The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1984: Five Elements

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Everything in the courtyard of the Five Elements Mansion in Tiandi is also elegantly decorated as when Qin Yi left, the peach trees are full of red peach flowers, the breeze is blowing, and the peach petals fall Down, full of poetry and painting, it was actually the same peach garden as King Serow. ()

There are no housekeepers and guards in Shi Yun ’s mansion. Being the head of the six iron guards around Her Majesty Daliang, these are all superfluous for her, and Shi Yun ’s temperament is quiet, and she usually lives alone. In the mansion.

His eyes moved slowly in the yard, and for a moment, the scenes that had once been with the rhyme of poetry also came to mind.

"In the past, it was on this stone table, and Shi Yun and I were almost in the sky."

Looking at the stone table in the middle of the courtyard, Qin Yi smiled faintly, remembering the scene of the two of them in the past, and suddenly, above the lower abdomen, there was a sign of a slight rise of evil fire.

Suddenly he came back to himself and secretly scolded: "Lying trough, Lao Tzu is getting more and more shameless now, it's just a bird and a beast!"

He shook his head, shook off those very unhealthy pictures in his mind, sat down cross-legged, and after concentrating, he began to earnestly realize the five elements that exist between this world and the world.

Two days ago, Qin Yi deeply realized that martial arts is so important.

Only by comprehending martial arts can one be considered a senior martial artist!

As he currently does, he does not comprehend martial arts, even if he is to cultivate to the pinnacle of God ’s Word, he can only be regarded as an ordinary martial artist. In front of those senior martial artists, he is still weak.

Qin Yi estimated that in the distant Taikoo years, the senior martial arts comprehends martial arts, I am afraid that there will be no more.

In other words, when he entered the world of Xuanhuang this time, what he had to face was that he was afraid of being a senior warrior.

If this is the case, how terrible is inside the Xuanhuang Great World. It is conceivable that it is definitely a completely different martial art world from the outside world.

Qin Yi meditated quietly on the ground cross-legged. The whole person seemed to sit still and stayed still: "The five elements that exist between heaven and earth, mutualism and mutual restraint, mutualism, prosperity, mutual restraint, and decay. To master the power of the five elements, you must obviously avoid mutual restraint The way to pursue the way of mutualism, so that you can get the endless power of mutualism ... "

"Coexistence can produce endless power ..."

Qin Yi stunned slightly, a frenzy appeared on his face, and he already had some feelings about the five elements existing between heaven and earth.

As if it were a gate that had been dust-tight, at this moment it was opened to him silently, entering the gate, and the faint Holy Radiance sprinkled, so that he bathed in these Holy Radiances.

This is a very wonderful feeling. At this moment, Qin Yi even felt that his whole person was immortalized.

Heaven and earth are vast, all creatures are inseparable from the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. The prosperity and decline of time are all due to the five elements. The five elements are the source of all existence between heaven and earth. Equivalent to mastering the world ...

"Curious feeling ..."

Qin Yi thought, walking through the five elements of heaven and earth, the whole person was suddenly Huo Ran cheerful, many things, he instantly grasped the source, understand the cause and effect.

A wise man knows how to find the source of things, and a fool will only frustrate blindly!

I do n’t know how long it took, Qin Yi rose from the ground and could n’t help but laugh loudly: “Haha, the five elements of heaven and earth, it turned out to be like this, Miaozai, really Miaozai!”

He exhaled for a long time, and his entire body and mind were very comfortable at this moment. In the eyes of the world, Xuan Zhixuan's five elements of the world, he had completely grasped its true drops.

I have to say that the last time in the Sen Luo Temple, Yinger's remarks, he will always be in the mist, woke up completely!

Now that the five elements have been comprehended, the next step is to spy on the six paths after the existence and the five elements. As long as you master the power of the six paths, then the power of the natural avenue between heaven and earth will be manipulated by him to create your own laws.

Suddenly, he felt something was wrong, he stopped smiling, and turned slowly.

Sure enough, the courtyard door behind was already open, and the poetry that had not been seen for many years was standing quietly at the gate, looking at him motionlessly.

Now that so many years have passed, the years have not left any traces on her body. It is still so beautiful and touching, so that most males in the world will be tempted with a glance.

Her skin is as white as snow, her facial features are exquisite, she holds a slender war sword in her hands, she wears a black robe, she is delicately fragrant on her shoulders, and she is also covered with a black cloak, like a black flag in the wind In the same way, she continued to fly with her full hair, giving people a dreamlike beauty.

"Poem rhyme, are you back?"

Seeing that the lady standing quietly at the door, Qin Yi's heart was also hot, and he quickly greeted him.

"Qin Yi, is it really you? Is this not an illusion?"

Poem rhyme stood there staring, mumbling in his mouth.

"Of course it's not an illusion, poetry, I'm here to see you!"

Qin Yi smiled and came to the front of the poem rhyme. With open arms, he had to embrace the poem rhythm in his arms: "Come, feel my arms, and confirm that this is not an illusion."

"It's really not an illusion ..."

Shi Yun murmured, but suddenly lifted his wrist, and the slender war sword suddenly burst into Qin Yi's chest: "You bastard, I will kill you!"

Paralyzed, what is the situation!

Why did you say you want to kill me as soon as you meet?

Qin Yi was taken aback. Fortunately, he responded quickly. His figure flickered and swept to the side very quickly. The sword of Shi Yun got a stab in the air, but Shi Yun was not reluctant. It was quickly chased up, and the long sword drew a cold awn in the air, and faceless Qin Yi split down.

"Poem rhyme, what's going on? We haven't seen each other for so many years, shouldn't we be right when we meet? Why are you going to kill me when you meet?"

Qin Yi fled in the courtyard and yelled in his mouth. He was confused and extremely confused.

"Qingqing, my sister, see me not killing you!"

However, Shi Yun seemed very angry. While drinking, she chased Qin Yiman's yard, violently, with a sword on Qin Yi's chest.

"Poem rhyme, what's the matter? Let's sit down and say it well, don't move, you have to kill you? I've traveled a long distance to see you, it's not easy!"

Facing the powerful poetic rhythm, Qin Yi was very helpless, fleeing in a hug, embarrassed.

"There is nothing to talk about. Today, the old lady is just going to give you a sword before she can relieve my hatred!"

Shi Yun sipped in his mouth, and his figure fell very quickly. In the courtyard, the lingering afterimages turned into Taoism, and even a few times, they almost stabbed Qin Yi in the face.

It can be seen that in the past few years, her cultivation practice has improved a lot, I am afraid that it has already broken through to the emperor's path.

Faced with the manner of poetry rhyme, Qin Yi's heart was extremely confused. While he fled, his brain spun quickly, but he couldn't think of it. I was sorry for poetry rhythm?

"She can't make trouble anymore."

Qin Yi looked at a gap, his body suddenly moved forward, and the speed was too fast to describe. In an instant, he was more than ten feet away, and rushed to the front of Shi Yun's forehead.


In a blink of an eye, he rushed to Qin Yi in front of him. Shi Yun screamed and raised his wrist, and lifted his sword to Qin Yi.

It's just a pity that at the current height of Qin Yi, facing the attack of Shi Yun is no different from facing the attack of a three-year-old child. He grabbed the arm holding Shi Yun's sword with one hand, and explored the other arm. Shi Yun's overwhelming little man's waist stopped.

Qin Yi's arm was on his body, and Shi Yun's entire body was stuck in Qin Yi's arms. The two large seats on his chest were also pressed **** Qin Yi's chest. It became the shape of two big pancakes.

As the two big seats overwhelmed, Qin Yi also vaguely twitched.

After so many years, this touch is still as comfortable as it used to be.


"Asshole, let me go!"

Poetry rhyme is soft drinking, her body is constantly twisting and moving in Qin Yi's arms, she looks delicate and weak on the surface, and her temperament is elegant, but in her bones, it is quite strong, don't forget, she But how is the head of the six iron guards around His Majesty Daliang, how can he be competent?

However, as she struggled to twist and move in Qin Yi's arms, her flat belly with no trace of fat was also rubbing back and forth on someone's "artifact".

Lying trough!

Can't stand it!

Someone was stunned and blinked. With the repeated rubbing of the flat lower abdomen of poetry, a shameless evil fire, unstoppable on someone's lower abdomen, rose slowly, and a certain "artifact" was also Silently, he straightened up, leaning **** Shi Yun's belly.


The poetic rhythm in desperate struggle finally realized that the majestic "artifact" was stunned, and the jade cheeks on both sides suddenly showed a touch of red, and the hands and feet were slightly soft.


However, her temperament is extremely stubborn, trying to hold back the evil fire that unconsciously rose in her body because she felt the existence of the "artifact", still twisting and moving hard.

So, the following scene entered a vicious circle. The more she stubbornly twisted and moved, the "artifact" was also more and more fierce. The more the "artifact" was fiercer and fierce, the more poetic rhythm became weak.

In the end, she collapsed directly in Qin Yi's arms, panting, with jade cheeks on both sides and a red face, which looked quite moving.

"Stop struggling?"

Looking down into his arms, Qin Yi sighed secretly at the poetry rhythm lying there, "Women still need 'artifacts' in order to completely subdue them!"

Raising his hand and rubbing Shiyun's hair, Qin Yi asked confusedly: "Shiyun, what happened in the past years, how did you kill me as soon as you saw me?"

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