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"Kill her!"

Everyone around was extremely emotional, and in the distance, many people still heard the movements here and rushed towards here, caught in the ranks of smashing eggs and vegetables.

At this time, Yan Zhuxin had been standing there long ago, with crystal jade cheeks, full of sad tears, and even the delicate body was trembling.

At this moment, what kind of mood she can imagine.

"Where is Yan Zhuxin the witch? Pull it out and smash him to pieces!"

An angry cry came from a distance.

At the next moment, I saw only one stream of mangosteens, swept from all directions at a rapid speed, blinked here and caught here, stopped in the air, one by one, all revealing the powerful inner strength of the emperor, holding a bright weapon in his hand .

Obviously, these are masters!

Do n’t forget, there are many strong practitioners in the Yan tribe. There is even a famous battlefield here. At the beginning, Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang entered the battlefield and earned A lot of Kyushu Lingyuan stone.

"Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, you all give up, let us kill this witch!"

A burly man shouted.

"This big brother, can you listen to me explain?"

Qin Yi and others, of course, couldn't let go, still protecting Yan Zhuxin tightly, Qin Yi smiled bitterly at the big man.

"Explain a fart, you don't want to let go, okay, just kill you all together, get started!"

The sturdy man shouted angrily. He said he would do it when he started. A black sword in his hand was cut from the sky without a head or face. Qin Yi and others below.

Qin Yi did not dare to be indifferent, and hurried up into the sky to meet the huge dark blade.


The huge black blade was cut on Qin Yi's body.

Qin Yi didn't move, his clothes were hunted, his black hair was full, the wind was not automatic, and there was no scar on his body.

At his current height, the masters of the Yan tribe could not hurt him at all.


Throughout the field, there was a sudden silence, almost needle drop.

The people who threw eggs and vegetables madly did not throw them. They were all stunned there, blinking in disbelief, his chin shattered.

What the hell? Fang Cai's stout man's knife was actually on Qin Yi's body, leaving no trace of scars. Such a scene is almost unreal as a dream.

After a while, the sturdy man with the sword only recovered from the extreme shock, his strong chest, a violent ups and downs, a look on his face, annoyed and shocked: "Qin Yi, many years I do n’t see, I ca n’t think you have grown to such a high level in that devil ’s mausoleum. I believe that these of your friends are absolutely too powerful to be imagined by us mortals ...

"However, do you think you are strong enough to protect this witch? Tell you, this time, even if the people of the Yan tribe are all dead, we must kill this witch!"

"Even if we die, we will kill this witch!"

"Kill her and crush her to pieces!"


The Yan tribes around him were extremely excited, shouting their arms one after another, tumultuous, and eager to try to rush up.

"Yes, I am an ancient sinner. If it were not for me to take the totem away from the Sanctuary of Blood Witch, our tribe would not bring disaster!"

Looking at the crowd filled with righteous indignation, Yan Zhuxin had already burst into tears, mournful, her arms blocked Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi around her, step by step out of everyone's protection circle.

"Bamboo Xin, what are you doing?"

Qin Yi was taken aback and hurriedly shouted.

Yang Shiqi, Yan Meiniang, Dongfangzhi and others also all showed nervousness.

Yan Zhuxin turned back, smiled miserably toward Qin Yi and others, and shook his head: "This is something between me and the tribe. If I don't die, these people will not be reconciled."

Between the words, behind her, suddenly a blue half-moon scimitar emerged without warning, and she slashed toward her neck.

All this happened too quickly, not to mention the people around me, even Qin Yi and others, were too late to recover.

"Bamboo Xin, don't mess up!"

Orient Shiba responded the fastest. In the shout, the silver spear appeared in her hand and struck fiercely towards the bi-colored half-moon scimitar.

It's just a pity that her shot was still a little slow, and the blue flash in front of her, the blue half-moon scimitar was cut on Yan Zhuxin's snowy neck.


At this time, Qin Yi only recovered and suddenly shouted.

All the people present were stunned and stared at this scene. No one expected that Yan Zhuxin would suddenly shoot himself to thank him for his death.

However, just when the sharp blade of Bisemi Half Moon Scimitar just touched Yan Zhuxin's skin, the knife was suddenly strange and slightly stagnate.


Half Moon Scimitar stayed so slightly, but Toshiba's silver gun had already been hit, and he flew that Half Moon Scimitar out at once.

Qin Yi had already rushed out with one arrow, holding Yan Zhuxin in his arms: "Bamboo Xin, what are you doing? Don't be so reckless?"

Yan Zhuxin crawled in Qin Yi's arms, eyes closed, tears all over her face, her body shivering with extreme pain.

Long Yan on the side had exploded, grabbing Yan Zhuxin's bicolor half-moon scimitar, grabbed it in his hand, and returned it to Yan Zhuxin, grinning: "Hey, I said Zhu Xin sister, I am famous for being reckless, but how can you be more reckless than me at this moment? "

After finishing his speech, he strode forward, took the silver gun out, and protected Yan Zhuxin tightly behind him. In those eyes, he had already ignited a tremendous fighting spirit, watching the Yan tribes around him laughing Tao: "I am Longyan, I only like to do one thing in my life, that is, fighting. Whatever Yan tribe you have, I only know that Zhu Xinmei is my longyan friend and my brother's lover. She pushed to death, and this silver gun in my hand will definitely pierce your heart without hesitation! "

Long Yan is notoriously belligerent. Now the people of the Yan tribe are actually trying to kill his friends. This is when he showed his talents.

"Although these people are strong, I still don't believe them. They dare to slaughter all our tribes cleanly. Everyone go together. In any case, this witch must die today!"

Someone in the crowd shouted.

"Kill the Witch!"


The Yan tribes around them started to push them over. The people have even picked up wooden sticks, brooms, hoes, spatulas and other tools in their hands, and those cultivators are all holding weapons. There is a fierce light in his eyes, and there is a tendency that Yan Zhuxin will be killed here today.

at this time--


A shout came from a distance.

As the shout sounded, a white awn suddenly fell from the sky and landed in the middle of the field.

Everyone took a closer look, and Huo Ran was Yan Yao, the grandfather of Yan Lianmeng. He was wearing a white robe and he looked like a prodigal.

Seeing the appearance of this person, Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang in the crowd immediately thought of something. When Yan Zhuxin wielded his sword, why did the bi-colored half moon scimitar suddenly stagnate slightly, it turned out He is operating in secret.

Don't forget, he is a master of space texture, and he has a lot of attainments in space. He only needs to do some hands and feet in space to easily make Yan Zhuxin's half-moon scimitar cut smoothly.

Yan Yao is highly respected in this Yan tribe, and the last disaster was that he used time to prevent most of the Yan tribes from being slaughtered. Therefore, Yan Yao is now in the Yan tribes. In his mind, it is simply the existence of God.

As he appeared, the Yan tribes around him immediately stopped sweeping, showing respectful faces one by one: "Mr. Yan Yao!"


Yan Yan's dream in the crowd, seeing Yan Yao appear here, immediately delighted, rushed out of the crowd, rushed into Yan Yao's arms.

Yan Yao petted the hair of Yan Lianmeng's hair, his face full of kindness: "How is today's business?"

"Not bad. So far, I have sold five space rings and thirteen space-time patterns."

Yan Lianmeng's happy answer.

"It's really good."

Wen Yan, Yan Yao's face, also immediately showed a strong joy.

"I have seen Senior Yan Yao, and now after so many years, the years have not left a trace on Mr. Yan Yao, it is really good for the old!"

Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang both came behind Yan Yao. Yan Yanniang said respectfully: "Senior Yan Yao, do you still remember us both?"

Yan Yao let go of the sorrowful dream in her arms, turning slowly, her face had become somewhat gloomy, looking coldly at Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang: "Why don't you remember? Yan Mei Niang and Qin Yi At that time, I not only sold a lot of space rings to you, but even taught you the Yin and Yang array. "


Qin Yi smiled with Yan Mei Niang.

"But do you know? At that time, I passed on the Yin and Yang Array to you. I hope that you can increase your combat power and kill the Yan Shao, because I have been informed that Yan Shao will enter the devil. The cemetery is sharpened, and the two of you are the ones with the best potential and the most hopeful to kill them. "

Yan Yao glanced coldly at Yan Zhuxin not far away, and then said: "However, now you are with Yan Shao's people, Yan Shao and Yan Yongde the devil? Is it right now? Hiding in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to suddenly kill out, and slaughter the entire Yan tribe to strengthen the devil of Yan Yongde? "

Qin Yi hasn't spoken yet, the Yan Meiniang around him has bowed slightly towards Yan Yao, and said with a smile: "Senior Yan Yao, you say that, but it's serious. Only then will you rescue Zhu Xin. Explain that in your heart, you are also very puzzled about this matter. You do n’t want things to be unmanageable before things have been clarified. Now, in such a scene, you ca n’t say clearly. Can you let these people go, we Sit down again and have a good talk? "

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