be bad. Even if the woman in red robe is not desolate, but She appeared here, presumably with a certain joy with the **** of waste.

"Since you are not a god, then who are you?"

Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang were both awkwardly chased by the stunning **** half-moon scimitar, Qin Yi shouted loudly.

"I have said that to you, I am the **** of death. My **** half-moon scimitar is the sickle of the **** of death."

The beautiful woman in red robe drank coldly and her voice was not loud, but it clearly passed into the ears of Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang who were beyond sight. It is obvious how powerful the emperor is.

During the speech, she urged the amazing **** half-moon scimitar, and once again slashed to death.

"It's ... too naughty, when is this all still a joke."

Qin Yi couldn't help crying, he didn't dare to have the slightest slackness, and hurriedly started the speed with Yan Mei Niang, and the embarrassed and dreaded avoiding the moment he beheaded the **** half moon scimitar.

"She is right. For you, she is the **** of death ... No, it should be for most cultivators, she is the **** of death, and her **** half-moon scimitar is the sickle of the **** of death."

At a certain moment.

An extremely heavy and traumatic voice suddenly came from behind him.

Hearing this unique voice, both Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang couldn't help but startled, and they felt a very uncomfortable feeling in their hearts.

They both turned around quickly, and their eyes could not help but slightly frozen.

I saw that they were thousands of feet away, together in a black robe, slender and thin figure, I do not know when, already standing there silently like a ghost.

Although Qin Yi's spiritual consciousness has not been recovered, he completely enveloped the surroundings, but because he was busy avoiding the gourd-shaped giant peak, the mad beheading of the red-robed woman suddenly failed to notice the coming of this person.

The person's face was pale and pale without a trace of blood, his nose was tall and his eyes were deep, and at first glance, it was really shocking, like a living mummy.

"Are you ... Aren't you?"

Yan Mei-niang's light and shallow eyebrows, a slight frown.

Qin Yi on the side was also confused.

They can feel that this person is very strong!

"Am I a **** of desolation?"

Hearing Yan Meiniang's inquiry, the thin figure wearing a black robe couldn't help but startled, and immediately couldn't help laughing out loud: "Hahaha, I'm a **** of God? That's right, I'm God of God!"

What do you mean?

Wen Yan, Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang, the expression on their faces was more and more confused.


The woman in the red robe on the gourd-shaped giant peak sneered: "Your disgusting corpse, even with a face posing as a **** of desolation, is really ridiculous!"

In the cold drink, the woman in the red robe disappeared directly on the giant peak of the gourd type. The next moment, she appeared in front of the thin man in black robe, and the **** half-moon scimitar behind him also followed the "Woo" With a loud voice, the thin man in the black robe chopped off.

"Witch, what are you doing? The old man doesn't have time to play with you now. Is there anything more important to do?"

The thin, black man in black robe was frightened and angry, shouted, and hurriedly started at a rapid speed, avoiding the **** half-moon scimitar of the red robe woman.

However, the red half-moon scimitar of the woman in the red robe, under the influence of her mind, was like a shadow, drawing a beautiful arc in the air, and was the fastest to cut the thin man in the black robe.

The woman in the red robe chased and groaned in her mouth: "But the most important thing I have now is to kill you off, hum, I am going to find you to settle the account, now you are here by yourself, Exactly, I will settle this account with you! "

"You dead witch, don't spur people here, what do I owe you?"

The robe in the black robe snarled and looked very stiff.

"What account do you owe me? You owe me a head account!"

The woman in the red robe also seemed extremely angry, waving her arms, and the **** half-moon scimitar once again beheaded the head of the thin man in black robe.

The **** half-moon scimitar was normal in size at the moment of chopping out, but when the chopping knife reached the front of the black robe and the thin man, it had soared to hundreds of feet, "whining" rotation, with a monstrous murderous intention.

Where did the black robe and the thin man dare to have the slightest slackness, and his body looked like a lightning flashing upwards, and soared up to the sky, and the **** half-moon scimitar, which was hundreds of feet wide, whistled past the sole of the black robe and the thin man , Just one line away, was cut straight.

The two men fought completely. They are both the highest powers of Emperor Dao. They are only taller than Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang. In order not to be affected by the pond fish, they retreat thousands of feet away and watch the battle. .

"What is the origin of these two people? They obviously know each other, and there seems to be a lot of grudges between each other. Isn't it in the deserted world? Isn't it the deserted world? Only the **** of the desert?"

Yan Mei Niang frowned slightly and habitually touched her forehead.

Qin Yi's heart was also extremely confused.

The red robe woman and the black robe were really weird.

"The woman in red robe is a blood girl."

A faint, soft voice came suddenly from the void.

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