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What appeared to them was a stone mountain. The stone mountain was not very big, but its shape was a little strange.

Moreover, on the stone mountain, there is obviously a trace of ancient breath.

Feeling the ancient breath in this stone mountain, Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi, and Yan Meiniang all showed a fanaticism on their faces.

"Sure enough, there are some doors. This stone mountain seems to be really an emperor's tomb."

Qin Yihe snorted, and flipped his hand out of the Na Jie, and took out the black skeleton: "Now, it is time to verify the power of this Qian Yuxin's skeleton."

"Wait, let me come."

Yang Shiqi on the side was holding Qin Yi's hand.

Qin Yi stunned and turned to smile at Yang Shiqi: "Alright, let us see the power of the golden sword of the ancient sword emperor."

Yan Mei Niang beside Qin Yi said nothing, and there was a look of anticipation on her face.

Now Yang Shiqi's weapon is the golden war sword of the ancient sword emperor. How powerful is it?


Yang Shiqi nodded, and a little confidence appeared on her small face, and she didn't say much anymore. She turned over and took out the golden war sword.

As she penetrated the Xuanqi through the Yellow Sword of War, the Yellow Sword of War suddenly soared to tens of feet in length, a golden awn flourishing and dazzling, this is a war sword made out of real gold.

A majestic sword qi was also revealed from the golden sword body, and there was a fiery pain in the cheeks of Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang.

They wiped their hands with their hands, and immediately touched a handful of blood, and they were all shocked and hurried away.

Now, the constitutions of Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang are not arrogant. However, the sword spirit exuded by the sword emperor's yellow sword battle sword directly cut their cheeks.

It is indeed the war sword of the ancient sword emperor of Xian, such a domineering sword spirit, and practitioners below the four realms of emperor Dao, I am afraid that this sword spirit will be directly torn into pieces.

Looking at thousands of feet away, the peerless girl holding dozens of feet of golden war sword, Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang were shocked to add.

"Now, the" sword power "in Yang Shiqi's body has only released two-thirds, that is, he has been overbearing so far. If all the breakthroughs have reached the seal, I can't imagine how to overbear?"

Yan Mei-niang ’s beautiful face was full of horror, and she turned to look at Qin Yi: "Did you not encounter the Sword Emperor in your magical journey in the past? Tell me how much she did Strong? "

"In that trip, to be honest, I have not seen the sword emperor's shot. At that time, she was talking about the Tao, spreading the broad and profound sword Dao to the world."

Qin Yi said.

Regarding the sword emperor's argument, he can still remember clearly for so many years now.

Kendo is a kind of martial arts. In order to use the sword to its fullest power, you must understand it and integrate it into the swordsmanship, you can achieve the true unity of the sword and the sword.

Dao is a higher-level existence than martial arts. Although Qin Yi has broken through the six steps of Emperor Dao, he is still a little hazy about Dao and cannot always touch the true drops of Dao.

Thousands of feet ahead.

Wearing a white robe, Yang Shiqi's extraordinary style, holding a tens of feet of gold war sword on his lapel, has rushed from the ground to the sky, set there, white clothes fluttering, blue silk flying.

As she madly surged the profound energy in her body, the air within a few thousand feet around her was also rapidly rotating around her, forming a huge swirling nest, and flying rocks and stones.

Then she slowly lifted the dozens of feet of gold war sword slowly, raised the sword tip to the sky, and a golden awn was shot directly into the sky, and the vast sword gas stirred the clouds in the sky. It was also spinning slowly, that golden mandrel shot on the cloud, reflected down, and put it in the world, all reflected in a piece of gold.

The entire emperor, the energy is magnificent, the sword is vertical and horizontal.


With a sigh of applause, Yang Shiqi clasped the golden war sword in both hands and slashed down towards the stone mountain in front of him.

As her sword hacked out, a golden sword-mand of hundreds of feet long emerged from the blade of the golden war sword, piercing the sky, and dividing the world into two.


In the loud noise, the ground moved.

The hundreds of feet of golden sword shadows were severely split on the stone mountain, from the top of the stone mountain to the root of the mountain.

"Boom ..."

The two halves of the stone mountain slowly divided towards the two sides.

This stone mountain obviously contains a kind of magic circle. Although the endless years have passed, the power of the magic circle has been worn away by the years, but it still has a certain imprisonment power.

Even so, Yang Shiqi still used a sword to divide the stone mountain into two.

What a powerful sword!

Thousands of feet away, Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, seeing that the stone mountain that has been divided on both sides, were completely stunned, and the chin shattered, and the heart was very calm.

With a sword, a stone mountain will be placed. This kind of scene is almost unreal as an illusion.

At this moment, they had already seen Yang Shiqi's body, and faintly saw the style of the sword emperor, tall, and magnificent during the immortal years, only to worship, not to climb!

After splitting the stone mountain in half with a sword, Yang Shiqi has fallen from the sky like a nine-day celestial immortal, and has landed slowly from the sky, and the golden war sword in his hand has returned to normal.

"Well, this sword of mine is pretty good?"

Yang Shiqi turned back and smiled happily at Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, and then lifted the snowy, pointed chin slightly and raised a slight arrogant look on his face.

Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang recovered, looked at each other, and returned to Yang Shiqi. Qin Yichong rubbed Yang Shiqi's hair: "Jianghuang is the sword emperor, we have to say, we are really The sword is amazing. "

"All I want is to hum!

Yang Shiqi was not at all humble, she was pretty Xiongqiang, humming, the arrogance on her face was a little thicker, and she looked like her, Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang almost laughed out loud.

Their previous judgments were obviously correct. The stone mountain in front, which was split in half by Yang Shiqi with a sword, and a golden awn protruded from the bottom.

Seeing this piece of golden mansions, Qin Yi and the three of them rushed past, and saw that the inside of the stone mountain was artificially chiseled into a tomb, but the tomb was already split by Yang Shiqi with the stone mountain. And follow one for two.

Inside the tomb, like the emperor's tomb that Qin Yi found before, there are twelve stone lions all around, and in the center of the tomb, there are a few golden bones. Emperor liquid.

Looking down at the golden bones, a large piece of Emperor Liquid, and the faces of Qin Yi's three people, all showed a thick happy color. Without a word, they moved the golden bones away and prayed for a few weeks. It was polite to put away all the big pieces of emperor liquid without dropping any drops.

"How many emperor liquids are there?"

Yan Meiniang and Yang Shiqi both looked at Qin Yi with eager faces.

Qin Yi reached out his left hand and touched it slowly on top of Emperor Liquid, and immediately knew the number of Emperor Liquid: "There are more than six thousand drops."

"More than six thousand drops, although this amount is not very ideal, but it is not bad, hehe!"

Yang Shiqi was also very contented and smiled happily: "You know, we are now in escape, but we can get this piece of emperor liquid, that is an extra harvest."

"Collect these emperor liquids first, and wait for them to share with Zhuxin, and then share them evenly. Now everyone is a companion tied to the same boat.

Yan Meiniang habitually touched her forehead and said.

"I mean that too."

Qin Yi nodded.

More than six thousand drops of Emperor Liquid were temporarily kept by Qin Yi, who were all taken into the Nahua by Qin Yi, where they piled up a golden hill.

However, these more than six thousand drops of Emperor's Liquid are filled into the Nahua, but they have not yet occupied one-tenth of the Nahua's space.

Najie is a very peculiar existence. On the surface is a ring polished with sapphire, but there is a large space inside.

In fact, the current ordinances they wear are still inferior. It is said that those higher ordinances are enough to hold a mountain, or even a city.

However, they only use the Naruto to carry some items. The low-level Naruto is enough, and there is no need to wear the high-level Naruto.

Of course, even if they want higher vigilance, it is impossible, because there is no higher vigilance in this lower realm, and the scribes in this lower realm cannot create enough vigilance to incorporate a city into it.

Higher precepts, legends only exist in the upper realm.

After accepting more than six thousand drops of Emperor's Liquid into the ring, Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi and Yan Meiniang stopped delaying and continued their journey, hoping to flee to the east.

Although they are fleeing, their speed is actually not very fast. They are idle, and this fifth floor is vast. Even if Tian Yu can pass the ghost eagle and know their whereabouts, it is not easy to chase them down.

Moreover, Qin Yi also has his own plan. If Tian Yu has been unable to catch up with several others, how can he kill him in one fell swoop?

The three didn't teleport, but they flew in the air.


At a certain moment.

Qin Yi's violent figure froze again.

"what happened?"

Yang Shiqi and Yan Mei Niang stopped, both looked at Qin Yi with curiosity.

On Qin Yi's handsome face, there was a fanatic color leisurely: "On the right, about 50,000 feet away from us, another stone mountain appeared. The shape of the stone mountain is somewhat similar to the previous one. It seems to be another emperor's tomb. "


Wen Yan, Yang Shiqi and Yan Meiniang were both stunned, and they blinked incredulously there:

Actually ... another tomb appeared!

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