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However, this is just their temporary residence, so they didn't care. Next, Yan Zhuxin started to use stone to cut up temporary furniture such as stone benches, stone tables, and stone beds.

Yan Zhuxin comes from the Yan tribe. It seems that he has a special talent in this respect. He has a clever mind and the cut furniture is very delicate and beautiful.

After a long and busy day, a warm "home" was laid out under Yan Zhuxin's skillful hands.

"How is it, the home I put out is not bad?"

Yan Zhuxin spread her hands, her beautiful face, full of sense of accomplishment.

"It's really good, with the potential of a good wife and mother."

Looking at the stone cave, delicate stone benches, stone beds, stone tables and other stone tools, Qin Yi nodded his head with satisfaction.

Gained the appreciation of Qin Yi, Yan Zhuxin's heart was flowing with a thick honey, her beautiful eyes were flowing, and she looked at Qin Yi with a beautiful look, the corner of her mouth was slightly raised: "I finally found that I have a good wife and good wife Mother's potential, do you love me a little more? "

"Does this need to be said?"

Yan Zhuxin hasn't spoken yet, and Xia Jiuyou, who is straight-hearted, said: "Looking at this guy's look, I'm afraid I want to start the piston mode with you immediately, haha!"

Hearing this, Qin Yi immediately rolled his eyes and glanced at Xia Jiuyou's beautiful **** of considerable size. He slowly swept and said lightly, "Jiuyou, can you not always use those four words to slap Me, in case I ca n’t hold you back one day, push you down on the spot and force the piston mode to start, you ca n’t blame me, it ’s all the result of you. ”

Xia Jiuyou lifted her pointed white chin proudly: "Hum, start the piston mode, start the piston mode, who is afraid of who, when the time comes, who will push who down, who will ruin who, really? It's hard to say. "


It is not easy to say who is devastating!

It's ... too shameless!

Yan Meiniang and Yan Zhuxin on the side suddenly heard blushing and red heart, and their heartbeat accelerated, Yan Meiniang hurriedly waved her hand: "Stop, enough."

They knew that Xia Jiuyou had a straightforward temperament, and when she said this, she would naturally not care about her, but she was just ashamed of her.


Xia Jiuyou smiled, "I don't want to disturb the three of you anymore, just go outside and start your piston mode here."

She patted the cocky ass, said to go away, turned out of the stone cave, left Qin Yi three people, stunned and looked at each other.

Xia Jiuyou ’s current cultivation practice, like Qin Yi, is the pinnacle of imperialism and five realms, plus the inherent advantage of speed, so she went out to wander alone, and Qin Yi and the three did not need to worry about her safety.

Moreover, Yan Mei-niang ’s seven Lingwus have been active outside. Yan Mei-niang even asked one of them to follow the action of the blood ghost. Once Xia Jiu-you is in danger, they can immediately find out and hurry up Rescue in the past.


Ten thousand kilometers away from the cave where Qin Yi and they live, a quaint tomb city is located between two peaks.

The outside of the tomb city looks quite simple and old, but the inside is quite luxurious.

The ground is covered with precious animal skins, and the tables, chairs, and bed cabinets are made of animal bones. These animal bones are like jade, smooth and faintly shiny.

The strength and rigidity of these animal bones are not inferior to jade, and they are rich in color, including white, ink, gold, and blue.

Wall decorations, lighting, etc. are all made of animal bones.

The interior of the whole ancient curtain is as luxurious as a palace, full of dreamlike nobleness.

At the moment, above the main hall, on an animal skin chair, a middle-aged man sat lazily. The clothing of this middle-aged man was also made of animal skin, with blue and red on the side.

The person's face was a bit pale, eyes and hair, both of which were relatively rare, with a jade-like tiger tooth hanging around his neck.

Obviously, this person is Tian Yu, who is ranked 9th on the Kyushu Holy See.

All the furnishings in this tomb city are from some extremely rare beasts. Only a strong beast soul division can hunt so many rare beasts, and use their materials to lay out such a luxury. Ancient tomb.

The blue and red animal skin coat on the body is made of extremely miraculous beast skin. The blue color is a kind of animal skin named Xueling leopard, and the red one is It is a kind of animal skin called Fire Spirit Leopard.

The coat made by these two fierce beasts is not only warm in winter and cool in summer, but also prolongs life.

In front of Tian Yu, a grey robe old man stood respectfully with his hands down. The nose of the grey robe old man is tall and tall, which is a typical eagle hook nose.

It seems that to match his nose, this person's two eyes are also extremely deep and have a dark eagle eye.

At first glance, it looks like an eagle standing there.

"Shi Yangyun, how is the news going?"

Tian Yu played with a two-foot-long jade flute in his hand, raised his eyes slowly, and looked at the old gray robe in front of him, said lazily.

"Back to the tomb lord, since the thirty-six ghost ghost eagle was released half a month ago, there is still no one to return. This matter is just a bit tricky."

The old man in gray robe named Shi Yangyun respectfully said, "The fifth floor of this demon cemetery is one third larger than the following floors. We are looking for the whereabouts of several people. Just like finding a needle in a haystack, it will take some time. "

"Well, I naturally understand this."

Tian Yu nodded lightly and waved his hand: "You retreat."


Shi Yangyun arched his hand and left immediately. However, he just came to the entrance of the hall, but he was suddenly stopped by Tian Yu: "Wait."

"Tomb Master, what else can I tell you?"

Shi Yangyun had to turn around and said respectfully.

Tian Yu took a small jade bottle of blue color from his arms and threw it away to Shi Yangyun: "This elixir is extremely precious. It was just developed by me. The name is" Jumba ". Taken by two yellow towel Lux, their strength will double ...

"The kid named Qin Yi, since he was able to kill the Gongzulu and entered the fifth floor, it is enough to show that he is indeed very extraordinary, and that he was still promoted in the last court promotion, so In a short period of time, it can grow to such a high level. The first person of eternal age has said that it is less. It should be the first talent of eternal age. It is naturally reasonable for Qianqiushui to kill him with such enthusiasm. "

Shi Yangyun took the bi-colored small jade bottle and cautiously put it into his arms: "The tomb owner said very much that a lion, even if he kills a rabbit, will go all out, and will definitely not have something because the opponent is weak. Relax, not to mention, the Qin Yi in your mouth will definitely not be a weak rabbit. "

"Yes, this is the truth."

Tian Yu nodded and paused and said, "There are also 130 ghost blood tigers, so Bu Gang also has to step up training. Since that Qin Yi has reached the fifth floor, my confrontation with him is not far away. Carry on. "


Shi Yangyun resigned respectfully.

After a while, his figure appeared in a mountain forest. He flipped his hand and took a strangely shaped whistle from Najie, and put it in his mouth suddenly blew: "Woo ..."

"Roar!" "Roar!"

As the sharp whistle sounded, a deep beast roared in the depths of the forest in front of him, followed by the entire forest, all of which were loud and loud.

Soon, two young men rushed out of the forest and came to Shi Yangyun.

The two young men were too muscular, and they were as tall as eight feet tall. Their upper bodies were bare and naked, and they were wrapped in animal skin in their next life. The naked and exposed skin turned into golden yellow and drums. Get up and see at a glance that it is full of infinite power.

Their faces are full of flesh, and their eyes are somewhat demented, not as bright as normal.

Obviously, the two people in front of him, the Yellow Scarves in Tian Yu's mouth, were sacrificed by Tian Yu with the blood of many fierce beasts after many years.

Because they have been sacrificed by unusually violent animal blood for many years, their bones have already changed. They are several times taller than ordinary people, and their bodies are full of endless power.

Even the appearance of the two is very similar. It is difficult to identify if they are carefully identified.

In fact, these two people are not all humans anymore, but half human and half beast.

"Have seen the master planner!"

The two yellow towel luxuries stood in front of Shi Yangyun's eyes, with an unusually respectful attitude.

Shi Yangyun glanced over the unusually tall bodies of the two Yellow Scarves in front of him, and felt the absolute coercive pressure from the two of them, and nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, it seems that these years , You two have grown a lot. "

"It's all thanks to the cultivation of the tomb owner."

The two yellow towel fighters said in unison, their voices were unusually low and vague, which also gave the impression of being half human and half animal.

Shi Yangyun smiled faintly, uncomfortably, paused, reached out and took out the bottle of "Big Mac" from his arms, and threw it away: "This bottle of elixir was made by the tomb owner after much effort. , The strength of the two of you will directly double after taking it. "

It is said that the two yellow towel luxuries, with their faces full of flesh and flesh, all have a thick happy color, and they took the blue color small jade bottle, and both respected the gift: "Then ask the master counselor and take us to thank the tomb master . "

"Go take this elixir."

Shi Yangyun waved his hand: "With this elixir, the power must be very violent. If you can't bear the power, don't drink it all at once, digest it a little, you know?"


Two yellow towel fighters, with the "Big Mac" elixir, returned to the forest with some eagerness.

Looking at the two yellow towel fighters, who disappeared in the forest, Shi Yangyun smiled with satisfaction: "It's magical, two original normal practitioners, after years of hardening by the blood of the beast, can actually be transformed into The half-man and half-beast Yellow Scarlet Warrior, the tomb master's supernatural power, really let us ordinary folks out of reach ... "

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