The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1989: Get into the army

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"What does Sao Bao look like, do you understand Yingwu?"

Qin Yi's eyes glared, his sword swayed in his hand, and he snapped on Duanmujian's buttocks. Duanmuhen suddenly looked like a cat was stepping on his tail, and suddenly rushed forward.

The portable sword, riding on horseback, the blood in Qin Yi's body was boiling uncontrollably, and there was a sense of war in his chest.

He is now a warrior in the middle period of Emperor Dao's Seven Realms. If he really does his best, the more than 100,000 people in front of him are no different from the more than 100,000 ants in front of him.

But if it is a means of confrontation between martial arts strongmen to deal with these civilian troops, it is against the law of survival, and it will attract natural punishment.

In this world, some rules have existed since ancient times.

No one knows who set these rules. These rules are designated as "dark rules". Once these rules are violated, they will be punished by the sky. Disability is possible.

Therefore, no one dares to easily touch these invisible dark rules.

The dark rules stipulate that if a peak warrior wants to participate in the battle of the civilian army, cultivation must be suppressed within the three realms of imperialism.

Think about it, if all the pinnacle warriors participated in a war of this scale, how vast would it be, and how many innocent lives would be injured?

After putting on the battle shirt, Qin Yi sat on his horse and did not rush to rush over, but watched quietly for a while. He knew that he was not the best time to appear now.

"The elite army all remembered to me, whether we can win this battle, the key lies in the body of more than 10,000 of you!"

On the training ground, Duanmu Xuejiao drank, "You will treat the more than one hundred thousand parties in front of you as an army of tigers and wolf. If you do not defeat them, they will set fire to your home and plunder you. Your wealth, kill your wives and children, understand? "


More than ten thousand elite soldiers screamed and swallowed the mountains and rivers.


The small blue flag in the hands of General Duan Muxue suddenly waved: "All parties compose an army, and the elite army will be besieged!"


The actions of all parties to compile troops are very rapid. After blinking, they are besieging more than 10,000 elite troops in the center of the training ground.

"All parties prepare troops and attack!"

Duan Muxue waved blue small flag.


More than one hundred thousand troops were organized, and under the command of Duan Muxue, they waved wooden long knives one after another, and rushed down the battle horses to the more than 10,000 elite troops in the center of the training ground.

"Elite, lay the shield wall and move!"

Duanmu Xuejiang's red flag on his right hand was a little bit toward the elite 10,000 elites.

The outermost soldiers of the more than 10,000 elite troops quickly took off the shields hung on the horseback and erected them together to form an airtight shield wall, and then moved quickly. From a distance, it looked like A spinning top is the same.

Like the previous exercise, more than one hundred thousand parties prepared troops. After struggling, they quickly rushed beyond the shield wall of the elite army and lifted up their long swords to cut wildly. There is no point of strength, so these long knives are cut on it, and they are immediately bounced off. In a moment, these more than 100,000 troops are difficult to break through the shield wall of the elite army.

However, as a true elite, the key to success in the next battle with the Tiger and Wolf Tribe is simply that it is difficult to break through, which is not enough. Otherwise, if the army of the Tiger and Wolf Tribe really comes into play in the future, this Once more than 10,000 people are trapped by the Tiger and Wolf Army, even if they are not attacked, it is equivalent to abolition, and it does not play a role.

A crazy attack by the army of various parties has not achieved the slightest effect. The shield wall erected by the elite army is indestructible.

"Open the shield wall, break through!"

Quietly staring at Duan Muxue for a while, he suddenly shouted.


Somewhere in the rapidly rotating shield array, suddenly a point was made to both sides, and a huge mouth was opened.


As the shouting of the swallowing mountains and rivers sounded, an elite, suddenly rushed out from the huge gap that separated, and stab like a sharp knife to all parties to build the army. , Was rushed to turn back.

However, the number of troops in all parties is too much after all, and after a long period of training, surrounded by layers, the elite army has not yet broken through to half, and it is a middle-aged man with a beard, who is constantly waving With the sword in his hand, he shouted at the soldiers who were in chaos: "Stabilize me! Stabilize me! Thousands of waves form, press me up!"

This middle-aged bearded man is obviously a general in the army of all parties. His cultivation base has already broken through the Emperor Dao. His voice contains a strong inner strength of the Emperor Dao. All the noises on the training ground are Suppressed.

With the sound of his words, the soldiers quickly stabilized their positions. In front of the elite army, they were quickly arranged in layers, the long swords were all moving forward, and the countless horses lifted the strange tread, uniformly The momentum of resistance was pressed towards the elite army.

For a time, the elite army could hardly contend with the uniform army, and had to shrink back into the shield wall. The separated mouths snapped together, and the shield wall continued to rotate quickly.

Duan Muxue looked at the middle-aged bearded man from afar, could not help but nodded his head, and there was a look of appreciation on her face. Suddenly, her eyes were sharp again, and she waved the small red flag in her right hand: Open the gate, break through! "


The shield wall of the elite army suddenly appeared again with a huge mouth, and the killing force was in the sky. The elite army broke through again, but it is a pity that it still failed to break through.

This time, even half of them had not rushed, but they were suppressed by all parties, and they were suppressed.

Duanmu Xue straddled the snow-white horse and looked at this scene from afar. The delicate little face was covered with frost. As the commander, she even followed this battle with the tiger and wolf tribe. Elite is the key to winning. If they are difficult to accomplish, the odds of the Duanmu tribe and the Fengyue tribe are small.

"At that time, how did that guy bring 5,000 elites out of the army of the Fengyue tribe?"

Duan Muxue's shallow eyebrows clenched tightly. In his mind, someone could not help but emerged that someone was wearing a robe and holding a long sword, and he was trapped in the army of the Fengyue tribe, as if he had entered the unmanned state.

"Obviously it is unstoppable, but Duan Muhen, the fool, just wants to say that the adult family is full of anger."

Duan Muxue's frost-covered little face, at this moment, was a gentle smile, and thoughts poured into my heart like a tide.

"After so many years, there is still no news about him. Is he alright in mainland Kyushu?"

Duan Muxue murmured silently.

"What time is it, I still miss him, it really shouldn't be."

Suddenly she returned to her mind, forcibly suppressed the flooding thoughts in her heart, and the smile on the beautiful little face was replaced by the thick frost again: "Elite army, open the mountain gate, Break through! "

With her order, the elite shield wall in the center of the training ground suddenly separated a huge mouth again, the elite army shouted and rushed out, but it was a pity that it was still unable to rush to half, and it was prepared by all parties. Pressed back.

"Elite Army, open the mountain gate, break through!"

Duan Muxue's Niu Jin was completely irritated, commanding the elite army to break through again and again, but proclaiming failure once and again.

"What the hell?"

In the distance, Qin Yi saw all of this in his eyes and couldn't help but sigh helplessly: "If you continue this way, these elite troops will be exhausted sooner or later."

"Brother-in-law, there is no way. This elite army is the next key to winning the battle with the Tiger and Wolf Tribe. They have always been difficult to break through. The **** is ​​also in a hurry. You know, the Tiger Wolf Army of the Tiger Wolf Tribe is better The formation of troops by all parties must be fierce. If even the formation of troops by all parties cannot break through, even in the face of the Tiger and Wolf Army, they cannot even go straight to what they do. "

Duan Mujian said: "How stressful is the dominatrix, it is conceivable that she would be so crazy and understandable."

"Of course I can understand. She is my fiancé. I see her being forced into this situation. I am also distressed. You are waiting for me here. I took advantage of this chaos and rushed to the elite army. . "

Qin Yiwang looked at the training ground in the distance and said, at this moment, Duan Muxue was commanding the elite army, trying to make a new round of breakthrough, the scene was chaotic, and it was a good opportunity to mix in.

He didn't say much, his legs were on the horse, he was carrying a knife, and he rushed straight to the center of the training ground.

There was chaos on the training ground, and more than one hundred thousand soldiers were running. No one noticed that an elite soldier in a red robe rushed in from outside the training ground, and soon he was mixed into the elite army, even in the distance. Duan Muxue did not find it.

In the crazy rush of more than one hundred thousand troops, if you can find an elite soldier in a red robe, it is a god-man.

Even if it was discovered, Duan Muxue would definitely not think much, only think that it was the elite soldiers who had been washed away.

Mixed into the elite army, the figure in front of him is astounding, the ears are endless cries, fighting sounds, and the blood in Qin Yi's body boils at a sudden.

"Return to the inside of the shield wall, the opponent's strength is too strong, so the rampage is impossible to break through!"

Qin Yi will wave the Mo Dao in his hand hard!

The elite soldiers around him could not help but stop sprinting, and looked at Qin Yi with surprise, secretly: Who is this man? The commander wants us to break through, but he lets us go back!

However, these elites only hesitated a little, that is, they turned their horses and retreated toward the shield wall like a tide. They were exhausted long ago, and they would have no one to let them go back. Onto his own head.

With a clatter, the elite army blinked into the shield wall.

The shield wall is still moving fast, preventing the outside parties from preparing troops to rush in.

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