The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2022: Kill Colossus

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Seeing dozens of cold and long swords, they were all cut down, and Qin Yi's feet suddenly slipped, and the whole person appeared on top of the giant elephant in an instant.


Dozens of long knives were cut down together, and the bottom of the bamboo tent was scattered immediately.


Qin Yi had already been through a hundred battles, and his attack speed was extremely fast. His legs were just a little above the giant elephant's head, and he didn't even return his head. The strange knife in his hand was cut across the backhand.

In the cold flash, several human soldiers of the Tiger and Wolf tribe failed to dodge. They were cut off by the lazy waist on the spot, and more than a dozen bodies fell from the back of the giant elephant. The scene was bloody.

This is a battle without any suspense. Qin Yi ’s current cultivation practice, although it has been suppressed to the middle of the Second Emperor ’s Road, but has unparalleled combat experience, but for a while, dozens of tiger and wolf tribes on the back of the giant elephant The human soldiers were slaughtered clean by Qin Yi.

In such a life-and-death struggle, Qin Yi naturally cannot have any kindness.

Qin Yi stood on the back of the giant elephant and glanced down. The little tiger, who was unconscious, still lay quietly on the back of the horse, and then he was relieved. The horses on the battlefield were all The training is very good. As soon as the owner leaves the horse, he immediately stops and runs, standing quietly in place, waiting for the owner to mount again.

At the next moment, he surged the profound energy inside his body. He held the Modao that had already been rolled by his blade, and inserted it into the head of the giant elephant under him. Inserted into the giant elephant's head, leaving only a handle outside.

The skin of this giant elephant is tough and unimaginable, but Qin Yi ’s strength is not overwhelming. Although the current cultivation practice has been suppressed to the second realm of emperor Dao, if he hits it with all his strength, he will still be able to punch with a punch. Into a crush.

He pulled out the war blade violently, and a roll of hot, **** blood was instantly sprayed to several feet high, spraying Qin Yi all over, warm.

The giant elephant took pain and screamed in the sky. The huge elephant trunk suddenly swept over and tried to sweep Qin Yi off his horse.

Feeling a gust of wind sweeping straight over, Qin Yi had already tipped his toes on the back of the giant elephant a little, and the whole person suddenly rose into the sky. The nose of the giant elephant was against the bottom of his foot and swept past. The next moment, he again It landed on the top of the giant elephant in an instant, and raised the strange knife, which was a wild plug on the giant elephant's head.

"Damn, kill the warrior!"

In the distance, the beautiful Khan of the tiger and wolf tribe saw this scene truly, and he was so angry that he sipped, and actually drove the giant elephant under him to quickly rush to Qin Yi.

These seven giant elephants are the treasures of the Tiger and Wolf tribe. It seems that at this moment, Qin Yi was holding a sword to kill the image, and the beautiful Khan was heartbroken.

"woo woo woo woo……"

The dull and loud horn sounded again.

The other five-headed giant elephants, who heard the sound of the horn, all rushed quickly from the distance and attacked Qin Yi.

It's just a pity that everything is late. At this moment, Qin Yi has a strong sense of killing and no mercy. The destructive power of this giant elephant is too great. If you don't kill it, you will not know how many elite soldiers. Losing his life under its giant palm, he clasped Modao in his hands for a while, but for a moment, the giant body of the giant elephant fell to the ground with a bang, and it was already seven deaths.

Finally beheaded a giant elephant!

There are six heads!

Qin Yi exhaled lightly.

As the giant elephant fell to the ground, in the distance, the tiger and wolf tribe Khan sitting on the back of the giant elephant shook his body, and the muscles on the beautiful face lightly smoked: "Kill him, Come on, kill me! "

Bang ~ Bang ~

The giant elephant beneath her ran wild like crazy and took Qin Yi straight ahead.

After killing a giant elephant, Qin Yi did not dare to neglect. From the corpse of that giant elephant, he jumped up and jumped on horseback. Now the unconscious little tiger was dragged by the war horse. He was afraid that he had left for too long. Little Tiger will fall off the horse.

Qin Yi held the war sword and sat on the back of the war horse. His eyes were chilling and he looked around coldly. The six giant elephants rushed insanely, with a tremendous fighting spirit burning in his chest.

As the six giant elephants rushed over, it was impossible for the soldiers to stop their pace. Their bodies were huge, as if they were six hills, divided in six directions, and moved quickly towards Qin Yi. Anyone who came to block A soldier, he will be injured if he dies.

Seeing that the six giant elephants rushed forward, Qin Yi's temple jumped suddenly. He quickly pulled off the shirt behind him, carried the unconscious little tiger on his horseback on his back, jumped on his horseback, cold Drink: "Come on!"

However, at this moment, the afterglow of his eyes was aimed at a red shadow, and the wind rushed over from the army.

He glanced at it and found that this person, Huo Ran, was Fengyue Yu'er. I saw her coming from the rear crossbow team, riding a horse on a horse, and rushing towards the giant elephant closest to Qin Yi. The fiery red behind him The tabard was dragged into balance with the ground, and it was as long as a foot, with a loud noise.

"What is this Nizi doing?"

Eyes slightly condensed, looking at Feng Yueyu who was rushing in, Qin Yi's heart was slightly confused, and suddenly reacted: "She is going to do giant elephant!"

But seeing Fengyue Yu'er, the three feather arrows were taken from the back of the arrow barrel with lightning, all of them were put on the bow string, and they quickly shot at the giant elephant, and the skin of the giant elephant that could not even be cut into by the knife Her three feather arrows broke through the defense in an instant, and only heard a whizzing noise. The three feather arrows were half of the giant elephant's body, and the giant elephant screamed with pain.

"This little boy, girl, really can't see it, it turns out to be a natural power!"

In the distance, Qin Yi saw this scene clearly and couldn't help but sigh.

But after all, the force shot by the feather arrow is actually different from the force cut by Mo Dao. The force cut by Mo Dao bursts out instantly, so that the resistance caused on the skin of the giant elephant is also The bigger, and the feather arrow is shot from a long distance, there is no explosive force, so the resistance is also much smaller.

This is like hitting the water with your hand. When you pull hard, you will feel a huge resistance on the water. It will hurt your palms, but if you press the palm down, you can feel it. The resistance is very small.

Seeing that Fengyue Yu'er had three arrows, he shot directly into the body of the giant elephant. The dozens of human soldiers from the tiger and wolf tribe on the back of the giant elephant were also shocked and angry. They shouted and held the long The war knife quickly slashed towards Fengyue Yu'er.

And Feng Yueyu's figure is extremely dexterous, urging the crotch and dismounting the war horse, continually flicking left and right, and even slashing the slashing knifes, all evading away.

"Good skill!"

Seeing this scene from afar, Qin Yi sat on his horse and couldn't help but sigh secretly. Looking at it for so long, he didn't find out until now that there was such a person behind Fengyue Yu'er.

On the field, all the soldiers, looking at Feng Yue Yu'er's skill, also looked dumbfounded.

In a blink of an eye, Fengyue Yu'er had rushed to the giant elephant only about ten feet away, and then she quickly stood on the horse's back, and then suddenly jumped, the graceful and charming body, like a light swallow, jumped up. , Quickly grabbed the giant elephant's nose.


The giant elephant roared, struggling to shake his nose, trying to throw Fengyue Yu'er out, but Fengyue Yu'er's arm seemed to stick to the nose like that. No matter how the giant elephant flicked, it couldn't get rid of it.

"Quick, kill her, don't let her come up!"

On the back of the giant elephant, there were human warriors of the Tiger and Wolf tribe. It was grasping the elephant's nose with one hand, swinging back and forth to avoid these war knives.

She jumped suddenly and her legs were already on the elephant's nose. With the long elephant's nose, she quickly rushed to the bamboo tent on the back of the giant elephant. Feather arrows, lightning shot at the human warriors in the bamboo tent, every time you open the bow, it is directly three feather arrows.

Suddenly, a series of screams rang out from the bamboo huts, one by one human warrior, the arrow hit the ground, she had not rushed to the giant elephant's back, there were already more than ten tiger warrior tribe human warriors, She shot, and the speed of shooting was really pleasing to the eye, and people were stunned.

Even Qin Yi in the distance opened his mouth in amazement. He never thought that the archers in the ordinary human army actually had such lethality.

In a blink of an eye, Fengyue Yu'er's light body had rushed to the back of the giant elephant along the nose of the giant elephant. The movement of the hand, without any pause, was still shooting the feather arrow continuously, like the lightning , And without false hair, a single arrow can directly shoot through the armor of a human soldier and shoot deep into his body.

Moreover, the arrow also contains a huge impact, even if the position of the arrow is not critical, the huge impact will also directly impact them from the giant elephant's back.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of human soldiers of the Tiger and Wolf tribe on the back of the giant elephant have been shot by her half.

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