The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1940: Round up Tian Yu

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Except for Xia Jiuyou, the other five people all took out their weapons and pointed at Tian Yu remotely. They did nothing. A powerful killing intention was to shave Tian Yu's cheeks. .

"Tian Yu, obviously, in such a situation, you can't fly!"

The blue war sword in Yan Meiniang's hand, Lan Mang Sheng, pointed motionlessly towards Tian Yu.

"To bully the less, whatever, if you have the ability, you will fight alone, and I accept the challenge of any of you."

Tian Yu smiled faintly.

Obviously, when I squatted here and clicked to kill Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, it was a bit miscalculated. He didn't expect that after this fifth floor, Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang had so many lives and deaths cross.

At the beginning, Qian Qiushui obviously did not expect this, otherwise, he was afraid that he would shoot someone stronger than Tian Yu here.

"Since it's a dead enemy, what nonsense is this birdman? Kill!"

Xia Jiuyou's temper is the most straightforward, immediately turned into a huge golden crane, rushed towards Tian Yu quickly.

However, Tian Yu suddenly played the jade flute in the corner of his mouth. The sound of the melodious sound, but in fact it was an extremely evil song, came out again.

"Roar!" "Roar!" ...

As the flute sounded, there was a burst of fierce beasts around, and the ground underneath trembling suddenly.

Obviously, all the beasts here are driven by the sound of Tian Yu's flute, and are rushing towards here quickly.

In this miracle, there are many fierce beasts themselves, and because of the seed of wood elements, the shape of these fierce beasts is huge and unimaginable.

Xia Jiuyou, who was fighting Xiang Tianyu, couldn't help but stop at half-air.

The five people, Yan Meiniang and Yang Shiqi, couldn't help but startled. For a moment, they stared at each other for a while.

The fierce beast swarm came very quickly, and soon appeared in the sight of everyone, rushing from all directions, hundreds of heads, all kinds, and each body was unimaginably huge. , As if it were hills, depending on it very quickly.

"Hurry up and kill Tian Yu, and it will be trouble when these fierce beasts rush over!"

Dongfangzhi's temperament is the most decisive. He immediately drank himself, and the silver gun in his hand turned into a silver awn, and he quickly rushed towards Tian Yu.

Yang Shiqi, Yan Meiniang and others also reacted and rushed to Tian Yu.

Tian Yu could be ranked ninth in the list of guardians and guards, and naturally he was also very arrogant. His feet slammed on the ground suddenly, stomping the entire small mountain peak, and his whole person turned into a residual image. Up.


There was a loud noise.

The weapons of Yang Shiqi and the five people, as well as Xia Jiuyou's sharp mouth, were slammed together. The energy from the impact rose up like a vast ocean. The ground below, within a thousand feet, was all The blast of air burst into huge cracks.

The six of Yang Shiqi were naturally shocked and flew out.

At this time, the fierce beasts around them had already rushed to thousands of feet. I saw Tian Yu drawing a beautiful arc in the air and rushing towards the fierce beasts.

"Haha, even if you have many people and want to kill me, it is impossible!"

Tian Yu laughed madly, and the next moment, he ran straight into the mouth of a fierce beast, and the whole person disappeared.

Such a scenario is almost unreal as a dream.

"He will use these beasts to escape and stop him!"

This time, Yang Shiqi was the first to react, and her flying body suddenly turned a weird angle, holding the golden war sword to stab the fierce beast very fast, the speed was beyond description.


Immortal ancient sword emperor's war sword, the power is unimaginable, Yang Shiqi thrust the sword into the body of the fierce beast. Opened, and turned into the sky of minced meat.

However, there was no Tian Yu in the body of the fierce beast.

Yang Shiqi froze there, blinking in disbelief.

"What scenario?"

At this time, Yan Meiniang, Dongfangzhi and others had also rushed over. Yan Meiniang touched her beautiful forehead and asked.

"No Tian Yu."

Yang Shiqi shook her head and looked confused, extremely confused: "I clearly saw him rush into the body of this fierce beast, however, I killed the fierce beast with a sword, but did not find Tian Yu.

Yan Meiniang and others all showed incredible colors one by one.

"Boom!" "Boom!" ...

Hundreds of fierce beasts did not attack Yang Shiqi's six people, but surrounded them, running continuously, deafening, and the huge body shaking constantly, which dazzled people.

"Haha, I'm going to leave Tian Yu, just a few of you, and you want to stop me? It's whimsical!"

Among the fierce beasts that kept running around, Tian Yu's body suddenly burst into laughter.

"He is inside that fierce beast!"

At the same time, the six people on the field locked their eyes on the fierce beast. At the same time, everyone's face was shocked to the extreme. Tian Yu had entered the body of another fierce beast unconsciously How did you get in?

Obviously, this is not the time to think about this issue. Yang Shiqi looked at each other and then attacked the fierce beast at the same time.

With the fighting power of the six of them, they attacked at the same time, directly killing the beast into a blood mist, and even the bones were shattered.

However, there is still no Tian Yu!

Everyone was stunned, dumbfounded.

"I said it all, you can't stop me!"

Tian Yu's voice came from the body of another fierce beast.

"Paralyzed, what the hell? If you don't believe you can't kill you!"

Xia Jiuyou had become annoyed, and his mouth began to explode, and his huge body turned into a golden awn, killing the fierce beast quickly.

Yan Meiniang and others, without delay, rushed to the past.


The huge body of the fierce beast was once again teamed up by six people and killed into a blood mist.

It's just a pity that I still don't see Tian Yu's shadow!

"Obviously, everything you do is in vain!"

Tian Yu's voice rang from the body of another fierce beast.


Yang Shiqi and six others, without a word, joined forces again to kill the fierce beast into blood mist.

Still didn't see Tian Yu's figure.

In the next scene, it is already conceivable that Tian Yu's voice continued to sound in the bodies of these fierce beasts, but Yang Shiqi's six people beheaded the beasts of the head, but they never saw the shadow of Tian Yu.

Such a scene was really strange to the extreme. He clearly heard Tian Yu's voice, which was seen through the forehead of a certain fierce beast, but after killing the fierce beast, Tian Yu's shadow was not seen.

They didn't even know how Tian Yu got into the body of the beast, let alone how he left.

It can only be said that Tian Yu's beast manipulation technique is really perfect, and just thinking about it can make people scalp numb.

"Haha, I'm leaving, I won't make you play, you remember, all of you here will eventually die and there will never be a second situation!"

Tian Yu's voice came from the body of a certain fierce beast.

As his words fell, those fierce beasts that had been running around in circles suddenly flew away and scattered in all directions, dazzling people.

In the blink of an eye, these fierce beasts ran without a trace, and Tian Yu was naturally hiding in the body of a certain fierce beast, and escaped easily, leaving only six people including Yang Shiqi, staring at each other.

"Paralytic, is this true?"

Xia Jiuyou blinked her red eyelashes, the look on her beautiful face, shocked and unwilling.


Yang Shiqi drummed the pink cheeks on both sides of the drum, breathed out a sigh of relief, and returned to the gods: "As the ninth guardian on the guardian list, it is really terrible, just like the same ghost."

"Beast Soul Master, before entering this fifth floor, we have not touched."

Dongzhi's petite little face is also filled with horror, and frowned slightly: "But I think that even the most powerful person in this world can't really be like a ghost and sneak into without leaving traces. The body of a fierce beast, and then came out without leaving a trace, he must have rushed in from the mouth of those fierce beasts, because he is a beast soul master, so that the fierce beast does not hurt him. "

After a pause, Dongfangzhi continued to analyze: "And we rushed over to kill the beast, but we couldn't find Tian Yu's figure, that is, he had left the body of that beast and entered another one. In the body, as for how he left, it should come out of the body. Those fierce beasts are too large, and the side facing us is intact, but the side carrying us must be broken by Tian Yu. A big hole. "

"It makes sense!"

Yan Meiniang, who was wearing a red robe, nodded clearly: "He entered the body of a fierce beast, let out words, and then quickly broke open the body of the fierce beast and entered the body of another fierce beast, those The fierce beasts he has entered, in fact, even if we do n’t kill them, they will die soon, but we move too fast, and have n’t waited for it to fall, they have already killed it into blood mist. "

An extremely bizarre thing, after an analysis by Dongfangzhi and Yan Meiniang, was clear at a glance, and there was nothing strange at all.

"He is just the ability to escape, but he dare not fight us head-on, it is not a problem."

Xia Jiuyou glanced at the tempting ruddy little mouth disdainfully.

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