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"Is it just some strength?"

Yan Mei Niang ’s soft voice came down from the heights: "As I said, we are here to wait for your purpose, mainly to kill the three of you!"

Yan Mei-niang raised her blue long sword several tens of feet long, and pointed her finger toward Rouchang below, overlooking the Rouchang from the top.

Qin Yi, beside her, was silent. On the face of Junyi, there was always a faint smile with a forceful expression, and there was a strong confidence in him.

At this time, the hundreds of black market killers below finally recovered from ignorance. However, these people are finally top trained killers with strict training. Although they were photographed as dogs eating shit, they were missing. They have any mood swings, their expressions are indifferent to the extreme, they are pure killing tools.

They suddenly rushed from the ground in a sweeping motion, with a black ink finger in their hand, and once again spurred Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang into the sky at a high speed. The scene was like a locust swarm.

With hundreds of black market killers all shooting together, the killing intention that came out was like a huge wave, rushing up from below.

Only, the next moment.

Qin Yi's right hand, once again arbitrarily raised, the golden light giant palm print condensed by palm strength, once again suddenly appeared above the heads of these black market killers, with a violent wind, and slammed down.

"Peng Peng!"

The ground was shaking, and the hundreds of black market killers who rushed up were again photographed on the ground in a pose of dogs eating shit.

The hand of "destroying all living beings" is not powerful enough to kill people, but it is the best to abuse people. However, as long as Qin Yi thinks, he can always suppress the other party's death without giving him the opportunity to assassinate himself.

With the last encounter, this time, the hundreds of black market killers below reacted quickly, all of them slapped on the ground with a single palm, and the body jumped up, holding the ink sword, and speeding again. Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang headed towards the top, and stabbed away.

Obviously, their assassination is doomed not to succeed, Qin Yi once again shot the hands of the "destroying beings", slapping them on the ground and lying in a dog-eating posture!

In the next scene, it is already conceivable that hundreds of black market killers below constantly rushed up, but every time they just rushed up from the ground, Qin Yi raised his hand, and the golden light that united with his palms The palm print is suddenly photographed.

"Peng Peng!" "Peng Peng!" ......

The Jinguang giant palm print was shot again and again, each time hundreds of black market killers were photographed as dogs eating shit.

In the distance, the three black market rudders were determined to look at this scene, and they were shocked to add. The faces of the three were all terrified, and Qin Yi took pictures with each palm. The thin body of the three of them was With a sudden tremor, it was as if the golden palm imprint was on them.

Prior to this, they could not have dreamed that Qin Yi had just printed a golden gigantic palm imprint, and he had suppressed hundreds of top black market masters, and had no chance of shooting.

This scene is as unreal as a dream!

"Kill these two!"

It wasn't until Qin Yi shot five or six palms, that the black market rudder named Rouchang, was able to recover from the extreme shock, and immediately gave a cold drink.

The other two black market rudder lords, without saying a word, both pointed at the ink sword in their hands, and the three were violently moving towards Qin Yi and Yan Meiang in the high sky.

The three people's figures are all strange to the extreme, like three ghosts, fluttering and unpredictable, but the speed is too fast, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of feet are stabbed.

With the attack of the three people, Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang both felt an irresistible emergence of despair in their hearts.

"What a weird attack!"

Both Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang couldn't help but stunned. Fortunately, the two of them grew up to the level they are today, they both have strong spiritual strength, and each quickly suppressed the despair in their hearts.

However, in their slight stunned moment, the attack of the three black market rudder masters had arrived, and the three black swords were in front of them, suddenly a monstrous murderous intention.

The three people's most striking attack was just to let the opponent's heart suddenly and unstoppably appear desperate. When the stabbing in front of him, the killing intention suddenly appeared. This kind of scene, just like the three-handed ink sword, suddenly appeared The opponent is the same as before.

Such a weird and clever attack, even if he is a person who is noble, even if he is not careful, he will be succeeded by them.

Fortunately, Qin Yi has already entered the state of etherealness. Although the attack of the three black market rudder masters was too fast to describe, in Qin Yi's view, it was still twice as slow.

"Miss, flash!"

Qin Yi shouted quickly, grabbed Yan Meiniang's delicate arm, and suddenly ran high.


A loud, sharp noise!

The ink swords of the three black market rudder masters were under the feet of the two of them, and they were spotted together, striking a bright spark.

Only one line away, they both stabbed in the right!

The majestic air waves shot by the three-handed ink swords suddenly rushed up from below like a giant wave flowing backwards. Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang were suddenly impacted like two leaves in the sea without any trace of it. The weight suddenly floated to the sky.

The three black market rudders below were also blown out by this magnificent air wave, but they flew out in the air at the next moment, but they tumbling in the air again, against the air wave, holding The sword pierced Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang again.

The stature of the three of them is really strange, even if it is against the qi wave, the speed of the attack is also too fast to describe.

"Meiniang, attack, the black market killer at the front and left is left to you, and the two black market killers at the left and right, let me deal with it."

The body continued to float, Qin Yi glanced at the three black market rudder masters, and rushed up again, and immediately gave a cold drink.

"it is good!"

When Yan Meiniang responded, she saw a slender blue sword in her hands, suddenly thrust forward fiercely, breaking the majestic waves that hit her, and the whole person was fighting with the blue war sword. , Held in a straight line, toward the black market rudder lord below and stab away.

With the piercing of her sword, the dozens of feet of blue war sword suddenly shone with blue awns, and reflected the sky from one side to a blue.

At the same time that she stabs the black market rudder master, Qin Yi also attacked the other two black market rudder masters, only to see his chest, Shennong Ding suddenly emerged, suddenly soaring to several square feet, with Under monstrous coercion, "Boom" was printed on a black market helm.

As for himself, he had a long pistol in his hand and spurted the last black market rudder lord.

At this time, the hundreds of black market killers who were photographed on the ground by the golden palm were also rushing from the ground again. All of a sudden, the whole field was in chaos, and a figure was intertwined.

"Uh!" "Uh!"

Yan Meiniang, holding a dozen-foot-long blue war sword, suddenly chopped two pieces out of lightning, and the two black market killers who had rushed in front of her couldn't dodge. The huge blue sword mansions suddenly disappeared into it. In the bodies of the two black market killers, the two instantly split into two.

Yan Mei Niang didn't even look at the two black market killers who were killed by her instantaneously. The offensive remained unchanged. The blue war sword pierced the black market rudder like a meteor, and the speed was indescribably fast.

"A powerful attack ..."

Seeing Yan Meiniang attacked at speed, the black market rudder stunned and opened his mouth in disbelief.


A sharp sound of a sharp weapon tearing muscle tissue.

The voice of the black market killer hadn't fallen, and a sudden burst of cold came from his chest.

His thin body suddenly stagnate in the air. When he looked down subconsciously, he saw the blue war sword of Yan Meiniang, which had already penetrated his chest.


On the other end of the blue war sword, Yan Meiniang ’s beautiful little face, murderous intentions emerged, and a cold sigh, the wrist of the sword suddenly stirred, a big hole suddenly appeared on the chest of the black market helm, "Boom" fell to the ground.

With a sword, kill a black market rudder master!

The people in the black market, including the three rudder masters, may not be really terrifying in their cultivation behavior, but merely possess unparalleled killing skills.

Once you take the lead and master active punches, you will not have much difficulty in killing them.

the other side.


After several trips, Shennong Ding saw a black market rudder, and printed it into the ground.

At the same time, Qin Yi, holding a smoke cloud spear, had stabbed in front of the third black market rudder. The black market rudder subconsciously raised his ink sword in his hand and struck the smoke cloud spear. Crooked.



A black awn emerged suddenly from the front of Qin Yi, slashing towards the black market helm, the humanoid weapon.

The black market rudder master could not have imagined that Qin Yi had a third weapon. He had just slanted the quasi-head of the smoke cloud lance, and he had no time to retrieve the ink sword. The humanoid weapon that was spinning at a very fast speed turned him in an instant. From there, it was divided into two, the two halves of the body, fell to the ground, the scene was **** to the extreme.

Three black market rudder lords, one face shot, were killed by Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang two, the last black market rudder lord left!

This kind of thunder strikes, and it can be seen that the hundreds of black market killers around are all stunned. Their indifferent faces finally show a trace of horror.

Qin Yili glanced down in the air, and he saw the third black market rudder rushing out of the big pit led by Shennongding.

The power of Shennong Ding is not covered by the Jedi. The black rudder master has been printed with cracks all over his body, and the blood of Yinhong is pouring out, making him instantly become a blood man. Go up to the extreme tragic.

However, this person also assumed a ruthless role, even completely disregarding the injury on his body, and the ink sword in his hand pointed at Qin Yi in the air again, violently stabbing away.

The Sun and Moon Religious Order has already issued a death order. Be sure to kill Qin Yi to fight for the spirit jade on him. As the master of the black market rudder, he can only go all out even if he is dead.

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