The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1953: Fight the Yellow Scarves again

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I have to say that Qin Yi was able to kill all of these powerful players by killing them, and the process was actually full of luck. If not, he was afraid that he would die without a place of burial. It is definitely not a joke, especially the fourth-floor Gongzulu, and the fifth-floor Tian Yu, one ranked twelfth on the **** guard list and one ranked ninth, able to kill them, It was a fluke.

Qian Qiushui discharged the strong man in the cage of the heaven and earth. Although he has been killed by himself so far, Qin Yi is very clear that Qian Qiushui's assassination of himself is not over!

In the future, Qian Qiushui's own assassination plan, I am afraid it will be even more crazy.


After exhaling for a long time, Qin Yi shook his head, temporarily not thinking about the assassination action that he would take on himself in the future, and moved forward to the jade flute left by Tian Yu. At this time, that Gen Yuxiao was still blown in by the wind, and he played the extremely strange song.

The blood in Qin Yi's body was still tumbling wildly, making him extremely uncomfortable. He even had cracks on his body from inside to outside, and he obviously could not support it for long.

Squatting down, picking up the jade flute on the ground, Qin Yi suddenly exerted force.


Yu Xiao burst into his hands and became a smash, and the strange song suddenly stopped abruptly!

With the cessation of evil tunes, the crazy tumbling blood in Qin Yi's body gradually calmed down.

"Finally, there are more comfortable!"

Qin Yi relieved and smiled lightly.

Sprinkling a handful of jade powder into the air, Qin Yi finally looked at the ground, and after a torn piece of Tian Yu glanced, it rose into the sky, and suddenly disappeared into the sky.

Soon, Qin Yi's sight appeared to be the shadows of Yang Shiqi, Yan Meiniang, Dongfangzhi, etc., while Long Yan, a madman, was doing what he liked the most-with two Yellow towel warriors furiously.

Qin Yi slowly lowered the body's profound energy, and looked at Yang Shiqi and others with a faint smile: "How is the situation here?"

Several people were watching attentively Long Long and two yellow towel fighters. Hearing Qin Yi's words, they all looked back, and they saw his return unharmed. They were all happy.

"How, have you been beheaded by Tian Yu?"

Yang Shiqi came to Qin Yi's side with joy, took one of his arms intimately, lifted the exquisite little face slightly, and looked at Qin Yi with emotion.

Yan Meiniang, Dongfangzhi, Yanzhuxin, Xuanlan and Xia Jiuyou all looked at Qin Yi.

"Beheaded, to be precise, it wasn't me who killed him, but his own desires and desires."

Qin Yidan smiled lightly.

Hearing this answer, everyone took a long breath and laughed heartily.

"Oh, I said that at the beginning, Qin Yi will start to propose a duel with Tian Yu. He must have enough confidence to kill Tian Yu."

Dongfang Zhiyan smiled. She is the kind of person who smiles less. In most cases, she is serious. Once she laughs, it is even more pleasing.

The Yan Meiniang around her habitually touched her forehead and said: "Qin Yi, obviously, with your current real strength, you can't kill Tian Yu. On the fourth floor, The bronze mother tripod captured from Qian Yuxin is so powerful? Actually, Tian Yu was killed, is it really Shennong tripod? "

"Yes, it is indeed Shennong Ding."

Qin Yi nodded.

Shennong Ding fell on his own hands, until now, he had a kind of dreamlike unreal feeling.

All the people at the scene were stunned, breathing heavily, and each of the two large seats with super scales on their chests was violently ups and downs.

Qin Yi glanced at the past, one after another, quite spectacular, could not help but look dumbfounded, and swallowed secretly.


The men bulged the pink cheeks on both sides of the drum, exhaled a long breath, and recovered from the extreme shock.

"Congratulations, Qin Yi!"

Dongfangzhi, Yan Meiniang and others all congratulated Qin Yi. Afterwards, they glanced at Qin Yi with a weird look, and murmured in their hearts: I have to say that this person is always very easy to step on super big shit, Take super **** luck!

For everyone's strange eyes, Qin Yi just touched his nose, didn't pay much attention, and then turned his eyes to thousands of feet away, Long Yan and two yellow towel warriors fierce battle.

On the battlefield.

Long Yanli fought two yellow towel fighters, but it didn't fall at all. "Battle Dragon Eight Forms" was exhibited by him over and over again, which was a tie with the two yellow towel fighters.

After watching for a while, Qin Yi asked everyone: "How long has this situation been maintained?"

"Once Tian Yu took you away, Long Yan handed over two yellow towel fighters. At the beginning, Long Yan fell down a bit, but with time, Long Yan became more and more courageous, and finally to the present. Is equally divided. "

Yan Meiniang touched her forehead and said.

After hearing this, Qin Yi was clear. Obviously, during the fierce battle, Long Yan had a new breakthrough before he was able to tie the two yellow towel men.

"Obviously, Long Yan's current combat strength is the strongest among us. None of us here can achieve a tie with these two Yellow Scarves alone."

Qin Yi frowned, slightly nodded, and nodded: "The situation in front of him is very special to Long Yan. The opponent's combat power is equal to himself. Long Yan can no longer break through them, but these two Huangjin Lux is obviously a perverted existence, endurance is endless, and Dragon Yan's endurance is limited. "

After a pause, Qin Yi continued: "In other words, as time goes by, Long Yan will fall down again. When he falls down, that is when he breaks through again."

Makes sense!

Hearing Qin Yi say this, everyone present nodded.

Tian Yu originally refined these two yellow towel fighters, originally to deal with Qin Yi. Now it seems that his move is really just to make a wedding dress for Long Yan. Long Yan passed these two yellow towel fighters. The benefits gained are incalculable.

"Ping Pong Ping Pong!"

In the fierce battlefield, Longyan's silver gun is as long as a hundred feet. It has been completely dragonized. From a distance, it is clearly a silver dragon, fighting two yellow towel warriors.

During the fierce battle, a tremendous amount of majestic pressure was sent out, and it went to the Quartet. Even if they stood thousands of feet away, they could feel the invisible pressure, rushing like a huge wave. Come over, hit the chest, shock the chest so dull, very uncomfortable.

Everything is as expected by Qin Yi. With the passage of time, Long Yan gradually fell into madness again. The fists of the two yellow towel fighters, like raindrops, smashed over like a raindrop, and it seemed that they were going to smash this world All shattered into pieces.

Long Yan's failure to retreat, eyes, but still full of unstubborn fighting intentions.

However, he was defeated, and soon, he was forced into desperation by two yellow scarf fighters. His body had cracked and the silver robe was dyed red.


At a certain moment.

The huge fist of a yellow towel fighter, smashed Long Yan with a strong body, and Long Yan was suddenly blasted and flew out.

He hadn't landed yet, another yellow towel Lux, came to him in an instant and punched him on the back.

"Click!" "Click!"

In Long Yan's body, there was even a sound of bone fracture. He was like a broken kite, and he fell from the sky and crashed to the ground.

"Quickly kill him, don't wait for him to break through!"

Hearing only one of the yellow towel Lux, he hurriedly sipped.

Obviously, after fighting for so long with Longyan, they already have experience. Once Longyan is forced to the edge of death, Longyan will break through again and the combat power will become stronger.

The three of them will fight for so long. In fact, this is also the main reason. Each time Long Yan faces the edge of death, he will break through again, and the endurance of the two Golden Lux is endless, so it has been formed so now. A fierce battle.

In fact, from this point, it can also be seen that Long Yan is also a very difficult character to deal with. If he is not strong enough, he will be killed.

If he is stronger than him, pushing him to a desperate situation, he will take the opportunity to break through the shackles of his body, and his combat power will reach a higher level, and then eventually defeat his opponent.

Such a scenario is obviously a terrible headache.

The two yellow towel fighters did not dare to be negligent. They waved their fists together and lay on the ground in the distance. The motionless Long Yan killed him quickly.

It's just a pity that their movements are still slow, they just rushed to half, and they saw Long Yan suddenly rushing from the ground again.


Long Yan laughed wildly, and his silver hair danced automatically: "I said, you two big bales can only be my stepping stones!"

He suddenly shouted the laughter, a spear, and pointed at the two yellow towel luxuries who suddenly froze there. In his eyes, a violent battle was burning: "Come on, two big straw bags, see how I am Kill you? "

So quickly, broke through the shackles of the body again?

Thousands of feet away, Qin Yi and others watching the battle, seeing such a scene, could not help but stunned, stunned there blinking in disbelief there, everyone could not help but sigh: Really worthy of immortality The reincarnation of the Emperor Dragon, such a breakthrough speed, is really abnormal.

The two golden luxuries were stunned, and they stared at each other.

"Destroy him!"

In the next moment, the two yellow towel luxuries shouted at the same time, while waving their huge golden fists and struck Longyan fiercely.

The formidable pressure from that fist came out, and immediately pressed the surrounding space like the surface of the water, swaying a circle of visible ripples.

"Two big bales, come on, ha ha ha!"

With a loud laugh, Long Yan was already greeted with a silver gun, and the silver gun once again surged to a hundred feet long, completely dragonized, and turned into a silver dragon.

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