The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1894: Get together

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"I hope so."

Qin Yi nodded, reached out to grab the bronze mother tripod back, palmed it up, and put it back into the ring.

At present, with his own strength, he still can't refine this bronze mother tripod, so he will wait until Xiuwei makes another breakthrough.

At this moment.

"Yang Shiqi, Long Yan, Dongfangzhi, Xuanlan of the Kyushu Holy See, have successfully surpassed the central ladder of the fourth floor of the Existence and Divine Tomb and entered the fifth floor."

That heavy and loud voice sounded again in the minds of Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang.

Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang were immediately struck by lightning, and suddenly shocked, completely stupefied there, and then they recovered again, and their faces were all filled with joy.

"Sure enough, as we had expected before, there is a peerless talented girl like Dongfangzhi, they don't move, and once they move, they are absolutely like a bamboo shoot!"

Yan Mei-niang sighed, and then looked at Qin Yi again with special meaning: "Your sweetheart and love have already reached this fifth floor. Is your heartbeat now accelerating?"

In response, Qin Yi nodded calmly. He and Yang Shiqi had not met each other for too long, and they did not know what height she had grown up to now. The "sword power" sealed in her body had been solved. How much is sealed.

As for Yang Shiqi's past life, when Tong was on the **** mountain where the upper level of the Kyushu Holy See lived, Tong Ming Wang had already revealed it to Qin Yi.

"Actually, not only do I want to take a look at Sister Yang, I also want to take a look at my brother, Longyan, who was born and died, but he was born again from the reincarnation of Emperor Xiangu the Great Dragon."

Qin Yi touched his nose.


Yan Meiniang smiled: "I will release the seven Lingwu now to see where the four of them are. At that time, we will pick them up here, but if the four of them come in again, this The stone cave is obviously crowded. "

Yan Meiniang and Yang Shiqi have a good relationship. In fact, she also wants to take a look at this peerless genius.

She stepped out of the stone cave, turned the jade palm, and took out the beast soul map. In one exhibition, the seven spirits were rushed out of the beast soul map and turned into seven huge flames. Soaring into the sky, they dispersed in seven directions, and a few blinks, they disappeared into the sky.

Next, just wait.

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

The seven Lingwu released by Yan Meiniang came back one after another. She drew out the spiritual power and dived into Lingwu's eyes one by one, browsing through the pictures they had taken over and over.

"I found the whereabouts of the four of them. The four of them were also separated by the two of them. Yang Shiqi and Xuan Lan had already found a tomb city and temporarily stayed. They knew that I had seven spirits. Wu, I also know that we will use Lingwu to find them, so they just sit cross-legged and meditate over the tomb so that Lingwu can find them better. "

Yan Mei-niang ’s eyes are radiant, her beautiful face is full of joy: "While Dongzhi and Longyan, they have been sitting cross-legged and meditating on the edge of a cliff. They are far from us. Recently, Yang Shiqi and Xuan Lan were transported to the north of this fifth floor, very far away from us, almost across the entire fifth floor. We are now past, first meeting with Dongfangzhi and Longyan. "

Their current location is south of this fifth floor.

Without delaying time, the four immediately went out of the stone cave, each unfolding at a rapid speed, rising into the sky, and skimming towards the location of Dongfangzhi and Longyan.

Meeting with the old man is naturally heartfelt, and along the way, Qin Yi and all four of them are showing their teleportation.

Even so, when they reached the place where Dongfangzhi and Longyan were, it was already ten days later.

When the familiar figures of Dongfangzhi and Longyan appeared in the eyes, the faces of Qin Yi, Yan Meiniang, Yan Zhuxin, and Xia Jiuyou were all excited and overflowing.

Dongfangzhi is still wearing a red armor, wearing red armor and wearing a blue shirt, the whole person looks heroic.

And Long Yan is also a silver robe forever, with silver hair all over his head, fluttering slowly in the wind, his face pang Junmei, looks very chic.


As the body's profound energy suddenly collapsed, the four of them descended from that high altitude, and their feet were kicked on the solid ground.

While Longyan and Dongfangzhi, who were meditating in practice in front of their legs, heard the movements, they all opened their eyes gently.

Looking at the front, Qin Yi, who is slowly stepping on, and Long Yan and Dongfangzhi were stunned, and their faces immediately showed a strong joy.

"Hahaha, Qin Yi, we finally met again!"

Long Yan laughed happily and rushed forward, punching Qin Yi in the chest: "How is it? Even if you leave first, are we still catching up with your pace? It feels like, I have n’t seen you for many years, and you seem to have made some big breakthroughs. You have already reached the peak of the Five Realms. Hey, let ’s make a comparison. "

This madman will be killed as soon as he meets!

After hearing this, Qin Yi burst into tears and laughed.

The three Yan Yanniang, Yan Zhuxin, and Xia Jiuyou were also very funny.

"forget it."

Qin Yi patted Long Yan on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Although your current practice is only to break through the middle of Emperor Dao's Five Realms, but I can feel your strength, the War Dragon blood in your body has been activated almost. Right? "

"That's it, don't look at who I am? The Dragon Warrior bloodline in Jiji is not pediatric."

Long Yan's temperament has not changed at all, or he never knows what humility is. When the chest is about to be proudly lightened, "Two thirds have been activated, and one third have not been activated."

After hearing this, Qin Yi nodded.

Dragon inflammation is the reincarnation of the immortal ancient dragon Emperor. The so-called activation of the dragon blood is actually just to awaken the blood of his own previous life.

Moreover, he has a dragon ball left by his previous life. With the help of that dragon ball, it is naturally not too difficult to activate the blood of the previous life.

"Oh, I expected that you should appear."

Dongfangzhi stood up and slowly moved two slender and sturdy beautiful legs and walked towards everyone. On the delicate face, there was a pleasant light smile.

While still on the second floor, Dongfangzhi helped them a lot, otherwise they would definitely not enter the third floor so smoothly, and later, she definitely gave Yang Shiqi, Long Yan, Xuan Lan three Less help.

Therefore, Qin Yi's heart is full of gratitude to her.

"Sister Yang, Long Yan, and Xuan Lan can enter this fifth floor with great momentum. Sister Oriental, you must have contributed. I thank them for this generation."

Qin Yi sincerely thanked Dongfangzhi.

In the past, she was the master of the second tier, and their skill was clever, they had all seen it.

"Qin Yi, if you say that, you'll be out of sight. Didn't you also help Bi Chen ascend to the Holy Girl in the past?"

Dongfangzhi shrugged its delicate fragrance shoulders.

"By the way, what's the situation now like Om Guqing, Phoenix Patriarch, Wan Jian Patriarch and others?"

Qin Yi changed the subject and asked after touching his nose.

What he said was all the old people who fought together in the past. Qin Yi also missed several of them.

In particular, the nine-tailed green fox is the totem of the green fox tribe. It is divided into nine stunning girls. Only when the nine girls become strong can they form a nine-tailed green fox.

The task of sharpening the nine stunning girls fell on the delicate shoulders of Ou Guqing. It can be said that Ou Guqing shouldered the rise and fall of the entire Green Fox tribe.

"Relax, since Ou Guqing can provoke the heavy responsibility of the entire tribe, he must have some intelligence. When we entered the third floor, I will now hand over the position of the ruling master of the 'Hellbringer' organization. It ’s also a kind of care for her. The entire “regional messenger” organization listens to her to give orders, and several ancestors like Phoenix Patriarch and Wan Jian Patriarch are willing to assist her and follow her. ”

Dongfangzhi said: "When we left the second floor in the past, the nine identities and identities of the nine-tailed green fox have already grown up. It is estimated that the nine-tailed green fox has been successfully integrated without problems."

Hearing Dongfangzhi ’s words, Qin Yi was completely relieved. As long as the Nine-Tailed Green Foxes successfully joined together, their strength will break through to a whole new level, and there will be no problem in entering the fourth level.

"I want to hear what you plan to do next."

Dongfang Zhixiu's eyes swept away slowly on the faces of Qin Yi, Yan Meiniang, Yan Zhuxin and Xia Jiuyou.

"When I was on the second floor, I already told you that this **** and demon cemetery was a killer for me and Mei Niang. Starting from the second floor, Qian Qiushui was arranged on every floor. Master, squat down to kill me and Mei Niang. "

After a pause, Qin Yi continued: "And the man who killed me and Mei Niang on the fifth floor was Tian Yu, who was ranked 9th on the guardian's list, before entering this devil tomb. , Luo Feng once reminded us that he is a beast soul division and can summon fierce beasts to attack us, so how bad our situation can be imagined ... "

"The next thing you want to say is that if I were with you, I would be involved in this swirling nest, right?"

Dongfangzhi interrupted Qin Yi's words and smiled.


Qin Yi touched his nose: "After all, you have no grievances with Tian Yu. If you are not with us, he will naturally not do anything to you."

"indeed so."

Toshiba shrugged his face, and immediately said: "But who am I Toshiba? We are friends, and we are all reasonable. I should help you. The stronger Tian Yu, the more I should help you, right? "

Hearing Dongfangzhi's words, everyone in the room stared at each other there for a moment, and there was a warmth flowing in his heart.

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