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At the next moment, she understood Qin Yi's intention in an instant, and was almost shocked and almost fell off the back of the giant elephant: "God, he is going to capture the beautiful queen alive!"

What kind of person is this guy? It's crazy to such a field, and he wants to capture the queen of the tiger and wolf tribe!

Now that Qin Yi's intentions were clearly seen, Feng Yueyuer dared to be neglected, and immediately jumped from the giant elephant's back and jumped directly to the back of a warhorse.


With a crossbow in her hand and a fierce shot on the **** of the war horse, she was like an arrow off the string, rushing towards the giant elephant riding on the beautiful queen, and at the same time continuously taking arrows to shoot at the beautiful queen.

A branch of feather arrows, with a terrible sound of breaking the sky, shot quickly. The tiger and wolf tribe soldiers on the back of the giant elephant were suddenly in a mess. They hurriedly took out their long knives and rushed to their queen. A shot of a feather arrow fell.

The beautiful queen, closely guarded by all human soldiers behind her, frowned for a moment, and also understood Qin Yi's and Fengyue Yu'er's intentions all at once. Shocked, he sipped in his mouth: "Hurry, shoot these two guys!"

With the order of that, the archers on the other five giant elephants immediately pointed all the arrows at Qin Yi and Fengyue Yu'er, the dense feather arrows, and the locust swarms generally shot at them both.

Taking advantage of this gap, behind Qin Yi, the Duanmu mark that hadn't had time to enter the shield formation before throwing away a dead body that had already been shot by a hedgehog, jumped on a warhorse and rushed towards the shield formation, then The shield burst into a notch, and put the Duanmu mark into it.

The feather arrows of the Tiger and Wolf tribe were shot at Qin Yi and Fengyue Yu'er at the same time. The elite soldiers in the shield formation temporarily sighed with relief. At the same time, they were both Qin Yi and Fengyue Yu'er, Deeply worried.

"Young Master, what does Qin Yi and General Yu'er do outside this time? How can all the arrows of the feathers be attracted?"

"It's too dangerous. Although both of them have good skills, but they are a little careless, they will still go through the arrows in an instant!"


As soon as Duan Muhen rushed into the shield formation, the soldiers quickly gathered up. The look on each soldier's face was extremely anxious.

"I don't know my brother-in-law and Yuer, what are you going to do now?"

The look on Duan Muhen's face was also unusually anxious, saying: "My brother-in-law just shouted to me, everyone has heard it, no matter what happens outside, be sure to guard this shield array, this is a military order , Offender, cut! "

The soldiers all around couldn't help but stunned, and then shouted: "Yes!"

Duan Muhen didn't say anything more. At this moment, he was amused than the young master, and he wasn't amused. He rode on the war horse and rushed to the rear quickly. After a while, he came to the thousands of archers.

These thousands of archers are obviously extremely well-trained in peacetime. Although Fengyue Yu'er is no longer there, they still haven't messed up. They lined up behind the elite soldiers in one straight line. Kneeling on the ground, shooting arrows with a crossbow.

"Brothers, good things, no matter how brave the tiger wolf soldiers of the tiger wolf tribe, you always suppress them!"

Duan Muzhen shouted: "My brother-in-law has orders, you must always maintain this state, don't let the tigers and wolf soldiers in front rush over to our soldiers and fight together, and now, in front of the elite soldiers, there are six scary giant elephants Once these tigers and wolves are rushed to the ground, we are enemies on the back, understand? "


The generals of the crossbow team returned in unison.

After a pause, someone asked, "Young Master, what is your highness? Is there anything wrong with her?"

Behind them, they kept pushing the pace of the tiger and wolf soldiers without knowing what happened in front of them, and now, behind them, a high shield wall was erected, and they could not see the shield wall at all. The situation behind.

"Relax, your highness is good now."

In fact, the current Duanmu mark is not clear about the situation of Fengyue Yu'er, but in order to stabilize the military, he can only say so.

Hearing this, the generals of the crossbow team suddenly lost their breath one by one. Since Feng Yueyu'er suddenly left, they have been worried about her comfort. Now, they can finally completely rest assured Too.

In fact, the Fengyue Yu'er at this time hasn't happened for a while. Although she was trapped in the dense feather arrows, her figure was extremely dexterous. At this time she had already ridden The war horse kept shooting arrows towards the queen of the Tiger and Wolf tribe. The dense feather arrows screamed past her, but failed to hit her.

On the other side, Qin Yi, at the moment, also gave up the war horse, carrying the unconscious little tiger, and using the Modao to shoot all the feather arrows shot down, the wind was rushing forward.

"Damn, this warrior, is the God of War possessed?"

Looking at the front, Qin Yi, who was rushing among the thousands of arrows, the beautiful queen of the Tiger Wolf Tribe, was shocked and angry, and suddenly screamed: "All follow me, I want to see if this person really has Three heads and six arms? "

"Khan, don't do it!"

Lu Dongfu, beside him, was shocked and reached out his hand to stop their Khan: "You suddenly rushed down like this, and the soldiers on the other giant elephants will definitely be unable to hold their hands for a while, and you will be shot by mistake ! "

"Yeah, Khan, don't be impulsive!"

Other human warriors, with their long swords, kept chopping down the feather arrows shot by Fengyue Yu'er, while begging.

"But, did you see the intention of the Duanmu tribe warrior? He wanted to rush to catch me alive!"

Beautiful Khan, irresistible anger, under the gorgeous robe, the two big seats with super scales on his chest, a sudden ups and downs: "His move is simply an insult to me, do you understand?"

Khan, who is in a state of mind, someone wants to capture her alive. Such a situation would be crazy for anyone.

"Khan, I can naturally see the intention of the Duanmu tribe warrior, but this person may not really be able to do it."

Lu Dongfu said quickly and respectfully: "Khan is assured that they will not survive any of them, and will be buried in this Bano city."

It was just that his words had just fallen, and all the other human soldiers in the gorgeous bamboo puff were all exclaimed. The beautiful Khan and Lu Dongfu looked at them, and they both stayed together.

I saw that the soldiers of the Duan Mu tribe, so many feather arrows, did not resist his pace. At this time, they had already rushed to the foot of the giant elephant, carrying a knife, and looked up and smiled.

The giant elephant is also very spiritual, directly lifting the thick elephant legs, kicking fiercely towards the warrior of the Duanmu tribe, trying to kick him, but the warrior of the Duanmu tribe is the body. Suddenly leaped, one palm on the elephant leg kicked by the giant elephant, beat hard, with the help of this rebound force, his body was like a light swallow, burst out.

In the blink of an eye, he had already grasped the giant elephant's nose with one hand, jumped forward, and his legs were already on the giant elephant's nose.

The critical moment is here!

Fengyue Yu'er, who had rushed not far away, saw this scene, and was immediately excited. The jade cheeks on both sides were all red and quite moving. She knew Qin Yi's skill well, as long as he got to the giant elephant. On his back, the beautiful Khan of the Tiger and Wolf tribe cannot escape.

Especially mysteriously, as Qin Yi rushed to the giant elephant ’s nose, the human soldiers of the Tiger and Wolf tribes on other giant elephants dared not shoot arrows at this place, fearing that their Khan had been killed by mistake and could only froze there. , Anxious with his eyes open.

Excited Fengyue Yu'er, at this moment sent a crazy archery, covering Qin Yi. The tiger-wolf tribe soldier on the giant elephant was shot by her in a mess for a while, and she couldn't make any effort to deal with Qin Yi.

So, Qin Yi smoothly followed the giant elephant's nose, and in the blink of an eye, rushed to the giant elephant's back and stood in front of the beautiful Khan. On his back, he also carried the unconscious little tiger, In his hand, he still grasped the knife that had already been rolled.

"Beautiful Queen, I'm sorry, let me go and drink tea!"

Qin Yi smiled faintly, stepped forward, and grabbed his big hand towards the beautiful Khan, the movement was very direct.

Seeing the soldier of the Duanmu tribe, he was about to capture Khan. The soldiers around the tiger and wolf tribe, where they were willing to take it, immediately screamed in unison, waving a long and swaying knife, and slashing to Qin Yi at a rapid speed.

And that beautiful Khan was naturally impossible to catch with his hands, Hao wrist lifted, holding the golden sword, and headed towards Qin Yi without a head or face.

However, Qin Yi's movements were too fast. Her golden sword had just been raised. Qin Yi's big hand was already in front of her. When she grabbed her backhand, she grasped her jade arm tightly. Modao, whose blade is rolled, is already on her jade item: "Don't resist, it's useless."

On Qin Yi's handsome face, a faint smile appeared at the moment, even more charming than the woman's smile.


The beautiful Khan's golden sword was fixed in the air.

The long swords in the hands of the generals of the Tiger and Wolf tribe were all held there in unison. Everything happened between the electro-optical flint, they had no time to make the sword, they could only hold the sword in a daze, and blinked incredulously.

Qin Yi put his arm around, the beautiful Khan of the Tiger and Wolf tribe, and the graceful and charming body, fell into Qin Yi's arms. Qin Yi pushed the sword in his hand and pushed it slowly, and the blade touched the delicate skin of beautiful Khan, this blade Although it has already been rolled, it is still a breeze to cut off the head of this beautiful Khan.

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