The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1944: Battle Yellow Scarf

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Uh, uh ...

Carrying their respective weapons, the people greeted them all together and surrounded two yellow towel fighters and three people, Shi Yangyun, all at once.

"Ping Pong Ping Pong!"

In an instant, the dual conveniences were furiously fighting together, and the endless energy wave was suddenly like a huge wave.

With the confrontation, Yang Shiqi and others could not help being secretly surprised, because they found out that the combat power of these two Golden Rex was actually much stronger than they had expected. The body of the two Golden Rex The iron and steel are more than ten times stronger, even Yang Shiqi's golden war sword is difficult to break their defenses.

You know, Yang Shiqi's golden war sword is the weapon of the ancient emperor sword emperor. How arrogant is it. I can imagine that although Yang Shiqi's current practice is still unable to fully exert the power of this golden war sword, but It is also quite tyrannical. Cultivators below the five levels of Emperor Dao absolutely cannot withstand the sword spirit of this diseased golden war sword.

Even Yang Shiqi's golden war sword can't break the defense of these two golden warriors. Others' weapons are even more disdainful.

"Tian Yu that bastard, what the **** are these two golden luxuries used to transform?"

Yan Zhuxin's half-moon scimitar cut a bright spark out of one of the golden luxuries, suddenly stunned, blinking in disbelief there.

She was so stunned that the unscathed Golden Lux had already drawn a huge golden awn in the air, hitting Yan Zhuxin's eyes with a fist, which was more than a basket. The double golden fist, revealing the monstrous coercion.

These two golden fighters not only defended their physiques, but forced them to an appalling level. Their strength and speed also reached an unimaginable height. They were simply the two most perfect murder weapons.

The fist of the Golden Rex had not yet been hit, and Yan Zhuxin's chest cavity was already under pressure from the fist.

If this punch hits Yan Zhuxin's body, her delicate body can't bear it, it will be hurt.

At this very moment, he saw a huge blue awn, and he didn't know where he stabbed from, suddenly between Yan Zhuxin and Golden Lux, Huo Ran was a blue war sword.

The blue war sword was several tens of feet long, and the sword body bent sharply, with a loud "bang" sound, pumped **** the body of the Yellow Scarf, and flew the Golden Lux directly.

At the next moment, Yan Meiniang, who was wearing a red robe, had taken a step from a distance and came to Yan Zhuxin's side: "Bamboo Xin, you and Jiu You went to deal with Shi Yangyun, these two Golden Lux Leave it to us. "

Among these people, the combat strength of Yan Zhuxin and Xia Jiuyou is relatively weaker.

"it is good!"

Yan Zhuxin didn't say anything, and immediately waved towards Xia Jiuyou.


Xia Jiuyou had already turned into a huge golden crane, and with a loud roar, he and Yan Zhuxin both killed immediately to the lively Shi Yangyun who was watching from afar.

"The two little girl films, who want to fight me, are ridiculous."

Shi Yangyun sneered, flipped his palm, and took out the **** sword that he had plundered before. Under the indoctrination of his profound energy, the **** sword suddenly swelled to a hundred feet, and a **** surging wave seemed to be living The blood is condensed out, and a breath of breath also spreads out, covering the four fields, so that the blood in the human body seems to coagulate in an instant.

"Ping Pong Ping Pong!"

Yan Zhuxin and Xia Jiuyou instantly killed Shi Yangyun, and the three of them fought together.

"Xuan Lan, the two of us deal with a Golden Lux, and the Eastern Sister and Shi Qi deal with one."

Yan Meiniang drank coldly, and the pair of beautiful eyes were already full of killing, cold as a blade.

"it is good!"

Xuan Lan carried her bi-colored war sword and quickly rushed over. Xuan Lan entered the Kyushu Holy See entirely on her own strength, and then stood out among the genius-like court guards and was promoted to the **** guard.

Although her temperament is relatively quiet, she usually doesn't talk much, and she doesn't have much sense of presence, but her combat power is definitely not to be underestimated. She is only slightly inferior to Yan Mei Niang and Qin Yi.

In this way, the original chaotic battle situation was cleared by Yan Meiniang's two or three sentences. She and Xuanlan dealt with a yellow towel Lux, Dongfangzhi and Yang Shiqi, and another Huangjin Lux, while Yan Zhuxin and Xia The strength of the two of Jiu You, relatively weaker, is against Shi Yangyun.

In this way, several of them quickly gained the upper hand. No matter how strong the two Golden Rex forces are, it is impossible to defeat the joint efforts of the two Kyushu Holy Peak Peak Guards. Although they have a defensive physical defense, they have the power to attack. After all, it was limited. Suddenly suppressed by Yang Shiqi and the others, they fell back.

Shiyang Yun ’s situation is even more optimistic. Shiyang Yunxiu is very high, but his physical defense is far inferior to the two Golden Lux. However, in a moment, he was killed by Yan Zhuxin and Xia Jiuyou. .


During the frantic battle, Yang Shiqi's golden war sword fell from the sky, as if a golden lightning bolt straight from the sky, almost divided the world into two.

The golden war sword hacked the Yellow Scarlet Warrior upright, and slashed his tens of feet tall at once.

"Destroy me!"

On the side, Dongfang Zhijiao drank and held the silver gun in one hand. The whole person held a straight line with the silver gun. Then, the pressure from the silver gun penetrated hard with the air, making a loud crackling noise.

However, she had just started, and Yang Shiqi, beside her, dared to poke her hands and grabbed one leg of Dongfangzhi.

"Shi Qi, what's wrong?"

The leg was caught, and Dongfangzhi could no longer pierce, and could not help turning his face, looking at Yang Shiqi in confusion.

"Sister Dongfang, not right, don't you think that the physical defense of these two Golden Rex is too changeable and perverted? If they get out of this trap, who can be their opponent?"

Yang Shiqi Qing Qingyu frowned slightly.

"But aren't their physical defenses already in front of us?"

The look on Toshiba's face was more and more confused.

"I know, but ... what should I say?"

Yang Shiqi tried to organize the language: "There is such a perverted physique in this world, which is obviously unreasonable, oh, I mean, their physique defense is terrible, it is a fact, but there should be a way of cracking, I always think , Based on the cultivation of two golden fighters, they should not have such a strong physical defense. "

Hearing Yang Shiqi's words, the eyes of Dongfangzhi could not help but light up, rubbing Yang Shiqi's hair with his hands, and said with a smile: "Shiqi, yes, it seems that you have really grown up and know how to analyze the problem Well, you are right, the physical defense of these two Golden Rex is too changeable, and there must be a way to crack it, otherwise it will change too much

Attitude. "

"Obviously, there must be a place in these two Golden Lux who can break their physical defense, but this place should be in a place that is difficult to predict."

Yang Shiqi frowned.


Dongfangzhi nodded: "No matter where it is, we must find out, and then break their defense, otherwise we will not care about them."

Between the two speaking, the yellow towel Lux quickly rushed back, punching Yang Shiqi fiercely. Yang Shiqi stabbed the Golden War Sword with a stab on the fist of the Golden Lux, as if suddenly stabbed on the steel. Similarly, the sound of "ding" pierced a bright spark.

At the same moment, Toshiba jumped high, holding a silver gun with both hands, and slapped it hard against the head of the yellow towel Lux. She hit this too fast, and Golden Lux didn't have time to avoid it. .


In the loud noise, Dongfangzhi photographed the body of the golden luxuriant dozens of feet into the ground.

It was only at the next moment that the yellow towel luxurie rushed from the ground again, as if the body was poured with a layer of gold water, without any scars.

"The power is good, but it is obviously delusional to break my physical defense!"

The yellow towel luxuriantly sneered, the broad soles slammed **** the ground, the mountain shook, the ground cracked, and then this stomping force, the tens of feet of the yellow towel lux, a large golden awn in the air , Fists punched Yang Shiqi and Dongfangzhi, unstoppable.

"Damn, this Shiyang Yun, is it a rice bucket? Why did you take two Golden Lux to fight Yan Meiniang and others?"

Eighty thousand feet away, Tian Yu, who is chasing Qin Yi, through his powerful spiritual power, perceives Yan Mei Niang and others, fighting the battle with Shi Yangyun and the two yellow towel fighters.

Yan Meiniang, Yang Shiqi, and Dongfangzhi joined forces to see how strong the fighting power was. He couldn't know more, no matter how powerful the two Yellow Scarves were, they couldn't kill them.

Moreover, as Yang Shiqi speculates, these two yellow towel fighters are not invulnerable. There is a flaw in their body. As long as the flaw is hit, their physical defense and strength will instantly return to the prototype, and it is easy to kill them.

"Fortunately, the breakpoints of these two Yellow Scarves are very hidden and will not be easily discovered."

Tian Yu lightly exhaled, frowned slightly, and then said to himself: "Forget it, it's better to contain Yan Mei Niang and the others, so I can kill Qin Yi with ease."

Shaking his head, Tian Yu no longer ignored the matter and continued to chase down Qin Yi.

Qin Yi is the real target he wants to kill. As long as Qin Yi is killed, then he will undoubtedly usher in a super bumper harvest, and he can get rich rewards, and he can get hundreds of thousands of emperor liquid and bronze mother. Ding, emperor inheritance.

Thinking of these, Tian Yu couldn't help but burst into blood.

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