The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1958: Emperor Dao

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"Obviously, Qing Emperor already knew the existence of Qin Yi, and he was afraid of knowing most of the things that happened to him. As for the means by which Qing Emperor knew, we naturally had no way of speculating."

Tong Mingwang said slowly: "I am absolutely sure now that Qin Yi is a piece of chess in the hands of the Qing Emperor, or that he is the one the Qing Emperor wants to protect and cultivate, and his purpose in doing so is undoubtedly to wait for Qin Yi After he has grown up completely, let him take the position of Pope of the Holy See. "

"Let Qin Yi as Pope of the Holy See!

Hearing the words of King Tong Ming, Huangfu Chang recalled the shock of his body, and the whole person was like a thunderbolt, and he couldn't move there.

The news was so shocking that it smashed her into a face.

All along, she knew how good Qin Yi was, but he did not expect that even the Qing Emperor, who had disappeared forever, had already noticed him, and even intended to assist him as the fourth generation of the Kyushu Holy See pope.


After a while, Huangfu Changyi recalled from the extreme shock, and swelled the pink cheeks on both sides of the drum. He exhaled a long breath: "I know very well that when Qin Yi has not left the Kyushu Holy See, he often Some people have poisoned him, such as Song Yuwang, Zong and Wang. It seems that they were instructed by the pope. "

"You talked to me about this matter before. In my opinion, they wanted to kill Qin Yi, but they were not directly ordered by the pope. It should be that the pope was ordered to contact them through a certain guard."

King Tong Ming looked towards the north, his eyes gradually became deeper, and he said slowly: "Sang Yi, do you know the **** and demon cemetery that exists in Beihuang?"

"I don't know."

Huangfu Shangyi shook his head blankly.

"Before, I also went into the God Devil Cemetery. It is a little strange. It is easy for people to enter from the outside, but after entering, it is very difficult to get out from the inside. It must be killed layer by layer and keep killing. Only when the top floor, the fifth floor, is there an exit. "

Tong Mingwang ’s voice became misty, and it seemed that he remembered the scene when he entered the **** demon cemetery in Beihuang in the past, and then said: "This time, Qin Yi they entered the god. In the Devil's Mausoleum, the Pope wanted to kill Qin Yi in the cradle. In this case, if you were the Pope, what would you do? "

"In that cemetery of gods and deities, layers of killing opportunities were arranged so that Qin Yiyong could be buried in that cemetery of gods and deities."

Huangfu Shangyi said without thinking.

"Completely correct."

Tong Mingwang nodded: "The pope has done the same, and, from the current situation, Qin Yi is only afraid of killing all the layers of the pope in the **** and demon cemetery. I have noticed the guardian. Qin Yi's ranking on the list has risen to the ninth place, and the previous ninth place is a beast soul division named Tian Yu. With such a high ranking, the pope will definitely arrange him in that **** and demon cemetery On top of ...

"But now, Qin Yi has killed Tian Yu, that is to say, Qin Yi has already reached the fifth floor of the **** and devil cemetery. I'm afraid that it won't be used for many years. In the cemetery, it was killed, which is why the Yellow Emperor will be angry and angry, and the Qing Emperor will suddenly appear here. I think it must be because of this. "

Obviously, Tong Mingwang's speculation is completely correct.

Qin Yi is coming back soon!

Hearing the words, Huangfu Changyi stunned slightly. In his heart, there was an unstoppable flow of sweetness. The beautiful corner of the mouth was also raised unconsciously, sketching a fascinating smile.

It's been a long time since I saw my disciple. Huangfu Shangyi missed him very much.

His eyes touched the fascinating light smile of Huangfu Shangyi's mouth, and Tong Mingwang was a little stunned, and then it was an indifferent smile.

After a pause, King Tong Ming continued: "Sang Yi, why do you know that your disciple is so good?"


Huangfu Chang recalled the strange way.

"Because your disciple is a reincarnation of an immortal ancient emperor, in fact, there are already a lot of people in the upper echelons of the Holy See who know this."

Tong Ming Wang said slowly: "In fact, not only your disciple, but also Yang Shiqi, Long Yan, and the later Ji Shixuan, Jian Piaoling, and both were reincarnated from the ancient emperor."


Qin Yi turned out to be ... the reincarnation of the ancient immortal emperor!

Tong Ming Wang ’s remarks made Huangfu Shangyi there, with a sharp white chin, which shattered the ground. The two large seats of considerable size on his chest were ups and downs violently, swaying for a while. Fascinating wonderful ripples.

This news, more than just the one that just shocked her.

Now everything is explained.

Why can Qin Yi brutalize Song Yuwang and Zonghe Wang, because he is the reincarnation of Xiangu Emperor!

Why can Qin Yi become the first person of Tingwei in the shortest time and be the first to be promoted to Shenwei, because he is the reincarnation of Xiangu Emperor!

Why can he quickly surpass himself in the alchemy field, and even the Tongming King was finally defeated by his hand, because he is the reincarnation of the ancient immortal emperor!

Why did the Qing Emperor assist him and ascend to the position of Pope, because he is the reincarnation of Xiangu Emperor!

"Long Yan and the past life of Ji Shixuan are no longer secrets in this Holy See. Long Yan is the reincarnation of the Emperor Great Dragon Emperor, Ji Shixuan is the reincarnation of the emperor, Yang Shiqi is the reincarnation of the sword emperor, then Now, there are still the past lives of Qin Yi and Jian Piao Ling, who are still a mystery. "

From the extreme shock, Huangfu Shangyi came back to God and asked, "So, in your opinion, who were the three of them in their previous lives?"

"Actually, of these three people, only the past life of the sword is very mysterious. Until now, there is still no clue in the Holy See. As for Qin Yi, it is a little special. I suspect that he is the reincarnation of the madman. Otherwise, Qing The emperor would not want to help him become the fourth-generation pope. "

Tong Mingwang said slowly: "You will ask me who the madman is next? You don't have to ask, I won't tell you, you will naturally know when you know the answer."

In this regard, Huangfu Shangyi can only open his mouth in amazement.

North Kyushu, mainland.

The fifth floor of the Shenmo Mausoleum, the tomb of Emperor Shennong.

Eight people, Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi, Yan Meiniang, Dongfangzhi, Yan Zhuxin, Xia Jiuyou, Xuanlan, and Longyan, were still sitting cross-legged in silence, as if sitting still.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, several years have passed, and even some dust has fallen on the master's body.

At a certain moment.


Qin Yi's light eyes slowly opened, and he exhaled lightly, and a pleasant faint smile appeared on his handsome face: "It took three years to finally refine more than 10,000 drops of Emperor Liquid. Completed. "

With more than 10,000 drops of Emperor Liquid, Qin Yi's cultivation practice allowed him to make a breakthrough from the previous Emperor Dao half-step Seven Realms to the middle of Emperor Dao Seven Realms.

After carefully taking a look at the changes in the internal functions of the body, Qin Yi found that as Xiuwei broke through to the middle of Emperor Dao's Seven Realms, the scope of spiritual power led out, and Fangyuan had reached a full 200,000 feet. This range is already The range of several large cities has brought out spiritual power. Within this range, even if a mosquito flies over, he can feel it really.

In terms of teleportation, there is also a rather gratifying improvement. Now the distance of a teleportation is 150,000 feet.

The martial art of "Eternal Destruction of All Beings", the golden light giant palm print that the palm strength condenses, has a width of about ten thousand palms, and one palm can be used to cover the vast range.

In the "Lingfeng Palm", the broken space is also extremely large, and it can be directly hit by the enemy who is out of reach.

I have to say that this is indeed the best sneak martial arts, especially with the spiritual power, the opponent is slammed with a palm, and I don't know who handed it.

But having said that, so far, Qin Yi has not used it to really attack anyone.

As for the domineering and awe-inspiring legacy of "The Devil Seven Forms", a desolate ancient Demon, naturally, it has also improved quite a bit.

"If it is my current cultivation practice and then confronts Tian Yu, I absolutely don't need to use Shennong Ding anymore, only" Seven Demons of Heavenly Demon "can kill him."

Touching his nose, Qin Yi made such a guess.

Tian Yu was ranked ninth on the Shenwei list during his lifetime, and now Qin Yi can be beheaded by his real strength alone. In other words, Qin Yi ’s current strength has surpassed his The ranking on the guard.

"With my current strength, it is obviously not possible to squeeze into the top five of the guardian list, but the seventh place should still be able to squeeze in."

Qin Yi guessed.

He is very clear that the top five guards list on the guards list is absolutely terrifying. Although he is the future body of the king of Kyushu, he is still very self-aware and not arrogant.

There is also a problem. As Xiuwei broke through to the middle of Emperor's Seven Realms, Qin Yi felt that his soul had been fully demonized by half. Now, he randomly swells the profound energy in his body, and his body will linger out of nothing A faint trace of ancient magical energy, it looks a bit mysterious.

"Obviously, now I am basically demonized."

With a sigh of breath, Qin Yi stretched his left hand in front of his eyes and slowly swept a few eyes. There was a little emotion in his heart. When he obtained the Devil's left hand in Lingyumen in the past, he would never dream that the left hand would change completely Everything about yourself will eventually turn you into an eternal devil.

From the moment he obtained Heaven Demon's left hand, he also took the first step towards the Elder Demon King.

However, he was not panic because Liu Xiancheng had said clearly to himself when he was on the Magnolia Continent in the past. There are two kinds of demons, one is the nature of the devil. This kind of existence does not cause any harm to the soul. .

The other is the deep species of the devil, which is the devil in the traditional sense. This kind of existence is very evil and scary, bloodthirsty, and regards hundreds of millions of beings as ruminant dogs.

Obviously, Qin Yi belongs to the former.

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