The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1998: Explanation

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"Xuanhuang World, what kind of world is that?"

Thinking of the Xuanhuang World, Qin Yi was full of curiosity about the dangerous and mysterious world of exile.

At this moment, a "Sasa" footsteps sounded from behind.

Qin Yi looked back and found that Duan Muxue, who had put on a red short skirt, was walking lightly with two snow-white slender, round and sturdy beautiful legs, and came towards her own style.

Such Duan Muxue is completely different from her on the training ground. She on the training ground is an outrageous domina, and now she is dressed up in a rare way. A feminine femininity made Qin Yi's eyes light up slightly.

"Xue'er, why are you here?"

Qin Yi smiled faintly, and there was a warmth in his heart. Now that he hasn't seen his fiancee for so many years, Qin Yi also missed him a lot when he was in the devil's tomb.

"You really are here."

Duan Muxue came to Qin Yi's side and sat down with his buttocks close to his back. The words spoken in his mouth were a bit cold: "Speak, why haven't you been watching for so many years? Me? I am your fiancee, even if you die, you Kyushu Holy See should send someone over to report me a funeral, you know? "

It turned out that Nizi was here to blame the teacher, not to come here in the barren mountains and mountains, to be with me.

Qin Yi sighed secretly and paused and said: "Xue'er, I didn't want to see you, but I couldn't come because I was trapped in a prison."

"Stuck in a cage?"

Duan Muxue slightly stunned, apparently did not believe Qin Yi's words, and scorned his lips contemptuously: "Must tell me nonsense here, with your ability, what cage can trap you?"

"Xue'er, you don't know, there is an incredible divine cemetery in our mainland of Kyushu. At that time, we were trapped in that divine cemetery. It was very easy to get in, but to get out, we had to layer by layer. Hit up ... "

Qin Yi will slenderly tell Duan Muxue about things in the Beihuang God Demon Cemetery.

Listen, Duan Muxue sat there in a daze, and for a moment, she couldn't get back to God. She couldn't imagine what kind of god-devil cemetery it was.

There are endless years in the five-tier continent. There are already countless powerful practitioners trapped in it. Qin Yi wants to kill them layer by layer. How difficult is this? Just think about it with your ass. Qin It is indeed a blessing that they were able to sleep out this time.

For a while, Duan Muxue drummed the pink cheeks on both sides of the drum, and then came back from the **** and demon cemetery described by Qin Yi, saying, "So, you are from the **** and demon cemetery. After getting out of trouble, came to visit me in Magnolia Mainland? "

"Of course."

Qin Yi nodded!


Duan Muxue's pretty Qiong nose snorted softly, and lifted the chest with a considerable size of two big seats, without trace of pride: "I know, I am still very charming."

Hearing this, Qin Yi blinked incredulously, turned around and looked at Duan Muxue unexpectedly, but he couldn't see this. This yawning yak on the battlefield actually had such a little woman.

He didn't know that in fact, any woman in this world has two sides, the gentle and lovely side, and the resolute side, when you are in front of a woman, you can't see her gentle and cute side, there is only one The reason is that she does not love you!

"Why look at me like this?"

Seeing Qin Yiding look at himself, Duanmuxue had jade cheeks on both sides, he couldn't help a red, a fragrant heart, and flew like a deer a few times: "Did I ... I'm wrong?"


Qin Yi shook his head gently: "In the battlefield, there are more than one hundred thousand troops, but at the same time, it has a delicate and pleasant side. Such a woman is the most attractive."

"That's about the same, you have a vision."

Duanmu Xuexue's pointy chin was slightly raised, and the two huge seats in front of her chest were quite tall, and the sweetness in her heart was unnecessary.

She was the commander of the Duanmuxue tribe army. She usually led more than one hundred thousand troops to shout and kill. She lived the days of swords and swords. At this time, she stayed with Qin Yi lightly and took off her shirt. With unprecedented comfort, I just feel that real people are slowly immortalizing at this moment.

Qin Yi touched his nose and smiled lightly: "As soon as I got out of that divine tomb, I came to see you nonstop, but I didn't expect that I was almost cut by you. The way of receiving me is a little special, and it is so special that it will make me unforgettable all my life. "

Duan Muxue's pretty faces on both sides couldn't help but glared at Qin Yi: "Do not say! You must forget this matter immediately!"

I almost beheaded my fiancé's own hands, although this will not be laughed at by the tribe, but it is also extremely wonderful to think about it carefully.


This matter must be forgotten immediately!

Qin Yi opened his mouth in amazement, and said with some helplessness: "This amazing and exciting thing that just happened, but you want me to forget it immediately, Xueer, aren't you a strongman?"

"Don't you forget when I killed you?"

Duan Muxue gave a light "Ya", suddenly turned around and threw Qin Yi down, and directly pressed him to the ground. Before waiting for him to come back, Duan Muxue's full and soft lips were already ruthless. Pressing **** his big mouth, he murmured: "You **** ... so long came to see me ... I bite ... bite you ..."

Qin Yi was so refreshed that Qin Yi could n’t help but stunned, and blinked her eyes there, lying in a trough. She would kill me if she did n’t move, which was too ridiculous. However, I like it!

While Qin Yi was stunned, Duan Muxue's pink tongue was already like a loach, slipping silently into Qin Yi's mouth, stirring constantly, but the level of mastery was real. Somewhat unsatisfactory, the whole person lying motionless on Qin Yi's body, besides stirring his tongue blindly, he didn't know what to do.

However, her appearance aroused the infinite love in Qin Yi's heart. His arms clasped Duan Muxue's overwhelming waist tightly, allowing Duan Muxue's tongue to be jerky in his mouth. Stirring.

After a while, Duan Muxue withdrew his tongue from Qin Yi's mouth China. The jade cheeks on both sides were already red as if they were on fire. His eyes were misty, and he looked down at Qin Yi in a confused and shy way: "Is this true for men and women? After we do this, will I be pregnant with your baby in the future?"

Will you be pregnant with your baby?

Qin Yi was stunned. He couldn't believe his ears. He could never imagine that this yawning yak on the battlefield was even whiter than a piece of white paper in the matter of men and women.

Qin Yi couldn't laugh or cry, but the love in his heart was a little bit thicker, raised his finger, and scraped Duan Muxue's pretty nose: "How can it be so simple between men and women? To make you pregnant with your baby, It ’s more complicated than that. "

"Much more complicated than this?"

Duan Muxue's curiosity was suddenly aroused. From Qin Yi's body, he climbed up smoothly and pulled Qin Yi up and sat down. The beautiful eyes looked at Qin Yi: "Then say Say, what should I do to get me pregnant? "


Facing Duan Muxue's curiosity, Qin Yi couldn't help crying, lying down, this thing ... what should I say?

"Cough ..."

With a slightly embarrassed light cough, Qin Yi touched his nose: "This matter is really difficult to describe in words. Many details are not suitable for children!"

"What kind of children are not suitable? There are no children here."

Duan Muxue didn't take Qin Yi's arm and shook her coquettishly: "Say, tell me, what should I do before I can get pregnant?"

Are women all curious about this very unhealthy thing? Qin Yi sighed secretly, but couldn't bear Duan Muxue, and could only say: "This matter is described in the simplest of two words, it's" papa "."

"Slap? High-five? Are you saying that when we high-five each other, I will be pregnant with the baby?"

Duanmu Xuexiu's eyes flicked gently and asked with some surprise.

High five?

Qin Yi was stunned. He didn't expect that if he said a "slap", she would immediately think of high-five. This thinking is too simple and straightforward.

Touching his nose, Qin Yi shook his head: "It's not a high-five," pop "is not the sound of high-five, but the sound of impact."

In fact, Duan Muxue had already been ashamed, but she could n’t bear her curiosity, and now she and Qin Yi were present, she just let it go: "Then, how do we hit it again, I will What about getting pregnant? "

Qin Yi head is as big as a fight, thinking for a long time, he can't think of a correct word to describe the impact. To put it bluntly, he is still a gangster. What is the "slap", the piston model, and the wonder of life, I don't know much.

"I haven't experienced this yet. When we have a chance in the future, we will" snap "and hit hard."

Qin Yichong rubbed Duan Muxue's hair drastically, forcibly shifting the topic: "This time, you and the Fengyue tribe teamed up to attack the Tiger and Wolf tribe. How sure are you?"

When talking about the war, the shyness of Duanmuxue's face disappeared in an instant, and his eyes became sharp. He pondered for a moment and said, "It's hard to say that the combat ability of the Fengyue tribe is different from our Duanmu's tribe. Not much. Over the years, we have been sending spies, secretly watching the Tiger and Wolf tribe, and found that the Tiger and Wolf tribe of the Tiger and Wolf tribe is indeed extremely powerful, and, in fact, the Tiger and Wolf tribe has been staring at the Fengyue tribe in recent years, revealing the annexation. Ambition. "

"So the Fengyue tribe will find you and join hands with you in total, to start with the Tiger and Wolf tribe first?"

Qin Yi asked.

"This is just one reason."

Duan Muxue said: "We want to build an empire and build a super empire in the west of the Magnolia Continent. Although our tribe is not weak at present, but to develop really fast, we must build a country. The empire has a more urgent and perfect system than the tribe. And more powerful troops. "

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