The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1914: Three thousand kilometers

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"Go, we continue to kill Qin Yi three of them."

Tian Yu waved his hand.

Obviously, a few of them, at the moment, were all full of energy, obtained a lot of Emperor Liquid, and maybe even obtained the legendary miracle. It was exciting just to think about it.

After two hours of Tian Yu and their departure, Dongfangzhi led Yan Zhuxin, Xia Jiuyou, Long Yan, and Xuan Lan, and they also came to the edge of this cliff. Several of them looked up and stared. East skyline.

"In this case, it's very much like a mantis catching a cicada's cardinal, but we are not playing this trick."

Dongfangzhi smiled shallowly, and then she reached out and recalled a Lingwu, browsing the pictures she had taken with spiritual knowledge. After a while, she put Lingwu back into the air: "At present, Tian Yu's horse is far from Qin The three of them are not far away. If I am not wrong, within three days, Tian Yu will start working with them on Qin Yi. Now, we will be on our way at full speed. "

Yan Zhuxin, Xia Jiuyou, Long Yan, and Xuan Lan all looked awkward.

Toshiba ’s talents are clear, so they also trust it extremely. They generally would not object to any suggestions made by Toshiba.

After a pause, Dongfangzhi continued: "Also, Qin Yi and they seem to have collected a lot of Emperor Liquid in the east of this fifth floor. This time, we are rich."

Yan Lingiang gave the four Lingwu to Dongfangzhi. Dongzhi not only used them to track Tian Yu and others, but also let them pay attention to Qin Yi's movements.

Qin Yi has collected a lot of Emperor Liquid?

Listening to Dongfangzhi's statement, Yan Zhuxin and the three of them are all energized.

Only Long Yan, only lacked interest and pouted.

Emperor Liquid, for him, is shit!

A lot of golden shit!

Before in the Western Regions, Long Yan constantly challenged the cultivator everywhere to get his strength, and made a big breakthrough. The dragon blood lineage in the body had activated a lot.

The dragon ball given to him by Qin Yi at that time had been smashed into the Dantian Office by Long Yan, and nourished it by fighting Dragon Profound Qi.

The existence of Dragon Ball is too far away, a lot of energy is lost in the years, and then Dragon Flame used it to activate its own Dragon Dragon blood line. The energy is almost exhausted, and it must be nourished to restore energy.

After the energy of Dragon Ball recovers, using it to activate the Dragon Blood lineage in Dragon Flame will do more with less.

If you can't activate all the dragon blood lines in your body, it is impossible for Longyan to return to the state of Emperor Xiangu, the Dragon Emperor, and Longyan himself has long realized that it is impossible to rely on battle alone. Fully combined the dragon blood of the body.

The dragon ball in its Dantian area is different from the common world-known dragon ball. The world-known dragon ball is the essence of the dragon and the moon, which gradually accumulates.

The dragon ball possessed by Long Yan was in the immortal age, and the emperor of the great dragon before the fall, condensed with his heart and blood, which contained the blood essence of the dragon.

Only Dragon's Blood Essence can fully activate the Dragon Warrior lineage in Dragon Flame.

Only by activating all the dragon blood in the body, Longyan can obtain the essence of the martial arts learned by the emperor of the Great Dragon Emperor and return to the peak state in the ancient times.

The martial arts learned by the emperor of the Great Dragon Emperor's life was actually Long Yan's own martial arts. It was just that when he died, he was almost dissipated and the martial spirit dissipated.

There was no delay next, Dongfangzhi led the men and chased Tian Yu at full speed.

These people must arrive at the scene when Tian Yu and Qin Yi confront each other. Otherwise, their action will have no meaning.

Tian Yu is too powerful, and no one dares to take it lightly in the face of such a strong enemy.

Behind Dongfangzhi and others, there are also more than ten afterimages, which are rushing towards the east, and the speed is extremely fast, which is almost the same as teleport, there is not much difference.

These more than ten afterimages are undoubtedly the drifters who had previously been active in the west. When they learned that the miracles in the west were just a lie, these drifters became angry and rushed to the east to chase down Qin Yi.

Moreover, Qin Yi's several people headed eastward, which also caused them a lot of conjecture and felt that there was a lot of articles in it.

Obviously, the eastern part of the fifth floor of this **** and demon cemetery has already been surging, and the mountains and rain are coming!

At the moment, Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi, and Yan Meiniang were still moving forward. Qin Yi, while refining the bronze mother tripod, drew spiritual power and searched for the tomb of the emperor.

And Yan Meiniang, who is so beautiful, always summons Lingwu, paying attention to Tian Yu and the movement of Dongfangzhi and others behind him.

"Oh, this Dongfangzhi has really good intelligence. She has led Zhuxin and others to catch up with Tian Yu at full speed."

Yan Meiniang put the Lingwu in her hand back into the air, habitually touched her forehead, and smiled lightly: "Obviously, she has fully understood our intentions and is cooperating with us."

"She used to be the master of the second floor, and her intellect will not be worse."

Yang Shiqi nodded deeply, and since the second floor, she has stayed with Dongfangzhi. For Dongzhizhi, naturally, she knows more than Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang.

The second day.

"Tian Yu is only 30,000 kilometers away from us."

Yan Mei Niang reported to Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi through Lingwu.

In this regard, Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi both smiled lightly, and did not take it too seriously.

The net has been spilled for a long time, waiting for Tian Yu, a big fish, to enter the net. Once Tian Yu enters the net, they will fight with all their strength to fight off the strong enemy in one fell swoop, and then get out of the trap. Among them, I have been trapped long enough.

Of course, before getting out of trouble, if they have a chance, they still want to take a look at the miracle that exists on this fifth floor. What is it?

After getting out of trouble from here, they will immediately enter the world of Xuanhuang.

Now, Yang Shiqi and Long Yan have also ranked among the top 30 of the Guardian List, and have obtained the qualification to enter the world of Xuanhuang.

However, as for Dongfangzhi, Yanzhuxin, and Xuanlan, they did not intend to enter the world of Xuanhuang, so they did not value their ranking on the Shenwei list.

On this day, Qin Yi found another Emperor's Tomb through spiritual force and collected more than 4,000 drops of Emperor Liquid.

So far, they have collected more than 80,000 drops of imperial liquid, which exceeded their original expectations.

Another day passed.

"Tian Yu is only 20,000 kilometers away from us. We should be ready to fight."

Yan Meiniang put a Lingwu back into the air, touched the beautiful forehead, and turned to Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi.

"It's only 20,000 kilometers, don't worry."

Qin Yi smiled faintly, glanced at the purple flame that was being refined, and wrapped in the continuously refining bronze mother tripod, secretly sighed: originally wanted to use it to fight Tian Yu, now it seems that it is obviously impossible Too.

Next, Yan Meiniang continued to report the situation to Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi through the pictures taken by Lingwu.

"Now, Tian Yu, they are only 10,000 kilometers away from us."

"Now, Tian Yu, they are only 8,000 kilometers away from us."

"Now, Tian Yu, they are only five thousand kilometers away from us."

"Now, Tian Yu, they are only three thousand kilometers away from us."



Qin Yi lightly exhaled, the profound energy of Tianmo ’s left hand was closed, and the purple refining flame that wrapped the bronze mother tripod suddenly extinguished, and then the palm of his hand turned over, and the bronze mother tripod was taken back into the ring, and the cloud of smoke The spear was taken out.

Although the humanoid weapon made out of Qian Yuxin's skeleton was not weak, Qin Yi still used the smoke cloud spear more smoothly.

The lance was clenched in his hand, and Qin Yi's chest was irresistibly rolling with a tremendous fighting spirit, and his whole temperament also changed instantly, like a sword with a sheath and a forehead. Between this world.

At this time, both Yang Shiqi and Yan Meiniang also took out their own weapons. Both of their war swords were faintly showing a cold sword spirit, which made people's hearts uncontrollable. There was a chill.

In particular, Yang Shiqi's golden battle sword, she did nothing, just hold it in her hand, and the golden glow flashed, the sharp sword gas was shaving people's cheeks, and it was painful.

"Then, what is the situation of Toshiba on their side?"

Qin Yi turned around and asked Yan Mei Niang.

"Dongfangzhi led Zhu Xin and they were very close to Tian Yu. They are just Tian Yu. They have focused their attention on us. It seems that they have not found Dongzhi and others behind them."

Yan Meiniang said: "And the more than a dozen drifters behind Dongfangzhi are still some distance away from Dongfangzhi, and it will take some time to come over."

Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi were clear.

The war is coming, and an invisible tension is unknowingly pervading.

It is about three thousand kilometers away from here.

A stone mountain was split in half by Yang Shiqi's sword. On the top of half of the stone mountain, Tian Yu, wearing a rotten coat of fur, stood quietly there, in the deep eyes , Radiating the eyes of a eagle like a eagle.

Shi Yangyun, Lu Feng, the three Taoist strongmen, and the two Golden Lux, stood respectfully beside Tian Yu.

Tian Yu glanced at the lower two halves of the stone mountain and said slowly, "Did you see it? This stone mountain was indeed an emperor's tomb. The golden bones are the bones of the ancient emperor."

"Qin Yi and they have found so many emperor tombs in the east, and the harvest is absolutely amazing. Although I have never met him, I have to thank him for collecting so much emperor liquid for us."

Shi Yangyun said with a smile.

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