The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1897: Too tempting

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"You really are an extremely intelligent woman. Now, there is another Dongfangzhi. With the two of you beside me, I don't believe that Tian Yu can't do it."

Lifting a finger and gently scraping on Yan Meiniang's pretty nose, Qin Yi smiled lightly, and then, with a slight regret, sighed: "I knew that Lu Feng was Tian Yu's person. He should be killed. "

After scratching the bridge of Qin Yi's itchy nose, I felt Qin Yi's indulgence, Yan Mei Niang's heart, once again a thick sweet: as long as you can stay by this kid, even if it is a knife Under the fire, I didn't frown, hum!

"A land breeze, in fact, it doesn't matter, even if he had one more, there would be nothing extra."

Yan Mei-niang groaned a little: "It's just that we don't know how many people are under Tian Yu's men? If we control a huge organization like Toshiba on the second floor, we are in trouble, and, After Lu Feng goes back, he will definitely report our situation to Tian Yu. We are telling him that he is in the dark and ca n’t be guarded, so we must be careful in our future actions. "

Qin Yi nodded and frowned, saying: "The possibility of a large organization under Tian Yu's hands is not that great, because he is a beast soul division and can drive fierce beasts to attack us. There is no need for any organization at all. . "


Yan Meiniang said: "Moreover, the fierce beasts on this fifth floor are much more horrible than the mutant wild beasts on the fourth floor. So, we people get together, although It is already a force that cannot be ignored, but the situation is still very dangerous. "

She waved her delicate hand: "Now we haven't formally confronted him, and we have no way of knowing his specific situation, and it is not easy to plan. Let's take Yang Shiqi and Xuan Lan first."

The two no longer delayed, and again hurriedly hurried toward the north of the fifth floor of the demon cemetery.

Obviously, the Tian Yu they are going to face is much more terrible than the fourth-level Gongzulu. Gongzulu is proficient in only the technique of Yin and Yang, controlling the power of Yin and Yang existing between heaven and earth, attacking As long as the opponent can resist or destroy his Yin-Yang technique, he can easily defeat him.

Tian Yu is different. He can drive off endless beasts to attack you without even showing his body. This scenario, just thinking about it, knows how terrible it is.

However, Qin Yi had to face it. This was his destiny and could not be changed. At the time of the Xiangu epoch, the King of Kyushu had changed his life against his body in the afterlife.

It can be said that Qin Yi's current destiny was set by the King of Kyushu, and its purpose is of course to sharpen him.

Under the rapid development, more than ten days later, Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang had almost crossed the fifth floor of this demon cemetery and came to the north.

This northern part is just like the northern wilderness of the mainland of Kyushu. It is very desolate, and very few see the activities of practitioners.

At this moment, within the scope of Qin Yi's spiritual power, a quaint tomb city stood alone.

"Sister Yang, I'm here!"

Perceiving the existence of the tomb city, Qin Yi's heart bursts with joy that cannot be contained.

Under the rapid development, he and Yan Meiniang quickly came to the sky above the tomb city, and then collected the profound energy in the body, and both landed from the air.


With the sound of "Peng", the feet stepped on the solid ground, and the sound of sipping was also heard from the tomb.

At the next moment, two graceful and charming bodies emerged from the tomb, standing in front of Qin Yi and Yan Meiang.

"Qin Yi, sister Mei Niang ..."

When looking at Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang clearly, the two graceful and charming bodies were all trembling, and they were stunned like five thunders.

There is no doubt that Huo Ran is Yang Shiqi and Xuan Lan in front of them. Yang Shiqi is always a white robe, with exquisite facial features, almost white as a fat, and astonishing.

Xuan Lan, beside him, was wearing a light blue tunic, which was also suffocatingly charming.

"Sister Yang, Xuan Lan, finally saw you again."

Qin Yi touched his nose and showed a warm smile to them, then opened his arms slowly.

Yang Shiqi in front immediately understood, immediately screamed, and rushed over desperately, struggling into Qin Yi's arms, two white snake-like arms clasped Qin Yi, as if he wanted to melt into himself Qin Yi's body is general.

"Woo, Qin Yi, if you don't show up again, I will think you are dead."

The usual thoughts about Qin Yi, at this moment, all turned into tears, as if bursting out of the embankment, overflowing with jade cheeks on both sides of Yang Shiqi.

With the effort to embrace Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi's chest of extremely large size was soft, and he pressed it hard. He squeezed heavily on Qin Yi's chest and became two large pancakes.

"Sister Yang's two seats are still so cool to press. This feeling has not changed in all these years."

Qin Yi was crushed and relaxed, and his eyes swept consciously downward, only to see Yang Shiqi's two big seats, bulging from his junction, full of thrilling visual impact.


It's ... too tempting!

Qin Yi looked dumbfounded, his throat knotted upward, and swallowed hard.

Yang Shiqi in her arms was aware of Qin Yi's abnormalities, and could not help but lifted her cheek buried in Qin Yi's chest slightly, and secretly glanced at Qin Yi, but he saw him look demented, looking demented. Own neckline.

"This villain, for so many years, is still in such a color, it has not changed at all."

Yang Shiqi was embarrassed, and the jade cheeks were hot on both sides. However, Qin Yi was so obsessed with her figure, but her heart was breeding an inexplicable pride. The two big seats on her chest were quite subconscious, and they were subconscious. In Qin Yi's arms, he pushed hard.

Oh ... It's so cool, it will kill me!

Qin Yi felt pushed into the clouds and fog, and the whole person had a wonderful feeling like a fairy.

Just the next moment.


He screamed suddenly, and there was a sharp pain in his waist, and his teeth were grinning.

However, Yang Shiqi reached out quietly and pinched a hand on Qin Yi's waist: "Bad guy, that color."

She bulged the pink cheeks on both sides, let go of Qin Yi, turned slightly, and left Qin Yi sideways, and then moved the two seats in front of her chest deliberately lightly, slightly trembling, full of fatal lure , Puzzled.

This dead Nizi, she is clearly trying to torture me, while deliberately enticing and confusing me, while secretly pinching me!

Qin Yi sighed, the pain in the waist remained, but his eyes fell on Yang Shiqi's two trembling seats. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move away.


"Hee hee!"

Seeing this scene played by the two of them, Yan Meiniang and Xuan Lan on the side already laughed almost to the ground.

This pair of lovers is really fun. I have n’t seen them for years. Anyone who wants to meet up will stage such a funny show.

But they have to admit that although this is funny, it is still very unhealthy, but it is quite touching and exciting.

If this lover can win this lover, it is enough!

"This is the punishment that made me think so lucky for so many years! Hum!"

The glazed eyes circulated and glanced at Qin Yi's waist. Yang Shiqi lifted the snow-white pointy cute little chin slightly, and the beautiful little face showed a proud look.

Hearing this, Qin Yi couldn't help crying and laughing, would you miss me, could this also rest on my head?

He sighed secretly in his heart, woman, really is a kind of magical animal, thinking can not be speculated with common sense.

After rectifying Qin Yi fiercely, Yang Shiqi also put away her fun heart and picked up Qin Yi's arm again. The two big seats with a super size in front of her chest slowly pressed Qin Yi's arm again. On the top, I took care of Qin Yi's clothes gently, and said: "Unexpectedly, you and Mei Niang sister found me and Xuan Lan so quickly. ? "

She stretched her hands delicately to Qin Yi's waist, and rubbed gently at the place where she had just pinched her hand.

"No pain."

Qin Yi grabbed Yang Shiqi's catkins and held it tightly in the palm of his hand, saying, "You and Xuanlan are in this tomb city. How can Mei Niang and I rest assured that you will find you through Lingwu We immediately dare to come to the news. Now Dongfangzhi and Longyan have already joined us. "

Wen Yan, Yang Shiqi and Xuan Lan both nodded.

Yan Meiniang, who was on the side, spoke at this time, and looked at Yang Shiqi and Xuan Lan respectively, and asked, "What is the current practice of the two of you?"

"My current practice is the pinnacle of Emperor Dao's Five Realms."

Yang Shiqi said.

"me too."

Xuan Lan, who was wearing a light blue robe, also nodded.

Before that, she had not actually met Yan Meiniang. Of course, along the way, Yan Meiniang ’s name, but from the mouth of Dongfangzhi and others, she had heard many times that she was also Kyushu. A guardian of the Holy See, and has always followed Qin Yi's side, as long as Qin Yi appears, there will be Yan Mei Niang.

At the same time, she also learned that Yan Mei Niang was a very intelligent woman.

"Xuan Lan, in the past, you were in the Magnolia Continent. Helped Xuan Xuan to find the blood flag. Was it smooth?"

Qin Yi asked Xuan Lan.

Yan Mei Niang, beside her, was also curious, looking at Xuan Lan.

In the past, she was ordered by Qian Qiushui, and she followed Qin Yi secretly with Bai Lu, went to the Magnolia Continent, and slaughtered Qin Yi. At that time, she knew the actions of Qin Yi's group and her. Following the return, naturally, there is no way to know what happened to the Blood Banner.

"With the proprietor of our Xuan Family Intelligence Pavilion's advice and suggestions, everything will naturally come naturally, huh, huh."

Xuan Lan lifted that delicate little face slightly, with a somewhat proud look, apparently proud of the talent of the Xuan Family Intelligence Patriarch.

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