The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1877: Du Gu Nine Sword

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On the other side, Gong Zulu's face, which is also the Du Gu Nine Sword of the Du Gu family, was extremely curious. His thousands of feet tall rushed away thousands of feet away, watching silently.

"Dugumen, let me see your Dugu Nine Swords. Isn't it worthless?"

In the cold sound, the bronze female tripod suddenly appeared on the chest of Gongzulu. Under the impulse of his profound energy, it rose to ten square feet. The surrounding of the bronze female tripod was engraved with dense obscurity. Rune, looks old and mysterious.

Gong Zulu's skeleton stood still, and his hands snapped, but on his ten fingers, it seemed that there were ten invisible threads, pulling the bronze mother to draw a green mango in the air, and ruthlessly toward the door of independence. Imprinted.

Knowing the extraordinaryness of this bronze mother tripod, Dugumen did not force his front, his right leg stepped towards the side, and the whole person turned into a very faint phantom, quickly swiping to the side.


The bronze mother tripod shot down the air and printed it on the ground. The earth moved in the mountains, and the ground was printed with a big pit.

"This bronze mother tripod is truly extraordinary."

In the distance, Yan Mei Niang and others who watched the battle were all slightly condensed, Yan Mei Niang sighed softly.

They are now thousands of feet away, but they can still feel the coercion of the bronze mother tripod.

Before coming here, Qin Yi had already mentioned Qian Yuxin's bronze mother tripod to them, and now he was at the scene and witnessed that Qian Yuxin played this bronze mother tripod, and he really felt that this bronze The extraordinary power of Mu Ding.

"Although we have never seen Shennong Ding, I have a feeling that this bronze Yuding Qian Yuxin may be Shennong Ding."

On the face of Gong Xi Ge Yu, there was a hint of fanaticism.

Among them, Gong Xi Ge Yu is the oldest and has the most extensive knowledge. The reason why his strength is slightly inferior to Yan Mei Niang is that his qualifications are not as good as Yan Mei Niang.

"However, one of the legendary top ten artifacts should be a powerful genius, not just like it is now."

Qin Yi touched his nose and stared.

Although they were not from the era of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, they had never seen their means, but since they can be regarded as the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, are they ordinary people?

It is said that Yan Meiniang and Yan Zhuxin and others around him nodded their heads. The artifacts of the three emperors and the five emperors in Xian ancient times said that they would destroy the world, which is naturally an exaggeration, but it is definitely not a practitioner here Resistant.

The male Xi Geyu in a white robe shook his head with a smile: "If the bronze mother Ding is really Shennong Ding, how can he really grasp it and exert his real power with money and rain?" At most, you can only control it with your heart, but you can't refine it. An ancient artifact like Shennong Ding must refine it and the people who control it can only exert its power. . "

Makes sense!

Hearing Gong Xigeyu's words, the eyes of Qin Yi, Yan Meiniang, Yan Zhuxin and others all could not help but illuminate slightly.

If a weapon is only controlled by mind, it can only be exerted by its surface power. If it is to release its inner power, it must be thoroughly refined, and it cannot be refined. No matter how powerful it is, it can only be said to be a sleeping elephant. Only by refining will that "elephant" wake up and become a living elephant.

Obviously, Qian Yuxin was able to obtain this bronze mother tripod, there must have been some adventures, but it is a pity that he has no ability to refine it and exert his true power.

Otherwise, today, he is the master here, and even less likely to be admitted as a slave by the ancestor.

Of course, whether Qian Yuxin's bronze mother tripod is Shennong tripod, this is still the conjecture of several people of Qin Yi. I'm afraid only Shennong himself knows whether it is, but Shennong was in the last World War In the middle, it has already fallen.

On the battlefield.

Dugumen has already shown the famous swordsmanship of the Dugu family, Dugu nine swords. The trajectory of the sword is actually very simple and simple, and there is no fancy, but each sword is the key to the opponent.

Dugumen has a sword in his hand, but it seems that all of this world and earth are his swords, and the anger of the rusty iron sword is like an invisible giant wave. The whole mind and body are cold.

However, Qian Yuxin's combat power directly doubled after taking Gongzulu's "Soul for Life", plus the bronze mother tripod, for a time, he even held a tie with Dugumen, No difference.

In the constant fierce battles between these two masters, a great deal of majestic pressure came into being, and everything within a thousand feet was destroyed, the ancient wood broke into pieces, and the stone became powder.

The ground beneath them had already been stricken by the air waves, and it was shattered, with huge cracks, criss-crossing, like a giant spider web.

"Duo Gu Men, will you not be destroyed if you don't believe it?"

Qian Yuxin had already grasped the bronze mother tripod directly in his hand, and with a scream of anger, his skeleton hand flicked and knocked out the bronze mother tripod.

The bronze mother was suddenly there, and it soared to a height of ten feet, and in the air burst into a terrible roaring sound, marking the front door alone.

Bronze mother Ding is still a hundred feet away, and the coercive pressure that has been revealed is that the black hair that covered Du Gumen's head is shocked backwards, and the clothes are hunting.

Looking at the bronze female tripod attracted by the speed, the Dugumen stood like a mountain, and the two eyes shot at the moment in the micro-condensed eyes were already sharp and indescribable. I am afraid that the cultivator below the Emperor ’s Road will be directly affected by this body. Two eyes penetrated.

Du Gu Nine Swords-Fifth Sword!

When Bronze Mother Ding attacked to a distance of only about 30 feet, Dugumen's sword came out, and the trajectory of the sword was simple and direct. It was the wrist of the sword, which was suddenly lifted and stabbed at the speed. Bronze mother tripod.


The sharp loud noises stinging the eardrums are all tingling.

The rusty iron sword stabbed directly on the bronze mother tripod, directly striking a dazzling spark. Between the two, the coercion of the majesty came out like a vast ocean, and the body of Dugumen was also affected by this. The pressure was so strong that it flew out.

At the position where Dugumen originally stood, "click" suddenly cracked out several huge cracks, which was caused by the sudden introduction of coercion into his body and into the ground through his legs.

Only at the next moment, the Dugumen flying upside down, but the rusty iron sword is lowered a bit, and the rusty iron sword is bent between the bombs. The Dugumen has already used the elastic force to rise into the sky at a rapid speed. Already held in a straight line with Rusty Iron Sword, directed towards Qian Yuxin in front of him, bursting out.

This is the sixth sword of Du Gu Nine Sword!

With the thrust of his sword, Qian Yuxin in front of him even had the illusion that nothing else existed in this world, only the rusty iron sword stabbed at the speed of Dugumen.

Although they were thousands of feet apart, Qian Yuxin's chest was still a little bit painful by the sharpness of the rusty sword.

What a strong sword!

Qian Yuxin was shocked. The bronze mother Ding hadn't had time to take it back. The whole person flashed quickly.

His skeleton had just moved, and the solitary iron sword seemed to have broken a thousand feet of space directly, and in the blink of an eye, it stuck on his chest.

However, after taking "Soul for Life", Qian Yuxin was also unbelievably arrogant. The solitary iron sword on his sternum screamed sharply like a metal impact.

And the power from the rusty iron shoved it out of the air and fell to the ground with a bang.

Qian Yuxin bounced from the ground very quickly, only to feel that the entire skeleton was about to fall apart, and his dark eye socket was obviously surprised and annoyed.

"Dugu Nine Swords-The Seventh Sword!"

Thousands of doors away from the door of the lonely door, in the cold drink, jumping high, holding the sword with both hands, the action of attack is still a simple and direct death, that is, holding the sword in the air and splitting it, it is so shocking.

It was only at this moment that the rusty iron sword in his hand suddenly revealed a white sword awn that was hundreds of feet long. The iron sword had not yet been split, and the ground was shocked by the sword gas. There was a huge rift, and as Du Gumen slashed the iron sword, it quickly extended towards Qian Yuxin.

"The Du Gu Nine Sword of the Du Gu Family really deserves its name!"

Qian Yuxin turned out that the skeleton's palm stretched out, and the bronze female tripod appeared on his palm abruptly. Even the process of flying back was not even there. Even masters like Gongzulu couldn't see clearly. How did it return to Qian Yuxin?

Qian Yuxin slammed the Bronze Mother Ding, and the Bronze Mother Ding suddenly soared to ten feet, and the whole was already showing a touch of green mansions. The green mansions were extinct, and they looked mysterious.


In the loud noise, the hundreds of feet of sword awns hacked by Du Gu Men were severely slashed on the bronze mother tripod. Qian Yuxin suddenly felt as if it was a huge mountain, and was suddenly crushed. In general, the whole person, together with the bronze mother tripod, is trapped more than ten feet deep underground.

"Today I finally had the honour to see the Dugu Nine Sword of the Dugu family. Its fierceness is truly unforgettable."

In the distance, the foot of the jade lotus, like a bamboo fiber core dusting like a fairy in nine days, had a terrifying look on his face, and murmured.

The Linger next to her, the tantalizing rosy little mouth, had already been opened into a "0" shape, the water spirit eyes, without blinking, stared at the fierce battle between the two on the battlefield. The two well-developed seats are rising and falling violently.

"The stronger these later people are, the more beneficial it will be to us. From the current situation, it is impossible for this Onmyoji to cover the sky with his hands."

The old man in white robe recovered from the shock, and sighed, his face had become a little lighter

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