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Qin Yi ignored the two middle-aged men from the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage and locked his spiritual knowledge on the last person he thought he had considerable strength.

"The fifth force is an old man with white beards, and a girl who looks only about 16 or 7 years old."

Qin Yi described the characteristics of the two men in detail: "The old man with white beard can't see his age. He should be an old antique with endless years of life. His face is ruddy and his body is upright. At first glance, he knows that he has considerable strength. The young girl, who is only 16 or 7 years old, looks aquatic and has a red flame birthmark on his eyebrows. The two should be a pair of grandchildren. "

After he finished talking, he looked at Murong Xian'er and Qingmengmeng, hoping to get the identity of the two from their mouths.

However, Murong Xian'er and Qingmengmen both shook their beautiful heads, revealing a daze.

This Xuanhuang world is two or three times larger than the outside world. The strong are like clouds. The two of them have never heard of the grandpa and grandson. It is normal.

"Okay, according to the situation here, let's make a plan that is most beneficial to us."

Yan Mei-niang raised her slender hand and touched the bright and full forehead: "In fact, this situation is very good for us. Next, we will form an alliance with the pair of grandchildren, as long as they form an alliance with them, I think, other It is impossible for any one of the three parties to try to eat us, and the three parties of the Sun and Moon religions, the Blood Gate, and the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage are absolutely impossible to form an alliance. Then, we are invincible. Ground. "

Qin Yi, Murong Xianer, Qingmengmeng listened carefully, and had no objection to Yan Mei Niang's remarks.

After a pause, Yan Meiniang continued, "After waiting for an alliance with the pair of grandpas and grandchildren, Qingmeng Meng will release the news, saying that the masters of the Yongye pilgrimage, the Sun and Moon religions, and the Blood Gate have all arrived. Here, so, there will be a chaos here. Out of fear, many practitioners will start to form alliances to prepare for dealing with these three parties, and the three sons of the Jiulong son will start to attack and kill aliens. "


Qingmeng Meng patted her white and tender little hands, and the jade cheeks on both sides were flushed with excitement: "What a good idea, then, we can just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. Yan Mei Niang, you really know you, know you , It is a blessing for three lifetimes! "


She actually opened her arms and hugged Yan Mei Niang, and excitedly kissed Yan Mei Niang's face directly, making Yan Mei Niang a big blush.

In such a scene, even the dignified and elegant Murong Xian'er couldn't help but cover his mouth and chuckled.

While Qin Yi on the side, looking at the three stunning women, was warm in his heart. Yan Meiniang was very pleased to have such two girlfriends.

"No one knows when the Emperor Xian's coffin will appear. Now that the plan has been determined and it is not too late, let's do it. I'll go to ally with the pair of grandchildren. The three of you will wait for me here first.

Qin Yi has never been a tormentor, and immediately smiled at Yan Meiniang, Murong Xian'er, and Qing Mengmeng.

"Go, as long as the stakes are clear to the grandchildren, they will definitely agree to an alliance."

Yan Mei Niang nodded with a smile.

No longer delaying, Qin Yi flicked his body and directly teleported, and the real person disappeared instantly on the big blue stone.

next moment.

Qin Yi's figure appeared under a big tree out of thin air, as if coming out of the void, the space around him swayed slightly.

In front of him about a hundred feet, a pair of grandchildren were meditating cross-legged. They seemed to be practicing some exercises. The palms of the two were touching each other. The space around them was violently floating, as if they would always be It broke apart.

Above them, nine golden swords were suspended.

The nine-handed gold sword was originally suspended there quietly, but with the appearance of Qin Yi, it was a "buzz", and it trembled at once, making a huge murderous intention.

In a blink of an eye, the old man with white beards had risen from the ground, looking at Qin Yi coldly, and the nine golden swords had been suspended above his head: "The first emperor's coffin has not yet appeared. Has the game already started? "

The girl, who looked like she was only about 16 or 7 years old, had also stood up from the ground. She stood there pretty and looked at Qin Yi from afar. The fire-shaped birthmark on her eyebrows seemed to be Really like a flame, constantly jumping.

"Choosing us at the beginning, young man, next, you will soon discover how stupid your decision is."

The old man with white beards said in his mouth, stepping under his feet, in the blink of an eye, he actually stepped into a full fifty feet, as if crossing the void.

Qin Yi's expression, slightly stunned: This person is really strong!

"Senior, you misunderstood, I didn't come to fight with you."

Qin Yi quickly waved his hand.

"Then what are you doing here?"

The old man with white beard stopped, and the look on his face was obviously eased.

The girl in the distance, the fire-shaped birthmark on the eyebrow, was still, and came to the old man with white beard, a pair of eyes with water spirits, flickering, curiously looking at Qin Yi: "Talk, my grandfather Ask what are you doing here? "

Her words are also girlish.


Qin Yi touched his nose and said his purpose: "I hope that we can become allies next."

"Yo, alliance?"

The girl ’s tempting ruddy little mouth pouted slightly, turned around Qin Yi for a few times, and looked at Qin Yi up and down. She looked a little funny: "How come I ca n’t see it, you What are the conditions that are worthy of our alliance with you? "

"Xuan'er, it's rude."

The old man with white beard glared at the young girl. The girl stopped turning around in Qin Yi and returned to the old man with white beard. The snowy white chin was slightly raised, and clearly revealed a message: We disdain you Alliance!

Qin Yi couldn't help crying or laughing.

"Young man, Xuan'er is right. In our opinion, you have no place worth our alliance. Go back."

The old man with white beards is frankly frank.

Qin Yi almost laughed out loud, and he could see it. It turned out that the grandson and grandson were teasing monkeys!

"Senior, please listen to me first. After listening, maybe you will change your opinion on this matter."

Qin Yidan smiled and said: "First of all, I must affirm that this time I came to this ancient emperor peak, in fact, I am not alone, and there are three companions, they are waiting for me elsewhere."

The old man with white beards and the girl named Xuan'er still sneered and sneered, showing some lack of interest.

It can be seen that they are quite confident in their own strength.

After a pause, Qin Yi continued: "You may not understand the current form here, but I can tell you that the son of Jiulong Jiulong has brought the four holy Lords of the Sunshine Shine to here. , And the Seven Ghosts of the Bloody Gate also came here, in addition to the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage, there were also two pinnacles who came here. "

In an instant, the disdainful look on the faces of the grandsons and grandchildren disappeared. Instead, they were stunned and stared at each other.

"I know the strength of the two is very strong, but in the face of the son of Jiulong and the four holy lords of the Sun and Moon Religions, do you have the confidence to win?"

On Qin Yi's face, there was always a slight smile on his face: "IMHO, obviously, you are not sure, and the son of Kowloon will directly bring the four lords, the purpose is very obvious, is to want to control the whole here In the situation, if there is any chance on the first emperor's coffin that will appear next, there is absolutely no one who can resist his pace of fighting for the baby. Not to mention, there are the seven ghosts who bathe in the blood gate, and the people of the Holy Night, so , Our alliance is the wisest choice. "

The old man with white whiskers froze there, blinking his eyes constantly, obviously thinking about it quickly in his mind.

"Grandpa, do you still think about it this way?"

Xuan'er beside him directly grabbed his beard and twitched: "Make an alliance, the Jiulong son of Sun Moon God, and the four lords, that's not a joke."

The old man with white beards was obviously very fond of his granddaughter. Hearing Xuan'er said that, he was too lazy to think about it, and nodded: "Oh, alliance, it's all done, alliance!"


Qin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, yes, this result is quite smooth!

The other four strongest forces around this ancient emperor peak have been successfully attracted by him, and the remaining three forces are the Sun and Moon God Religion, the Blood Gate, and the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage. These three forces are allied. The probability is zero.

In other words, they blinked and turned into the most powerful force in this ancient emperor peak.

So far, it can be said that the situation of the ancient emperor peak has been basically firmly controlled by them.

Of course, this is something that other cultivators cannot know, especially the son of Jiulong. He had long believed that Qin Yiheng's body was in the fire, but he couldn't even dream of it. Qin Yi not only came to this ancient emperor peak, but also Has secretly controlled the overall situation.

Now that he had become an ally, Xuan'er's attitude towards Qin Yi immediately came to a 180-degree turn, actually pulling Qin Yi's hand directly: "Brother, you are so handsome, just follow my heart The male **** in looks exactly the same, what is your name? "

Lying trough!

Qin Yi almost fell to the ground, he can now see it, this Xuan'er is not just a tease, but also a nympho!

"My name is Qin Yi. In the future, you can call me Qin Yi brother."

Qin Yi raised his hand, wiped off a drop of sweat from the temples, and wiped it off without a trace, grinning.

In the following conversation, Qin Yi learned that the name of the old man with white beard was called Tomb Dust, a very strange name.

The two of them came from a strange school-the Tomb School!

The reason why this ancient tomb school is strange is that there are only two people in the whole school. The tomb owner is tomb dust and the disciple is Xuan'er. The ancient tomb school was created by tomb dust in one hand, and the location is in an ancient big In the tomb.

This situation sounds quite powerful and funny.

Because the whole tomb school, only the grandson and grandson in front of them, the location is in a hidden tomb Martial arts.

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