The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2174: Giant cave

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At present, Yan Meiniang already has an accurate understanding of the practitioners in the entire Yandang Mountain.

It must be said that Lingwu is really an artifact for spying on intelligence, which is quite easy to use.


Qin Yi nodded in agreement: "This time, the Sun and Moon gods are afraid that they will come out of the nest. The three sons of Jiulong, Lord of the Seven Kills, and Lord of the Thunder will temporarily leave and come here to find Heyuanyuan. It will not have much impact. "

"And regarding the internal structure of Yandang Mountain, it is like this ..."

After six long years of continuous exploration by Yan Lingwu, Yan Meiniang is also familiar with the structure of the entire Yandang Mountain: "These crisscross wind tunnels will converge into three large wind tunnels after reaching a certain level. These three wind tunnels are very long. At the end of these three wind tunnels, there is a large space with a fast stone in the space, but no black source soil is seen. "

After a pause, Yan Meiniang continued: "That is not a small space at the end of these wind tunnels, and there is no trace of black source soil. There is no black source soil found in the entire Yandang Mountain."

"No black source soil found?"

Wen Yan, Qin Yi's eyebrows, could not help but slightly frowned, feeling a little weird, saying: "This is impossible, you know, this news was revealed to us by Luo Feng, with Luo Feng's ability, spied on the news It is absolutely impossible to have a fake, let alone, this generation of Yandang Mountain, the cultivators came to succeed, which is enough to show that there must be black source soil in the mountain of Yandang Mountain. "

"Since you think so, the news can't be fake, so I have a bold inference."

Yan Meiniang smiled happily: "The stones in that space must be black source soil."


Qin Yi's eyes lighted up leisurely, and his face showed a fanatical color, when he was about to wave his hand: "Go, let's rush down immediately, don't let other practitioners get ahead first!"


Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang unfolded at a rapid speed and continued to rush forward in the wind tunnel.

When they learned that the wind tunnels in the Yandang Mountains would eventually converge into three huge stone caves, they no longer have to discern their direction seriously, just rush forward.

Of course, in the storm, Yan Mei Niang will continue to recall Lingwu and keep abreast of the situation here.

"In front of this wind tunnel in front of us, no other practitioners were found, but several others followed."

"There are many cultivators who still ignorantly kill each other in these criss-cross wind tunnels, and there are also quite a few of them who, like us, are advancing at great speed."

During the rapid progress of the two, Yan Meiniang kept explaining the situation here to Qin Yi.

"Once again found the figures of Jiulong Jiong, Seven-killing Lord, and Fenglei Lord."

After viewing a picture taken by Lingwu, Yan Meiniang's body was startled, and she smiled slightly bitterly: "They are faster than us ..."

"What's the matter, Mei Niang?"

In Qin Yi's heart, a bad hunch suddenly appeared.

"The three sons of Jiulong, Lord of Seven Kills and Lord of Thunder, with their powerful fighting power, have already killed the three huge cave entrances, and will soon enter the cave."

Yan Mei Niang said helplessly.

After hearing this, Qin Yi sighed slightly and asked, "Which cave does this wind tunnel in front of us lead to?"

"The cave in front of the Seven Killing Lord."

Yan Mei Niang answered.

"That is to say, in front of us, is the Seven Killing Lord."

Qin Yi was very decisive, when he was about to wave his hand: "Come on, catch her, don't let them get to that space first."

Where did the two dare to be indifferent, hurriedly moved the profound energy in their bodies, rushed forward at a rapid speed.

Speaking of it, it's really weird. Every time they win the treasure, in the end, they are dueling with the Jiulong son a few people, it is simply a natural enemy.

Only natural enemies can meet so strangely every time. There is nothing wrong in saying that the enemies are narrow.

Under the rapid speed of the two, but for a while, the cave described by Yan Meiniang appeared in front of him. The cave was really huge, and the cross-section was dozens of feet. I do n’t know if it was artificially created, or Naturally formed.

Obviously, this time, the Lord of the Seven Kills had already rushed into these three holes. Fortunately, this cave was very long. At one and a half moments, the Lord of the Seven Kills could not pass through it.

Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang didn't have any delay. They turned into two afterimages, rushed into the huge cave in front of them in a blink of an eye, and quickly rushed forward.

At about the time when a tea came, in their sight, the seven-killed Saint Lord wearing a red robe appeared in their sight.

"Seven kill the Holy Lord, die!"

Qin Yi shouted.

At the next moment, he and Yan Meiniang both held their own weapons, headed towards the seven-killed Lord in front, and sprinted away at a rapid speed. The surrounding space was suddenly penetrated by the coercion of the two weapons, and the pressure was floating. Endlessly.

The seven-killing Saint Lord who was looting ahead, heard Qin Yi yelling, and hurriedly looked back. He saw that Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang were holding their respective weapons, and they stabbed in a blink of an eye. Inside, he was suddenly shocked and angry: "Why are you again? Damn, why are you here?"

Where did she dare to be indifferent, seven blood knives suddenly appeared on her chest, and seven extremely sharp killing intentions suddenly appeared.

嗤嗤嗤 ......

The seven-handed blood knife became seven blood spurs under the urge of the seven killing holy masters, and stabted toward the rear of Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, stabbing seven pathetic sounds of breaking the sky.

Looking at the blood knife from the seven-handed stab, Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang's eyes condensed, and the weapon in their hands suddenly swayed, striking hard at the seven-handed blood knife.

Click! Click! ...

Among them were four blood knives, which were instantly smashed into a blood mist by them, and the remaining three handles that were not hit were still stabbing towards them at a rapid speed.

It was too late to smash the three blood knives again, and the two had to rush to the two sides for a minute, avoiding the three blood knives, with their feet on the walls of the cave on both sides at the same time, a kick, and once again stabbed the seven killing lord .

The three blood knives, under the control of the Seven Killing Saint Lord's mind, drew three arcs and chased them towards Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang.

"damn it!"

Seeing a blow, the seven-killing Saint Lord couldn't help but scold, facing Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang at the same time, but only felt the killing intentions revealed by the two weapons, like a huge wave. The rush came, his clothes were hunting, his hair was full, and he was shocked backwards.

Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang's attack was too fast. In the blink of an eye, they stabbed within thirty feet. The sharp spearpoint and swordpoint were straight from the head of the seven-killing Saint Lord.

Even if the seven-killed Saint Lord is a pinnacle of the Sun and Moon gods, in the face of the joint attack of Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, he did not dare to attack his front, and his body hurriedly turned into a slender red mans. Speeding towards the side.


Qin Yi's smoke cloud spear and Yan Meiniang's blue war sword hit the ground at the same time, making a loud noise, shaking the ground, the entire huge cave almost collapsed.

Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang did not continue to attack the Seven-killed Lord, but instead rushed forward with the help of the two men, and in a blink of an eye, they rushed out of the air. However, after a while, it completely disappeared into the sight of the Seven Killing Lord.

"What do you mean?"

Looking at the front of the cave, the seven-killer sage stood in the middle of the cave, and the shallow eyebrows slightly fluttered. His heart was really confused, and he murmured in his mouth: "This is a perfect time to kill me. It ’s not too difficult for them to kill me together, but they did n’t do that. Why? ”

At this time, the remaining three blood knives had returned to the seven-killing Lord, quietly floating there, "buzzing" trembling.

She waved her arms tenderly, and the three blood knives burst into a blood mist.

The seven-handed blood knife of the Seven-killed Lord does not itself have a substantial existence, but is formed by condensing the mind. This is a superior martial art. The name of the seven-killed Lord is also derived from these seven-handed blood knife .

"Why didn't they kill me? This is totally unreasonable ..."

The Seven Slayers thought this was extremely strange and frowned.

After a moment of contemplation, she suddenly realized: "They will abandon me, there is only one possibility, that is, there is something they want to get in front of it. There is no doubt that this thing is black source soil!"

As soon as I thought about this, the blood of the Seven-killed Saint Lord was boiling all at once, and wherever I dare to have the slightest neglect, I quickly hurriedly started the speed and plundered towards the front.

They came here this time to find black source soil!

At the same time that the Seventh Killing Lord was fanatical, she was quite confused. She didn't understand, why would Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang know that Heiyuantu was in front? What means did they learn about?

In front, Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang were violently looting. They must rush to the big space in front as soon as possible to collect the black source soil there. If they wait for the practitioners behind them, all come in A crazy fight is inevitable.

The depth here has already reached the ground, the length of this huge cave in front of you is unimaginable.

Before flying at a very high speed for a short period of time, the two of them rushed out of the cave and appeared in the space previously detected by Lingwu.

As the soles of the feet stepped on the solid ground, the eyes of Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang were quickly swept away, and found that the space was circular, with a huge area, and the diameter reached a full kilometer. There is a trace of extremely ancient taste.

To their surprise, there are more than ten strong practitioners who have come here first.

The figures of Jiulong Jiong and Feng Lei Sheng Huo are among these people.

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