The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2003: The girl who loves you

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He promised to stay!

All the people present, including Duan Muxue and Duan Muhen, were all stunned, and they were all ecstatic at once. I saw Duan Muhen, the wonderful young master, rushing forward with a laugh, on Qin Yi's chest I punched: "Brother-in-law, I know that you are not that ruthless and innocent person, you will never leave the **** to ignore, and also, many of these elite troops have been born following you Brother, why are you willing to leave them, just ass, and return to Kyushu mainland? "

Yuan Wu over there had already waved his hand, and dozens of soldiers rushed over immediately. He picked up Qin Yi and threw it into the air without saying a word. Qin Yi hurriedly shouted, "What are you doing? Put me down, After the Tiger and Wolf tribe is defeated, we will celebrate again. "

In the distance, Duan Muxue stared at this scene, and the beautiful little face slowly burst into a bright smile, on the jade cheeks, two lines of tears, and could not control it anymore. : That's great, finally this **** is left!

The generals made trouble for a while, and then went back under the leadership of Yuan Wu. Duan Muxue and Duan Mushen saw the Fengyueyin brothers and sisters appear here, knowing that they had come to speak with Qin Yi, and they also left with fun. By the way, they and Qin Yi are old acquaintances, this time it is difficult to meet again, it is normal to narrate the old.

On the whole field, only three people, Qin Yi, Feng Yueyin and Fengyue Yu'er were left.

"Qin Yi, it is really good. This time, I can finally fight alongside you!"

Feng Yueyin stepped forward and gave Qin Yi a bear hug. The handsome face was obviously excited. "When I learned that you would not participate in this battle, I was very surprised. My sister came together to see if I could persuade you to stay. No, it just made us see the scene just now. I was very moved. "

"Hee hee, pet, I really don't see it. Your heart was so soft. Sister Xue gave you a strong kiss, and you immediately agreed to come down."

Feng Yueyu said with a smile, punching a punch on Qin Yi's chest.

"Can there be any way?"

Qin Yi smiled helplessly: "You all know that the strength of the Tiger and Wolf tribe is not weak. In case of this battle, you really failed, wouldn't I never see Cher again? She is my fiancee."

"Yes, this is the reason."

Fengyue Yin nodded: "A man, if he can't even take care of his lover, what kind of man is that? I just don't understand, why did you have the idea of ​​not participating in this war, you know, you It is the spiritual pillar of the elite army and their soul. It is completely different with and without you. I have heard that just in the training of the previous days, you also led the elite army and completed a miracle. Like a breakthrough. "

"It is true that there are indeed very important things waiting for me on the mainland of Kyushu. Now, there are three partners who are waiting for me to go back."

Qin Yi waved his hand and greeted Feng Yueyin's brother and sister into the stone house, sat down, and said to Feng Yueyin.

After the battle in the early years, the two of them could be regarded as brothers who had the same spirit. The character of Feng Yueyin was quite upright, and he had an appetite for Qin Yi.

"What is the most important thing that makes you so eager to go back, can you tell me about it?"

Feng Yueyin asked, and he could see that he was actually very curious about the mainland of Kyushu. The humanistic appearance of the mainland of Kyushu is completely different from that of the Magnolia mainland, and it is difficult to be not curious.

The Fengyue Yu'er around him also looked at Qin Yi with his curious eyes, his long eyelashes, blinking constantly.

"Frankly, this time, we are going to enter a world of exile. This is the arrangement of our Kyushu Holy See. Of course, whether we go or not depends on ourselves, but I have to go because it is a rare opportunity to sharpen. "

Nodding his head, Qin Yi told the truth: "Our mainland of Kyushu, in the Taikoo years of 20,000 years ago, there was a world war between Zhengxie and Daoxue, and all the exiles in that exile world were those in the Taikoo years. In the World War I, there are no evil Dao strongmen who have been killed. In addition, there are some indigenous people. I am a warrior. Unlike you, a warrior wants to make himself stronger, he must continue to experience and accumulate more. More fighting experience. "

The unprecedented war of the Taikoo period only occurred on the mainland of Kyushu, and the Magnolia mainland was not involved in that war.

Wenyan, Fengyueyin and Fengyueyu'er all have horrible colors on their faces. Strictly speaking, they are not warriors, but soldiers, and they cannot understand the warriors' style of work, but they can completely imagine it. That world of exile is absolutely dangerous.

The modern powerhouses are like ants in front of the peak archaic powerhouses.

Fengyue Yuer bulged the pink cheeks on both sides, exhaled, and said, "This is obviously a world of nine deaths, Qin Yi, do you have to go in?"


Qin Yi nodded: "Because our Kyushu Holy See stipulates that only people who come out of the world and magnify the world are eligible to enter the Emperor's Mountain and compete for the Emperor's Seal."

Next, Qin Yi talked about the Emperor Mountain and the Emperor Seal again, letting them understand one of the main reasons why they must enter the world of Xuanhuang. Of course, Qin Yi himself does not care about the Pope of the Kyushu Holy See. He just wanted to become stronger, and in the shortest time, he became the strongest, preparing for the next alien battle that is coming soon.

Now, he has collected all the five major element seeds, and some immortal ancient emperors are also showing signs of returning. The next battle with the aliens will definitely start soon, and his time is running out.

"Did you say to Chief Duan Muxue about entering the world of magnification?"

Feng Yueyin asked, he felt that there must be a more important reason for Qin Yi. Without telling himself, he could naturally see that with Qin Yi's temperament, he certainly disdain the position of the Pope of the Kyushu Holy See.


Qin Yi shook his head: "Because this trip is too dangerous, now the pope of the Kyushu Holy See has felt my existence, and it has a considerable threat to his position. He sent the strong to wait in the world of magnification. I went in. What a dangerous thing, how can I tell Xueer to worry her? "

Feng Yueyu stared at Qin Yi staring blankly, and a pair of beautiful eyes had become somewhat amorous, and he suddenly smiled lightly: "Hee hee, pet, I suddenly found out that in fact you are a pretty good man, it's a pity Ah, you are from the mainland of Kyushu, and you still have to enter the world of magnification, whether or not you are out is still a problem, otherwise I will let you become my man. "

Qin Yi had already seen Feng Yueyu's bravery, and he would not be surprised. Instead, Feng Yueyin around him smiled a little embarrassedly at Qin Yi: "My sister has this temperament, as you know, don't worry about it."

With that, he stared at Fengyue Yu'er again: "Yu'er, Qin Yi is a fiance under the command of Duan Muxue. What are you doing together?"

Feng Yueyu's tempting, ruddy little mouth suddenly turned up unhappy: "Che, brother, I'm a girl with a sweet heart. When I meet a good man, it's normal for my little heart to pound twice. . "

Wen Yan, Qin Yi and Feng Yueyin were all a little bit crying and laughing, Qin Yi Leng was there, he could only touch his nose embarrassingly.

In the following days, the soldiers of the two tribes were making full preparations for the next battle, and as the general commander Duan Muxue, the affairs were the most onerous, all aspects should be worried, and the training should be carried out every day. In addition, she also monitors the preparation of the grain and grass, the physique of the war horse, the repair of the soldiers' armor, the repair of the war knife, the physique of the soldiers, etc., she has to supervise fully, and the whole person has become a busy Gyroscope, fortunately, she was born as a soldier, and her physical fitness is very extraordinary. If you change to a normal person, I am afraid that I will be busy and take it off.

Qin Yi has not been idle during this time. Since he decided to stay, he will naturally be the leader of the elite army. He will lead the elite army through the Tianmeng Mountains and take the old city of Bano, the tiger and wolf tribe. It is undoubtedly his task.

The Tianmeng Mountain is extremely high in altitude, and the top of the mountain is thick with snow all year round. The climate is very cold. This will test the physical fitness of the soldiers. If the physical quality is not good, I am afraid that I have not reached Bano. We have already frozen to death in the Tianmeng Mountain Range. He is a strong man in the middle of the Seven Realms of Emperor Dao, of course, there will be no problem at all, but the other soldiers are different. The cultivation is the highest. Emperor Road.

According to the specific combat plan, the Yulong's bow and crossbow team will also cross the Tianmeng Mountain Range with the elite army to attack the old city of Bano, the tiger and wolf tribe. Since it is a siege, how can it be without an archer?

Therefore, since these days, Fengyue Yu'er has also led the crossbow team soldiers through various physical trainings, especially cold resistance training.

In the blink of an eye, half a month later, Aunt Sheng Xue, who had gone to the Snow Empire, had already led an army of 80,000 soldiers back. These soldiers were worthy of being trained by the empire. Each one was tall and equipped. Compared with the military equipment of the two big tribes, it is much better, and the war horse is obviously taller.

An empire is an empire, and its strong capital, even the most powerful tribe, can not be compared with it. If the capital is strong, then the soldiers cultivated are naturally more powerful and powerful.

This is the main reason why the Duanmu tribe and the Fengyue tribe would want to build an empire. The empire was originally a more advanced system than the tribe.

The leader of the 80,000 soldiers is a middle-aged man named Amu. He has a stubble face and an unusually powerful body. His weapon is two large hammers.

Aunt Sheng Xue is a warrior and has no combat experience. Naturally, it is impossible to lead the army to kill the enemy.

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