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Qin Yi snorted, there was no way to get Xiaohuzi, he had no choice but to know, the word "Sao Baoquan" must be the strange master of Duan Muhen, said to Xiaohuzi, last time on the training ground, This wonderful young master used this word to describe himself.

After a few people made troubles, they no longer delayed and swaggered into the city.

Entering from the square city gate, Qin Yi looked around and found that the old capital of the tiger and wolf tribe, Banuo, was indeed very rudimentary. The buildings on both sides were all stone houses. The work was rough, and the walls were bumpy and far away. It cannot be compared with those imperial capitals on the mainland of Kyushu.

However, there are quite a lot of pedestrians on the street. They do business and hang out, all wearing traditional costumes of the Tiger and Wolf tribe. However, their costumes are basically only two colors, white and blue, like them. This kind of black is rarely seen.

In this way, they walked on the street with a group of five people, which was still very eye-catching, and many people looked sideways at them.

"Xiaohuzi, Lu Tiemu, are there any problems with the three sets of clothes you got? How do I feel something is wrong?"

Feeling the different eyes that were constantly thrown around, Qin Yi turned to look at Xiao Huzi and Lu Tiemu, asking in confusion.

Little Huzi was about to answer, but his eyes were suddenly, staring blankly at Qin Yi's behind: "Brother Qin Yi, Tiger Wolf Army!"

Wen Yan, Qin Yi, Feng Yueyu'er and others were all stunned, turned around together, but behind them saw a dust everywhere, in the dust, a tiger and wolf army was rushing here quickly .

Qin Yi first saw the tiger-wolf army of the tiger-wolf tribe. He only now discovered that this army is really a combination of tiger and wolf. The head of the wolf is the wolf head, and behind the wolf is the tiger.

Whether it is a wolf or a tiger, its body is two or three times larger than normal wolves and tigers, and it looks very cruel.

For these tigers and wolves, Qin Yi was nothing. In the past, in the **** and demon cemetery, he did not know how many behemoths he killed, and they were still mutated, but for ordinary soldiers, when he suddenly saw a behemoth like this, it was inevitable. Shocked.

This tiger-wolf army, walking at the end, is a human soldier.

At this moment, I saw a tiger and wolf tribe soldier wearing a war armor, riding a war horse from behind, and suddenly rushed towards Qin Yi. They screamed in a hurry, just what he said, Qin Yi But he didn't understand a sentence.

I saw that Qin Yi's people were all standing there blankly. The tiger and wolf tribe soldiers stared at Qin Yi's eyes with confusion.

Qin Yi and several people, faced with a confused tiger and wolf tribe warriors, naturally the heartstrings are extremely tight, if this time by the tiger wolf tribe warriors, through their identity, the situation will undoubtedly be as bad as When the man waved his hand, the tiger-wolf army behind him would rush over and tear them apart.

If this is the case, then there is no need to fight this battle.

Fortunately, the soldiers of the Tiger and Wolf tribe, after looking at Qin Yi in confusion, murmured a few words, arched their hands respectfully, and turned away.


Looking at the figure of the tiger and wolf tribe's soldiers leaving, all of Qin Yi were relieved. At the same time, they were quite confused.

"The man finally bowed our hands respectfully at the end, am I right?"

Qin Yi was shocked to the extreme, but he didn't understand what the soldiers of the Tiger and Wolf tribe meant.

Other people were also confused, and finally Lu Tiemu thought of the key to the problem: "I'm afraid it's the color relationship of our clothes. Look at this street, just a few of us are wearing this Black clothes, most people are wearing blue or white clothes, depending on the attitude of the soldiers to us, I am afraid that black clothes represent a distinguished identity. "

Hearing this from him, the eyes of Qin Yi and others could not help but shine: it makes sense!

"Where did you get this dress when you came in?"

Qin Yi looked at Xiao Huzi and Lu Tiemu with inquiring eyes.

Xiao Huzi grinned embarrassedly: "What else can I do? Isn't it just sneaking into a family's house, dizzying a few people in that family, and then taking off their clothes, but now I want to come, then The furnishings in the house are indeed quite luxurious. It should be just like the old brother Tiemu said. The black clothes represent the nobility. The owner of the house is afraid that there will be a half-time job in this tiger and wolf tribe. "

"Isn't it considering the black clothes now, does it represent a question of dignity? It's just that the warrior came over, but we couldn't understand what he was talking about, did he show it?"

On the side, Fengyue Yu'er raised her shallow brow slightly.

And Duan Mulu beside him is also worried.

"should not."

Qin Yi shook his head slightly: "If the soldier saw through our identity, the reaction of the genius was not to be respectful, but to scream and make us win."

"It makes sense."

Na Tiemu also nodded and pondered a little, saying, "I'm afraid ... it's that he treats us as a deaf-mute person, a deaf-mute person, no matter what others say, they are all dazed."

Deaf and mute!

Wen Yan, Qin Yi's eyes, could not help but light up, and touched his chin: "I suddenly thought of a way to cope with the embarrassing situation that we do not understand the language of the Tiger and Wolf tribe, so as to avoid being accidentally seen , Next, we will play a deaf mute once. "

Fengyue Yu'er, Xiaohuzi, Duanmulu, Lu Tiemu all couldn't help but stunned, their eyes brightened slightly.

Yes, this is indeed a good idea, but after all, they don't need to pretend to be in this group of tigers and wolf tribes, they don't need to pretend to be deaf at all.

After a pause, Qin Yi said again: "It's just that Xiaohuzi and Tiemu Brothers, since they knocked out a person with status, this matter will be exposed sooner or later. We can't stay here for too long. Act immediately, figure out this Bano city, and then evacuate immediately to formulate the most effective combat plan. "

This time, they only brought more than 10,000 soldiers, not even 20,000, but they wanted to attack the entire Bano city. Even the fools can think of how difficult this task is. If you are not careful, you will be wiped out.

Hearing Qin Yi's statement, the four little tigers all nodded, and immediately, they all looked at the tiger and wolf army ahead.

At this time, a lot of tiger and wolf tribes have gathered on the street. They stood on both sides of the street and looked at this tiger and wolf army with piety.

Such a scene made Qin Yi and the four of them all have differences in their hearts. When they looked at it, they found that behind the tiger and wolf army, they also followed a rather expensive sedan chair.

The sedan chair was held by eight snow-white horses, followed by a must-have Wanmin Umbrella. The Wanmin Umbrella was held by an extremely beautiful tiger-wolf tribe girl. Glamorous young woman.

On both sides of them, there are six pretty girls standing respectively.

The dresses of these women are not the traditional costumes of the Tiger and Wolf tribe, but the extremely luxurious Gongfu, which is covered with gold and silver jewelry, and at a glance, they know that they have a very extraordinary status.

The whole street was quiet without any noise. The people on both sides of the street showed respect to the dignified woman under the Wanmin umbrella. The dignified woman sometimes waved to the people on both sides, with an elegant light smile on her face. meaning.

Behind these people, there are dozens of soldiers wearing golden armor, one by one riding a tall war horse, holding a war knife, full of majesty.

"Wanmin Umbrella?"

Qin Yi looked at the gorgeous woman under the Wanmin umbrella from afar, and his chin shattered: "This man is the head of this tiger and wolf tribe. No, look at this faction, it should be the queen!"

It is impossible for a tribal chief to have such an extravagance, and from the perspective of the entire Tiger Wolf Tribe, it is indeed very close to an empire.

Feng Yueyuer, Xiaohuzi, Duanmulu and Lu Tiemu beside Qin Yi all had strong shocking colors on their faces, and they couldn't even dream of it. This time, they would actually see the respect of the tiger and wolf tribe queen. Content.

In the middle of the street, under the attention of both sides, the team of the Queen of the Tiger and Wolf Tribe slowly advanced and went straight to the palace in front.

"Looking at them as servants, this queen of the tiger and wolf tribe should have traveled a long distance and went to Haza to inspect and learn about the construction of the new capital. It was just back now."

Looking far away at the queen of the Tiger and Wolf tribe, Qin Yi made this judgment.

Fengyue Yu'er beside him, bulging the pink cheeks on both sides, breathed out a breath, and recovered from the shock: "This line of business, I don't know how much more expensive than my father's line, I can't think of the Tiger Wolf Tribe now It has reached this point. "

"This is quite normal. They have a long history, a vast territory, and a large population. In addition to a lot of talented wise men, they must also have rich natural resources. It can be no surprise that they can develop to what they are today. "

Qin Yi touched his nose.

Xiao Huzi suddenly became a little excited and swallowed: "Hey, how can they be strong? We will soon be conquered by us!"

Several people carefully discussed that the queen of the Tiger and Wolf tribe had already come across from them. After passing slowly, Xiao Huzi quickly closed his mouth and stopped talking.

What surprised the Qin Yi next was that the Queen of the Tiger and Wolf Tribe suddenly waved his hand, and the whole team stopped slowly. Then, the luxurious carriage went straight to Qin Yi. Several people came slowly.

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